Tuesday, October 31, 2006

media bias

Man ... anybody who is ignorant enough to actually try to stand up and say that the news media in this country does not intentionally DISTORT the news, simply needs to look at the Rush Limbaugh / Michael Fox controversy. Note that I did not say "bias" ... because I have seen the soft pedal artists, including O'Reilly, argue that the bias may be just made up of slant on the reporting (i.e. what they choose to report, and how they choose to report it). The news media is literally lying through their Democrap teeth.

Everything is on tape ... you can literally SEE everything involved in this ... including Rush's side. I was listening in, albeit not watching the webfeed, and when I heard the news reports I was literally dumbfounded. I could not believe these guys would tell baldfaced lies about what had been said. I could not believe that they would do a Michael Moorism on the Limbaugh webcam feed, carefully editing and embellishing the film to achieve the ends they were looking for ... make it look like Rush was mocking Fox. The even lied about Rush's "apology" ... trying to make it look like Limbaugh had admitted to the antics they accused him of ... I was not able to catch exactly what Rush said, but it was basically discussing the fact that Fox had apparently OVER-MEDICATED himself, which was not one of the things they had speculated about before the whole thing blew up.

Here is the higher thought on this ... the media taking a chance like this is very dangerous, especially in light of how the fake document scandal brought down Democrat Dan Rather. I am going to assume that the news media would have a "good reason" for disseminating yet another blatent lie, and I believe their reasoning has to be a little more than a presumption of ignorance and stupidity attibuted to their audience by the news media. I believe that what has happened here is twofold ...
a) Ann Coulter exposed the fact that this is a classic liberal ploy: put up an "untouchable" that can pretty much say whatever they want because the other side does not dare attack your "pathetic victim" (ala The Jersey Girls, Cindy the-loon Sheehan, etc etc etc) and
b) Rush basically said he is not going to be intimidated anymore

This was going to take away a major weapon in the Democrat arsenal, so I believe the liberals in the media made a conscious decision that they were going to slap Rush down hard as a "shot-across-the-bow" of conservatives. They were semi-successful in the Ann Coulter slap-down ... focusing ALL the attention on her attack on the Jersey Gals and avoiding altogether the *real* argument. In the eyes of the media, they would make Rush pay a heavy price for taking the chance of taking on Fox's moronic claims ... even though Limbaugh did it very delicately, they could simply lie about it.

All pre-tense is gone

O'Reilly reported today that some non-partisan media monitoring service (I was working, so I did not bother to write down the name) has reported that the media is about as slanted as they could possibly be in this election cycle. 77% of all stories related to Democraps are positive, contrasted with a mere 12% of stories on Republicans.

Oh, so NOW they are biased, huh? Give me a break.

The higher thought there is, however, that we have been working against a biased media forever, and we kicked the Dems' asses (no pun intended) and took names. In addition, over the last 3 elections, everybody was "surprised" by the results. Meaning ... the morons on the other side believed their own press. I keep getting the picture in my mind of Truman holding up the newspaper with the headline "Dewey Defeats Truman".

I still stick by my prediction that we will see a similar result on Nov 8th. I just will not believe that Americans will vote themselves a $2000 plus tax increase. I know that the Democraps are offering nothing ... absolutely nothing ... by way of leadership ... and I just cannot imagine that in these times the people of this country are going to blindly follow the loons that run that party ... it just does not make sense. Yes, EVERYTHING the Republicans (or better stated, the Bush administration) has done has been attacked to a level of insanity I could not believe, but that does not mean the *other* side gets anything out of it.

Will I jump off a bridge if Americans do (i.e. if they put Nancy Pelosi into power)? No ... because I know it will be shortlived. Besides ... I have business interests that tie to Australia, a place that had as their number one hero a guy that wrestles crocodiles ... so I am sure there are a few more places of sanity left in the world.

