Hey ... you'll love this ... somehow got routed to a site with these questions from a guy named Robert J. Elisberg ... liberals are supposed to ask conservatives.
Two points: Elisberg makes some crack about "talking points", I am ALWAYS fascinated when a liberal brings up talking points ...
gravitas ... because, liberals are total idiots about talking points : the DNC issues them ...
Blood for oil ... and the mindless liberal robots parrot the phrases word for word ...
Frat boy ... many times either not knowing the definition of the word or the proper context ...
neocon ... and therefore when they use the phrase it invariably is used wrong ...
chicken hawk ... and the liberal ends up looking like a total fool to whomever they talk to who has a brain (other liberals think they are brilliant, of course) ...
Haliburton ... The latest incarnation of this was "jujitzu", which
nobody understood, and the comments by the politicos themselves (not just the liberal minions) were as dumb as anything I've heard out of these clowns.
Second, most of these questions are ridiculously simple to answer ... not even with right leaning spin ... but just straight up. There are combos like "you agree with 'taking responsibility' " and followed up with "why are Republicans not taking responsibility for the state of affairs". Oooo ... they tricked us into admitting that we are responsible for what is arguably the best state of the economy, perhaps of all time. Bummer. Out-n-out lies like the "covert agent" scandal ... which we now know was a clumsy smear job by Democrat hacks (I know ... redundant) ... allowing easy trashing of the premise.
But let us get to the fun:
1. What are the Top Seven best things that the Bush Administration has done?I can only list seven???
(note: answers not necessarily in order)
Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts (I think there were at least three sets)
Killed thousands / 10s of thousands of really bad guys (does that only count as one?) and locked up a bunch more in Gitmo
Unseated Saddam Hussein, killed his sons
John Roberts , Sam Alito , Janice Rogers Brown
No attacks in America have been successful since 9-11
Osama is a scared little rat, cowering under a rock
Increases in Republican majority (how long has it been since that happened)?
Recovered from Clinton economic disaster, 9-11, stock crash, worst hurricane season ever, etc.
2. Is the Iraq War is going well?Have not been there ... have you? All the soldiers I have talked to and most I have heard say absolutely. And they are sick of know-nothing liberal wanna-be-losers saying otherwise.
3. After three years thus far, when do you think Iraq might be able to "stand up" so that America can "stand down"?Ask Japan, Germany, Bosnia, Philipines, etc. etc. etc. They might be able to help you with a timeline since they are still on theirs. Besides ... we have not killed all the bad guys yet ... since liberals are idiots they do not seem to understand that we don't leave a fight until all the bad guys are dead.
4. For his part in the event, how would you rate the job the President did protecting New Orleans from devastation?Wasn't his job to protect ... billions have been pocketed by corrupt democrats that was supposed to improve protection ... his job was to be in a position to support local / state officials. FEMA did that well, although they did not respond fast enough after they figured out the mayor and governor (Democrats) were idiots.
5. How do you think the rebuilding of New Orleans is going?Fair to midland, considering the difficulty of the owners not returning. What would liberal whining hypocrits be saying if the Feds just confiscated all the land and gave it to redevelopers? Besides, has anybody figured out how to locate a major city in a swamp that is sinking so that it WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN? And how fast are things going to go when the idiots in that town elect the same derelict liberal "chocolate"-for-brains moron that caused a disaster in the first place
6. When Dick Cheney and the oil company and energy executives met in private to plan America's energy policy, how much of their goal was to benefit consumers?
Same amount as when radical left kook enviro-terrorists get together to plan forest usage, saving some rare cockroach, or preserving Oprah Winfrey's lakeside view. Or when Hillary got together with Schlick's big contributors to federalize 1/6th of the US economy . Seriously though, in reality, they were one helluva lot more concerned about folks then Herr Hillary.
7. Do you believe in the President's call for an Era of Personal Responsibility?Absolutely ... as do most Americans, including the losers that practice irresponsibility. Just because they cash in on liberal fruitcake ideas does not mean they don't know right from wrong.
8. Since Republicans control the White House, Senate and House of Representatives, how personally responsible are they for conditions in America today?Seems like they are striking up the bands and leading the parade ... the economy is roaring, gas prices are plummeting, interest rates are stable, life is improving across the board, etc. etc. etc.
