Saturday, September 02, 2006

Joe Wilson is a liar ... BIG SURPRISE ... Now some important questions

So now the Washington Post finally admits that Joe Wilson is a liar, and the whole Valerie Wilson "outing" was a major scam.

I have got to ask this ... who knew it was all B.S. and when? And are there any laws or constraints against the federal officials involved, particularly Senate Democrats ... for their efforts to smear the Administration. No, obviously democraps lie through their teeth constantly ... that is nothing new. However, they were calling for federal investigations, an independent prosecutor, knowing full well not only that no law was breached, but that nobody from the administration had anything to do with it.

I realize different laws apply to the high-n-mighty as opposed to serfs like us ... if I went to the police and triggered an investigation just to smear somebody ... I would be parking my heiney on a cold bench for some time. But for "The Chuckey" ... hey, no problem ... call for all the investigations in the world.

What about the independent prosecutor? Is there nothing anybody can do for this incredible breach of justice? Apparently that bastard knew early on exactly who it was who "outed" Wilson, not to mention that it did not come within miles of being a violation of any law ... yet he immediately focuses in on the targets of the Democraps' choosing, namely Rove and Libbey, that have absolutely nothing to do with the case.

This stinks to high heaven.

I am sick and tired of Bush (and the Republicans) playing the weakling ... he ought to go for the throats of the Swimmer and Chuckey Schmucky and the rest of those dogs. A *perfect* podium would be a grand speech where he pardons Mr. Libbey, during which he shines the bright spotlight on their little scam. It should include a line like "I am the president, and I should expect the opposing party to come after me ... although the pure brutality we see today is totally out of line. It is sad that the Democrats have brought us to this. But for these guys to knowingly lie to the American people and launch a federal investigation on false pretenses just to hurt my assistants is totally uncalled for and beyond any sense of decency, never mind the damage it does to our democracy. "

In addition, is anybody going to take a hard look at the treacherous enterprise that made Wilson all the rage? How the hell did this useless mass of stupidity become embroiled in world changing events? For crying out loud, how the hell does somebody this stupid rise to the level he did? What the hell is going on with our CIA when a mindless twit like Valerie can make arrangements for her useless husband to go on a trip like this?

Doesn't this scare the hell out of anybody? Who are these people?

I mean ... worthless trash like Sheehan or Jackson or Sharpton or whatever ... they are made infamous by a laughable news media on a 24 hour news cycle ... but their only relevance is in their own minds and the minds of the zombies who are stupid enough to follow them. The Wilsons, on the other hand ... were/are employees of the government at seemingly high levels (I think Joey was some type of ambassador or something, no?) ... at least high enough to be able to get involved in nuclear intelligence gathering.

And then we all wonder why our intelligence is a joke, our reputation around the world is in shambles, and 10th century derelicts are giving us a run for our money?


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