What the lies lead to

103 or so soldiers dead this month ... so everything is bad and getting worse, right? Um ... well, only if you totally ignore what else went on. I do not remember exactly where I heard this, but I believe it was tied back to an article (perhaps opinion) by an Iraqi reporter. Basically, the report was that the US / British / Iraqi forces kicked a whole bunch of terrorist / militant butts over the last month as well. Specifics were given ... including numerous grandiose attacks that were planned and "thwarted" ... where the term typically means massive holes in bad guys. Militia attempts at commandeering towns and enclaves and whatever that were summarily beaten, capture of a whole bunch of high level guys, getting ever so much closer to the chump that took over for the room-temperature version of Zarqawi.

I heard some prognosticators indicate that Iraq has been a stalemate. Um, they say that like it is a bad thing ... Am I crazy? Doesn't that work out in OUR favor? If neither side can advance (given that we own just about everything, that's a weird thing to say) ... and we're effectively waiting for the Iraqi's to train up so they can take their own place ... stalemate is a good thing. Nonetheless ... the higher thought on this is exactly what is the alternative? We have killed and captured all of the major players, so all that would be left would be a mop up operation that includes a whole bunch of collateral damage as well.

More 'Slant'

Pakistanis took out a madras ... one of those lunatic asylums the muslims throw together to teach their children all about how they get all these virgins if they slap on a TNT vest and take out some grandmas and babies. Some speculation was that the madras may have actually been a vacation spot for certain Al Queda bad guys, possibly including Zawahiri.

The story apparently was under the radar of the major news media ... think that one through. Now, I want to ask you something ... I want you to imagine that I walked up to you ... oh, say about 5 years ago ... that the government of Pakistan ... one of the only (if not THE only) country on the planet that supported the Taliban ... was going to kill its own trying to take out OUR enemies, including the Taliban. You would have (rightfully) questioned my sanity ... yet here it happens and in the "Bush is losing the Terrorist war" and "Bush has no allies in the terrorist war" blinders news media ... eh ... no big deal.

It makes me sick.

Higher action

So what are you going to do. Well, point it out. Bring up the conversation ... get people pissed off. Maybe others are not like me ... but I get really pissed off when I think I am being lied to. Information is king ... and despite the fact that the media is holding back, we can get the information out and win this one.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tide is turning

Bottom line ... you vote for a Democrap, you pull out your checkbook and write out a check to the IRS for a cool $2 Grand.

That is the message the republicans need to drive home ... is that vote, that message, that whatever, worth about $2k to you?

And it is not rhetoric ... it is exactly what Wrangle said. They don't have to lift a finger ... just do nothing and taxes go up. And I mean DAMN those Republicans for not making them permanent ... although I realize it took maybe only 20 or so in the House and 5 in the Senate to jump in with the democraps to shoot us down.

About the only variation on this theme would be the Dems figuring out a way to expand "taxfare" ... the little scam they pull where they give "tax refunds" to people that don't pay taxes to begin with ... tax welfare, or "taxfare". So the vast majority of the rest of us take it in the shorts ... feel free to vote Democrat, but then please sign over your next couple of paychecks.

Oh, heard an awesome point which drives home a theme I covered way back in the 04 elections ... that the statistics that the government measures on economic conditions, specifically unemployment, are woefully poor at covering small business and sole proprietorships ... so the economy is on DRAMATICALLY better footing than even the awesome numbers we are seeing would indicate.

Again, this bears repeating over and over and over again.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Reid ... The Words of the Judge

I *never* do this ... take one of these emails that has been circulating ... but I figured I would because this is pretty awesome.

So here goes ... un-edited ...

Ruling by Judge William Young, US District Court.

Prior to sentencing, the Judge asked the defendant if he had anything to say. His response: After admitting his guilt to the court for the record, Reid also admitted his "allegiance to Osama bin Laden, to Islam, and to the religion of Allah," defiantly stating, "I think I will not apologize for my actions," and told the court "I am at war with your country."