Only the hate-Bush crowd is seeing the grey cloud in the golden lining. The fact that the Republicans discount the lies perpetuated by lefties is not "ducking responsibility" ... it is simply pointing out that liberals are liars and fools.
9. Why do you think they haven't been able to find anyone who can verify that George Bush ever showed up for National Guard duty in Alabama?
Because nobody but a bunch of whining idiots care, and even many of the crybabies are careful enough to not be seen openly whining in public. Let's cut to the chase, there brain surgeon ... let's see a dumb ass liberal ... how 'bout Clinton, Kerry, or wedge Fat-Drunk Teddy into a fighter jet and pilot it onto a ship. And when they fish their butt out of the drink, we might have a better idea of how much GW had to master while he was in.
10. Would you want Donald Rumsfeld to plan your daughter's wedding?Hell no ... he is too busy planning what will probably go down in history as one of the best military victories of all time.
11. Are you aware that no government in the history of civilization, other than the Bush Administration, has lowered taxes during a war?Um ... I realize that liberals are arrogant jerks, or at least presume that they are smart while all their liberal friends are idiots ... so a question like this goes unchallenged in the echo chamber of derelicts. They are so arrogant as to believe that Conservatives don't know that the law was enacted before 9-11 ... and THANK GOD!
12. Are you married?Yup
13. Do you personally feel threatened by gay marriage?Of course not ... "things" cannot threaten me, idiots can. And the idiots that want to flip societal norms on its head to justify their perversion are absolutely a threat, especially to my kids (and by extension, myself).
14. Since getting elected, do you think the President has been more a uniter or a divider?Much to my chagrin, a uniter. He bends over backwards extending a hand of friendship to worthless manure (Democrat) that do not deserve it. Let me ask you something there brainless ... how many does it take to tango? Oh, and one more important assignment for you ... ask a professional dancer what happens when the female (who is supposed to follow the lead) tries to lead when it is not her place? (I know ... they'll be too stupid to figure out what I mean, but they might know a conservative that can explain it to them)
15. How do you explain the President's approval rating going from a high of 90% to the current mid-30%?95% of the people doing the reporting are left wing jerks who are willing to lie through their slimey white teeth to denigrate the president. After 6 years, even total b.s. takes its toll.
16. Do you like the government collecting personal data on you without a warrant?
You know ... Clinton is out of office ... do we really have to rehash his criminal history again?
17. How much money do you have in your bank account, stocks and investments?100s of thousands ... thanks for asking!
18. What's your partner's favorite sex position?My partner doesn't like sex ... I'm married for crying out loud! (couldn't resist ;-)
19. If you have nothing to hide, why aren't you answering?I did answer. But even if I didn't ... the NSA having the answer to those questions would not help tehm figure out if I was a terrorist ... so if they are concerned with sexual positions, we need to wonder what the hell they are up to. That is why the NSA is not concerned with stupid things like this, although obviously liberals who think like Bill Clinton would be.
20. Should we build a wall along the Mexican border?Yup
21. Why isn't anyone building a wall along the Canadian border?Last I checked, we don't have 10's of millions of uneducated poor Canadians streaming across the border trying to have their babies born here so that they can hitch a free ride on our social welfare systems. Even in northern states ... it is the illegal Mexicans that are bankrupting the hospitals, not the Canadians.
Unlike most liberal programs ... "anyone" with a brain would actually like to fix the problem, not just pretend like they are fixing the problem.
22. Does that terrorist gang arrested in Canada count as a threat?To Canada, I suppose.
23. If you shot someone in the face while drinking, how fast would the police show up to arrest you?Not nearly as fast as the police that were onsite with the VP. And since those police were witnesses to the event and realized it was an accident, the point is moot.
24. If Donald Rumsfeld had planned your daughter's wedding three years ago, would the guests still be there?Told you ... Don Rumsfeld is too busy doing a fantastic job as DOD Secretary ... no time for wedding planning. But as long as we're on the subject, could you ask FDR's / Truman's war council when the hell we can get out of the occupied countries?
