Monday, September 18, 2006

Rapid Fire

Ok ... lots of stuff happening ... so here is some rapid fire stuff

Taliban at a funeral

Having a hard time watching all of the coverage of the missed opportunity to kill around 200 taliban (because apparently the rules of engagement do not allow an attack on a funeral procession). So who is asking the "higher" questions???

Where did this stupid "rule" come from? And did it apply to civilian combatants or military personnel only?

NOTE: that last part is INCREDIBLY critical. And I will get back to it in a minute.

More importantly ... can we at least agree that the non-stop, viscious attacks at the flank of our military by the left wing in this country has played a significant role in castrating the military (particularly that which results in decision making like this)? Ignoring the fact that many of the most heinous accusations from the Democrap goons turned out to be totally bogus, and that terrorist playbooks specifically tell insurgents to fabricate bogus accusations especially to the leftie media ... you cannot ignore that the military MUST be impacted by what is going on in Washington and therefore situations like this likely happen every day.

At the surface it may seem insane ... and we might blame (perhaps rightfully so) military style political correctness. However, with true heros ... American soldiers who put their butts on the line every day ... awaiting trials which could result in the death penalty for their actions in battle, I doubt that I would have the cajones to give an order if I had even the most remote doubt that the Beached Whale, Senator Turban, KKK Byrd or Jack "Stab 'em in the back without a benefit of the doubt" Murtha chomping at the bit to cut my head off ... to hurt Bush by killing me.

Regarding the "civilians" discussion ... think of how completely insane we have gotten with this ... and how perfectly correct I was about the dangerous path we got on by IGNORING GENEVA'S MAIN PREMISE ... that "war" is defined by armies in UNIFORMS. I mean, we have the Supreme Court giving terrorists US citizen rights ... despite the fact that (lucky for us) the nearest any of these viscious terrorists have been to setting foot on US soil is Gitmo in Cuba. As time goes on, it seems like the question of whether or not the guys planting the bombs or doing the "hit-n-runs" have on even something remotely resembling a uniform, nevermind the fact that they are not citizens of whatever country they are attacking us in.

Who are we talking about? And what EXACTLY are you talking about?

A big part of the insanity of the whole debate regarding interrogation is how the leftie kooks, in this case including McClame, Goober, Colin (dog)Pile, etc. ... demogogue the terminology. The terrorists are "detainees" ... which sounds harmless ... like something you might do to a child to protect them from doing something dangerous ... "I detained my toddler to keep him from falling in the water". Why don't we just start calling them honored guests? The techniques to put the terrorists under pressure to respond is "torture" ... hell we must gouge out their eyeballs and pull of their nails and shock their genitals and stuff, right? Um, no, we make them cold or have dogs bark at them or GASP ... make them watch Lindy England having sex (ok ... that last one is pretty gross ... especially if they tell them that their 72 virgins are all going to look like Lindy).

Seriously though ... next time you hear somebody spouting off about "torture" and all that garbage ... make them answer EXACTLY the questions WHO and WHAT? Make them define the what ... so that everybody around them realizes how totally full of crap they are.

I thought Carville was supposed to be some kind of genious

From the "I cannot believe you said something that stupid" file ... pull out James Carville's statement on some show ... basically making fun of the Iraq war by claiming that "If america were attacked by Japan, they would attack Mexico". As an aside ... I heard some English guy quoted with an incredible classic ... saying that the "hate-bush" stuff is now relegated to "The really stupid jokes that only stupid people laugh at".

Um ... no, carville ... you stupid ass ... we attacked Germany. Yes, I know it was a lot more complicated than that, and perhaps Carville was not referencing the second world war. However, even if he did not intend this to be a reference to WW II ... it was a perfect fit for an analogy at the "higher" level of thought.

We attacked Germany because Germany was part of what was going on AGAINST US and our friends. The analogy to Iraq is not perfect, but good enough.

Finally ...

What would a good article be without some Clinton bashing ... bill gertz has a new book out about how our federal government is either intensely incompetent (intelligence wise) or infiltrated with the worst of our enemies. Several examples I heard had to do with the Red Chinese ... great escapes, mass captures, total elimination of all intelligenceassets we may have in their country.

So, now ... think that one through. During the erection elections, Clinton was getting tons of money from the Chinese. A couple of years later, our intelligence is virtually non-existent both in China as well as a lot of places they value (like Iran). Go figure.


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