Judge Young then delivered the statement quoted below:January 30, 2003, United States vs. Reid. Judge Young:

"Mr. Richard C. Reid, hearken now to the sentence the Court imposes upon you. On counts 1, 5 and 6 the Court sentences you to life in prison in the custody of the United States Attorney General. On counts 2, 3, 4 and 7, the Court sentences you to 20 years in prison on each count, the sentence on each count to run consecutively. (That's 80 years.) On count 8 the Court sentences you to the mandatory 30 years again, to be served consecutively to the 80 years just imposed. The Court imposes upon you for each of the eight counts a fine of $250,000 that's an aggregate fine of $2 million. The Court accepts the government's recommendation with respect to restitution and orders restitution in the amount of $298.17 to Andre Bousquet and $5,784 to American Airlines.The Court imposes upon you an $800 special assessment.The Court imposes upon y ou five years supervised release simply because the law requires it. But the life sentences are real life sentences so I need go no further.

This is the sentence that is provided for by our statutes. It is a fair and just sentence. It is a righteous sentence.Now, let me explain this to you. We are not afraid of you or any of your terrorist co-conspirators, Mr. Reid. We are Americans. We have been through the fire before.

There is too much war talk here and I say that to everyone with the utmost respect. Here in this court, we deal with individuals as individuals and care for individuals as individuals. As human beings, we reach out for justice.You are not an enemy combatant. You are a terrorist. You are not a soldier in any war. You are a terrorist. To give you that reference, to call you a soldier, gives you far too much stature. Whether the officers of government do it or your attorney does it, or if you think you are a soldier. You are not----- you are a terrorist. And we do not negotiate with terrorists. We do not meet with terrorists. We do not sign documents with terrorists. We hunt them down one by one and bring them to justice.

So war talk is way out of line in this court. You are a big fellow. But you are not that big. You're no warrior. I've known warriors. You are a terrorist. A species of criminal that is guilty of multiple attempted murders. In a very real sense, State Trooper Santiago had it right when you first were taken off that plane and into custody and you wondered where the pres s and the TV crews were, and he said: "You're no big deal."

You are no big deal. What your able counsel and what the equally able United States attorneys have grappled with and what I have as honestly as I know how tried to grapple with, is why you did something so horrific. What was it that led you here to this courtroom today?I have listened respectfully to what you have to say. And I ask you to search your heart and ask yourself what sort of unfathomable hate led you to do what you are guilty and admit you are guilty of doing? And, I have an answer for you. It may not satisfy you, but as I search this entire record, it comes as close to understanding as I know.

It seems to me you hate the one thing that to us is most precious. You hate our freedom. Our individual freedom. Our individual freedom to live as we choose, to come and go as we choose, to believe or not believe as we individually choose. Here, in this society, the very wind carries freedom. It carries it everywhere from sea to shining sea. It is because we prize individual freedom so much that you are here in this beautiful courtroom. So that everyone can see, truly see, that justice is administered fairly, individually, and discretely. It is for freedom's sake that your lawyers are striving so vigorously on your behalf, have filed appeals, will go on in their representation of you before other judges.We Americans are all about freedom.

Because we all know that the way we treat you, Mr. Reid, is the measure of our own liberties. Make no mistake though. It is yet true that we will bare any burden; pay any price, to preserve our freedoms. Look around this courtroom. Mark it well. The world is not going to long remember what you or I say here. The day after tomorrow, it will be forgotten, but this, however, will long endure.Here in this courtroom and courtrooms all across America, the American people will gather to see that justice, individual justice, justice, not war, individual justice is in fact being done. The very President of the United States through his officers will have to come into courtrooms and lay out evidence on which specific matters can be judged and juries of citizens will gather to sit and judge that evidence democratically, to mold and shape and refine our sense of justice.See that flag, Mr. Reid? That's the flag of the United States of America . That flag will fly there long after this is all forgotten. That flag stands for freedom. And it always will.Mr. Custody Officer. Stand him down.