25. Even if no laws are broken, do you think it's okay to reveal the name of a covert agent?
Nope. But a mindless, non-covert pencil pusher who positions her equally mindlessly stupid husband to do a job gathering intelligence about nuclear bombs, that he has absolutely no qualifications for ... and that idiot then comes back and publicly lies through his teeth about what he could not find if it was hidden in his pants ... and then people begin to openly wonder how somebody this stupid and dishonest could have been positioned this way ... THAT is OK to reveal.
Funny how this whole story just blew up in liberals' faces huh? Every pile of dog doo-doo, liberal idiots just step right in. Isn't it strange that the "covert" agent turned out to be a left wing radical freak, sticking their incompetent, lying, and boneheaded spouse in the middle of an important intelligence gathering operation. Hey, those lefties are SERIOUS about national security, eh?
26. During your lifetime, approximately how often have you changed your mind?Stupid stuff ... often. Core convictions ... not much
27. Why shouldn't people dismiss you as a flip-flopper?Because I don't pander to a bunch of flim-flam idiots with my core-convictions. And the decisions that I changed my mind on were not international in scale, where the new decision could get 1000s or 10s of thousands of people (soldiers and citizens alike) slaughtered and have reverberations for decades.
28. Where do you think the Weapons of Mass Destruction might be?Well, the 500+ shells we found are being disposed of ... but if you don't think they are *really* bad ... we can just pour the juice in your garden! The parts of the nuclear stuff were / are buried in the yards of the scientists, a bunch of stuff is buried in the 1000s of square miles of desert. Oh, and the pilots that flew them to Syria said some are there as well. And I doubt too many famers who eat their own crops are irrrigating their crops with the water from the Euphrates. And the fertilizer trailers I'll bet are actually being used for ... fertilizer!!!
29. Where do you think Osama bin Laden might be?In Pakistan where he knew he would be safe because the tribal chiefs are helping him to hide, and our going in might cause a revolution to a more radical element that will then be in command of known functional nuclear weapons and long range missiles.
So ... ignorant and arrogant liberal jerk ... tell me how you would go and get him out of there?
30. Is it fiscally responsible to cut taxes, increase spending and create a $9 trillion federal debt?Nope ... sure am glad that's not what happened. But hey ... let's sit down and I promise you I (hard core conservative) can eliminate about 2-3 trillion in about 5 minutes and have us out of debt in 5 years ... ready??? Hey ... where are you going?
31. Are you glad liberals passed such programs as Social Security, Medicare, the Civil Rights Act, women's suffrage, federal deposit insurance, unemployment compensation, rural electrification, child labor laws, minimum wages and the 40-hour work week?
Well ... lets see ... Social Security ... going bankrupt, Medicare ... rampant fraud and going bankrupt, FDIC covers some stuff but the vast majority of the mediocre amount Americans save is not covered by (eligible for) FDIC, unemployment compensation ... lowers wages for the poor, rural electrification ... would have happened either way (look at cable), child laber laws ... did not like them much when I was a kid and needed money ... minimum wages are not applicable in a real economy ... 40 hr work week ... who the hell you know has a 40 hour work week?
Civil rights act ... actually, a conservative bill, since Republicans voted for it in significantly greater percentages than liberals.
Woman's suffrage ... WAY TOO TEMPTING!!! ;-)
32. What are the Top Ten best things that conservatives have given to America?Umm ... OK ... number one is (or should be) teaching them that the freakin' government is NOT SUPPOSED TO GIVE ANYTHING TO AMERICA ... in fact CANNOT give anything to America ... the government only TAKES FROM AMERICA one helluva lot more than it gives back.
- Republicans (can't say conservatives or not ... definitions have all changed) freed the slaves
- defeated USSR
- all the stuff in number 1.
- preserved the constitution AND seperation of powers
33. If you were on life support, would you want a doctor you'd never met making a diagnosis about you via remote television?Sure ... if the best doctor available only had that kind of access. But I sure the hell would not want Hillary deciding who the doctor would be ...
34. Do you think man-made greenhouse gases have anything at all to do with depleting the ozone layer?
Could be, some cause problems in a test-tube, but natural phenomena have way too many variables to determine the exact cause. Besides, the ozone has been fluctuating since the beginning of time, and the worst place for it (South pole) is the place with the least amount of humans. Nonetheless, releasing poisons into the air is stupid.