So, how much of this Judge's comments did we hear on our TV sets?

We need more judges like Judge Young, but that's another subject. Pass this around. Everyone should and needs to hear what this fine judge had to say. Powerful words that strike home. God bless America

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Condi responds

Condi is brilliant (duh!)

Don't remember exactly who had the interview. Condi was asked about the situation in North Korea. Of course, the interviewer starts throwing the liberal talking point at her.

Basically she said that the (moron) Clinton one-on-one policy failed, and articulated that was because a one-on-one gives a two bit arrogant dog-eating tyrant a chance to sucker punch the big, bad U.S.

WOW!!! The response was exceptional on two counts ...

1) totally dodges the "Clinton/Carter/(half)bright were idiots" situation, as it lumps all the responsibility on North Korea for cheating ... and
2) both articulates why it failed AND inocculates all future regimes from ever making the same (idiotic) mistake again.

We do live in a new world as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union and as a result of us sticking our nose into just about everything the world over ... we are perceived as the one superpower, the ultimate authority. The thing Bush understands (that Clinton/Carter were idiots about) is that not only do most countries act only in their own self interest, but that there is a cult of bad little tin-horn tyrants whose "self interest" is almost exclusively confined to stroking themselves. In the "uniform and funny hat" club ... 'kneeing' the U.S. in the groin is the ultimate badge of honor.

So this club is anxiously watching this situation in North Korea for a number of reasons:
1) if North Korea gets the nuke, they will sell it ... talk about the ultimate phallic symbol
2) if the U.S. goes soft on 'make-me' Il, the other little tyrants can expect the same.

One point about #1, however ... is that I think it is important to point out that Clinton GAVE THE NORTH KOREANS THE NUCLEAR MATERIAL. We effectively gave them about 80% of the bomb. The unwillingness of GW to emphasize this point is a dramatic understatement of what happened in the 90s as a result of this disasterous policy.

Why Hillary cannot be President

So, her thighness shoots off her big mouth in a speech, and was immediately humiliated by McCain. Given how big the holes are in the disaster that was the Clinton/Carter/Albright champagne diplomacy with this kook ... you would think Hillary would be smart enough to keep her big mouth shut. EVEN IF YOU GIVE MONICA'S BOYFRIEND THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT ... even if you buy all the crap the democrats are lying about (oh, Korea may have been researching nukes, but they didn't actually BUILD any until Bush was in office) ... the policy was a total disaster, and in the best possible view was blatently naive.

These are obvious arguments ... what is the HIGHER thought? Well, what exactly is Hillary proposing? Understand this ... this woman thinks she can be president, and all of the losers are lining up behind her it seems. To run this country you have to be a leader with vision, right? So what is her proposal ... what would she do? Right now, all she has proven is that she can say a lot of really stupid things that have no meaning. As somebody more clever than me has commented ... it is the really stupid joke that is only laughed at by really stupid people.

If you want to have these higher moments every day ... listen carefully to what these losers say ... and see if they answer : what would THEY do? If you only hear what they don't like, but not them offering up their own suggestions, then they are not leaders, but whiners.

God knows this earth is filled with way too many whiners.

Dug our own hole

Way back when I wondered why we needed to go into Iraq.

Wow! Has RMW been downwind of a crack house?

Nope ... my first response was what are we doing? Saddam seemed to be a caged rat ... we could have done a dozen other things to keep him in line, but he was caged. In my guts I was concerned about what we were doing ... and the truth is I was right.

Here is what happened ... in every OTHER encounter we have with other lunatics ... we can now count on NO help because of what happened in Iraq.

The fact that we took the resolutions and actually ENFORCED them has shocked the world. Now, nobody in the world will sign on to even a loud threat if they think there is any chance the US will actually try to enforce it.

Think about it ... every resolution now is totally toothless. I really think the Chinese do not want North Korea to pull what they are doing ... but they are *never* going to allow any kind of resolution that calls for action. Period. The same goes for the Ruskies and the mullahs.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Foley Follies about to end?

Well, well, well. The kid that started the whole Foley ordeal got himself a lawyer. That is not strange ... what is the big deal? Basically, he thought he might need one because the IMs were, in fact, a prank he was playing on Foley. So the truth is that Foley is a scumbag and Thank God he's gone, but this kid is not all that innocent.

Now, what begs the question ... the Higher thought ... is how these conversations "survived" for what ... 8 years now?

But let's backtrack a bit. I must admit that I probably should have covered this a few days ago, but frankly did not really care since I figured this was just a bunch of goofiness. I did not realize that the Democraps would stake their entire campaign on it ... but then again I did point out in the last note that we would be seeing this for the next 30 days just because they have absolutely nothing to stand on (but I was not really being all that serious).

I digress ... in hindsight now we see that this all comes together. There were some huge holes in this whole thing ... and that is actually what has fed the whole Democrap smear machine.

If you were the parents of this kid and aware of the emails that seemed to raise an eyebrow ... would you not press your child to make damned sure there was nothing else? Could a 16 year old kid have kept the kind of stuff that was in the IMs quiet for this long if they really did make him feel bad?

It all comes together ... the kid instigated a lot of the really bad stuff. The kid stays quiet because he is probably a little spooked by one thing or another, or at best treats it as a joke. Foley is probably freaked because at some point he figures out he is being played, and he has got to think that something was up. That might also explain some of the stuff we have been hearing about why Foley apparently has been such a flake when it comes to his political career ... he has been waiting for the bomb to drop.

So, now back to the "elephant in the living room type questions". We all realize how desperate the liberals are ... after all they were totally bought into their own press about how they were going to take over everything ... so maybe their all out push on the Foley Follies was not totally weird. However, when you start to see TV COMMERCIALS about the subject within what ... a day or two, you have to begin to wonder how much coordination is going on.

Foley's resignation was extremely fast, but only slightly slower was the all out assault on Hastert, of all people. Again, liberals cannot win elections, so they basically try to get the opponents to quit. Don't be too glib about this ... it worked how many times in the past? Gingrich, Delay, etc.? But again ... did not the coordinated attack on Hastert just come too damned fast? How did they all coordinate THAT well?

I think we are going to find the Democraps begin to run for cover extremely quickly about this one. Number one ... democraps have a horrendous record, even up to a few years ago, on pedophelia ... the lack of outrage on the Clinton pardon of Weber being front and center. Number two ... this being a farce in the first place is not going to rest well in the bellies of the American electorate. Number three ... the new pieces are in place to make Hastert's story totally legit ...

BTW ... speaking of Hastert ... how stupid does he feel now that he went to bat for the Democrap garbage floating out of New Orleans (no, not Katrina stuff, but the scumbag "Everybody keeps a $100k in the freezer" Jefferson)?

Another Hastert folly ...

I was listening in on the radio, and at the top and bottom of the hour the station I can catch online hits us with ABC News ... kind of a bitch slap since you get the leftie views while actually hearing the truth. So this is literally within minutes of hearing the actual talk by Hastert ... which was handled brilliantly.

at one point ... Hastert says he is deeply sorry that we have had to go through this ... and everybody with a half of brain knows this is the typical response of just about anybody to somebody that had to undergo something bad ... like "I'm sorry to hear about your dad passing away". ABC's spin was that Hastert *apologized* for it as if HASTERT WAS RESPONSIBLE. Then of course they pull the Michael Moore level 2 second sound bite of his "I'm sorry" and included a part of Hastert's "The buck stops here ..." responsibility statement. Again ... anybody with a half a brain knows that Hastert was talking about the responsibility of figuring out what the hell went wrong and fixing any problems, NOT THAT HE (HASTERT) DID ANYTHING WRONG.

But hey ... Hastert's statements in the hands of the weasel-like slime that inhabits the sewers at ABC radio is all it takes to deliver the message ABC wants, right? Hey, news is what you make it, right?