35. If Donald Rumsfeld had planned your daughter's wedding three years ago, and guests were still there, how many factions would they now be split into?Have you ever been to a wedding? I have not been to one where there were not factions. But since liberals are morons ... lets cut to the chase ... factions were in Iraq long before Donald Rumsfeld was born, and they were slaughtering each other since the beginning of time, even before there was oil.
Now, given this ... is it a good idea that liberals in the US are trying so hard to break up everybody into "factions"???
36. How good is it that the terrorist Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi was killed?Awesome baby
37. Are you aware that in 2002 the Pentagon knew where al-Zarqawi was and presented three separate plans to kill him, but the Administration refused to act each time?Probably ... just as the Administration knew dozens of times where Osama was but the Administration refused to act each time ... but that would be Clinton. Last I checked, Osama caused a slightly bigger problem on our land than did Abu.
38. Is George W. Bush the kind of guy you'd want to sit down and have a beer with?No ... he does not drink and neither do I. But I'll definitely share a lemonade with him.
39. When he started talking about being a Born Again Christian, would you want to stay or leave?I'd share my story and ask him his. We would probably pray together, maybe even sing a hymn ... how cool would that be!!! Libs can join in as well ... were not biased.
40. Is Ray Romano the kind of guy you'd want to sit down and have a beer with?Don't know who ray is ... but if he's from Hollywood, not likely.
41. Would you want him to be President?See 40. If Ray is hard core conservative ... maybe.
42. Does the Administration have an environmental policy that benefits the environment?Hope not ... we need one that benefits HUMANS ... which includes sustainable preservation.
43. Since George Bush campaigned for President strongly against nation building, in what ways are our actions in Iraq not nation building?You might have heard of this thing called 9-11 ... 3000 people died and the largest buildings in America, including the Pentagon, were attacked. We decided to go kill bad guys, and now we have a steady stream of bad guys that we just keep killing ... but over there.
When the bad guy queue runs out ... chances are that nobody will want to (or need to) stick around ... unless it makes sense like in Germany, Japan, etc. etc. etc.
44. What's the maximum amount of time you'd want to spend alone with Dick Cheney?As long as he is willing to give me.
45. After dismissing Saddam Hussein's old Iraqi army, was it a good idea to let them keep their rifles?"Dismissing"? Um ... they disappeared into the population during the invasion. We could have just killed all the civilians ... I am sure the whacky liberals would have supported that. We could ask them to stand up (to be shot) ... that would have gone over well.
Regardless ... in case liberals have not really been paying attention ... the rifles have been about the least of our worries. Any fool that actually faces American soldiers with a rifle is not long for this world.
46. Would a policy that allows torture be something that makes you proud as an American?No, it would be something that makes me ALIVE as an American.
Unlike a policy that allows the President to bag women in the back offices of the White House, which also did not make me proud as an American but arguably resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans.
I also am not proud that we have to lock up hundreds of murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc ... but I am damn glad they do.
47. Has the Mission been Accomplished?Saddam is locked up writing poetry, his boys are ant food, and his scuds, tanks, centrifuges, chemical plants, bioterror labs, etc. are disabled. I think our flyboys did their end of it.
48. Do you feel comforted that Dick Cheney is a heartbeat away from being President?Awesome baby!!! I am hard pressed to think of anybody I would rather have at this time backing up the president.
And I am much more comforted that the heartbeat of the president is not in the chest of Algore or John Kerry.
49. If Donald Rumsfeld had planned your daughter's wedding, and guests started fighting and were killed, would you expect to be allowed to view the caskets when they were returned home?No ... I would hope somebody would have the taste and good sense to stop me if I was planning on taking pictures to desecrate their sacrifices, shame their families, destroy their reputations, and desecrate the mission that they believed in, fought for and died for.
Liberals would not understand because they are ashamed of themselves, have no sense of honor and country, are not just unpatriotic but ANTI-patriotic ... and really should consider moving to France to be among their own.
50. How glad do you think George Bush is that he's no longer active in the National Guard?He is the commander in chief ... one helluva promotion, eh?