Well, apparently the leftie sewer dwellers at ABC figured they had not inflicted enough damage to the Republicans, so in the next version they (ABC radio) effectively accused Hastert of avoiding questions about whether or not he had received information about the emails 3 years earlier. From what I remembered of Hastert's speech and followup, nobody even asked the damned question. What they did ask is whether or not he was going to fire the people on his staff that "didn't adequately inform him of the stuff others were saying several years earlier" ... which, by the way, was their total B.S. assertion, not the truth. Hastert effectively said what any decent leader would ... when we figure out what happened, if somebody did something wrong we will fix the problem.

Yeah, that sounds like avoiding the question to me.

The truth is, and this is the higher point ... as the news media sees the Democraps continuing to flounder like idiots, they (the news media) are going to continue to take it upon themselves to rip more and more into the Republicans to try to make Democraps look good by comparison. We need to keep ourselves informed and make damned sure we get the truth out.


The economy is *roaring* ... things are about as good as I have ever seen them.

and for all the Clinton zombies ... everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, knew that the Clinton economy was a total farce WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING (and that included loyal lefties). They knew the dot.com crash was going to happen, and take down the rest of (at least) the Nasdaq with it.

So the Bush economy is a helluva lot better than the Clinton mess ever was.

Gas prices are plummeting, the housing market (ever predicted to burst) is robust, and things are rolling along.

Terrorists are writing letters to each other articulating how they are dieing in droves in Iraq, begging their pals elsewhere to either come to Iraq to help (not sure I would sign up to help be a target) ... or start killing Americans and Jews wherever they are. Ever hear "falling on deaf ears".

Things are just going really well.

So expect that the Foley Follies will be in your face for the next 30 days. Oh joy!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Congressman Foley is a pervert ... I guess he'll have to join the Democrat party now

Finally, the democrats have the scandal that they were hoping for!

After years of the "Culture of Corruption" messages the Dems have been piping, where it turns out that ALL of the corruption involved the Democraps ... we finally get a scandal involving a Republican.

Well, yeah ... it is not about corruption, it is about perversion ... but who cares, right? After all ... sexual perversion is the same as corruption, right?

Um ... but not perversion with cigars on White House interns ... no that's a personal matter. Yeah, yeah ... so what if he was on the phone discussing war ... multitasking.

But you have a pervert actually doing something here ... well, OK ... no there was no actual physical encounters with a stained dress or anything like that ... but some downright sick emails.

Wait ... wait ... the scoundrel took action to benefit his lover, or there was some quid pro quo payoff, right? Well ... no ... actually the two never did get together, and there is no current information that one or the other benefitted in anyway, like, say for instance landing a government job in homeland security.

All kidding aside ...

So what is happening here is that the situation is being dealt with in what is roughly the exact way that it should be dealt with ... the guy actually RESIGNED IMMEDIATELY. Hopefully, if he did do something wrong, he'll burn for it.

Imagine that!?!

You have an opportunity here to watch an amazing display of absolute hypocrisy here, and I have precious little doubt that the Democraps will step in it yet again.

When a democrap actually engages in repulsive perverted behavior, and does all sorts of corrupt things as a result (like name his gay lover to a highly sensitive position) ... he is regarded as some kind of a hero for "coming out".

When another democrap is running an escort service out of his apartment ... aahhh, no big deal, he's gay anyway so that makes it all good I guess.

When a democrap is doing perverted things with interns that are less than half his age while he is literally conducting government business ... in fact discussing matters of war ... it is a "personal matter" ... and if you look into the eyes of the lunatic leftie you are talking to ... you can tell that they consider it kind of cool that der Schlickmeister was catching hummers while on the phone with congressmen.

So ... this higher thought ... if Foley wanted to save himself, what he really should have done was changed over to the Democrat party. I mean he literally would have walked out of this a hero and been able to sign a book deal.