Thursday, October 05, 2006

Foley Follies about to end?

Well, well, well. The kid that started the whole Foley ordeal got himself a lawyer. That is not strange ... what is the big deal? Basically, he thought he might need one because the IMs were, in fact, a prank he was playing on Foley. So the truth is that Foley is a scumbag and Thank God he's gone, but this kid is not all that innocent.

Now, what begs the question ... the Higher thought ... is how these conversations "survived" for what ... 8 years now?

But let's backtrack a bit. I must admit that I probably should have covered this a few days ago, but frankly did not really care since I figured this was just a bunch of goofiness. I did not realize that the Democraps would stake their entire campaign on it ... but then again I did point out in the last note that we would be seeing this for the next 30 days just because they have absolutely nothing to stand on (but I was not really being all that serious).

I digress ... in hindsight now we see that this all comes together. There were some huge holes in this whole thing ... and that is actually what has fed the whole Democrap smear machine.

If you were the parents of this kid and aware of the emails that seemed to raise an eyebrow ... would you not press your child to make damned sure there was nothing else? Could a 16 year old kid have kept the kind of stuff that was in the IMs quiet for this long if they really did make him feel bad?

It all comes together ... the kid instigated a lot of the really bad stuff. The kid stays quiet because he is probably a little spooked by one thing or another, or at best treats it as a joke. Foley is probably freaked because at some point he figures out he is being played, and he has got to think that something was up. That might also explain some of the stuff we have been hearing about why Foley apparently has been such a flake when it comes to his political career ... he has been waiting for the bomb to drop.

So, now back to the "elephant in the living room type questions". We all realize how desperate the liberals are ... after all they were totally bought into their own press about how they were going to take over everything ... so maybe their all out push on the Foley Follies was not totally weird. However, when you start to see TV COMMERCIALS about the subject within what ... a day or two, you have to begin to wonder how much coordination is going on.

Foley's resignation was extremely fast, but only slightly slower was the all out assault on Hastert, of all people. Again, liberals cannot win elections, so they basically try to get the opponents to quit. Don't be too glib about this ... it worked how many times in the past? Gingrich, Delay, etc.? But again ... did not the coordinated attack on Hastert just come too damned fast? How did they all coordinate THAT well?

I think we are going to find the Democraps begin to run for cover extremely quickly about this one. Number one ... democraps have a horrendous record, even up to a few years ago, on pedophelia ... the lack of outrage on the Clinton pardon of Weber being front and center. Number two ... this being a farce in the first place is not going to rest well in the bellies of the American electorate. Number three ... the new pieces are in place to make Hastert's story totally legit ...

BTW ... speaking of Hastert ... how stupid does he feel now that he went to bat for the Democrap garbage floating out of New Orleans (no, not Katrina stuff, but the scumbag "Everybody keeps a $100k in the freezer" Jefferson)?

Another Hastert folly ...

I was listening in on the radio, and at the top and bottom of the hour the station I can catch online hits us with ABC News ... kind of a bitch slap since you get the leftie views while actually hearing the truth. So this is literally within minutes of hearing the actual talk by Hastert ... which was handled brilliantly.

at one point ... Hastert says he is deeply sorry that we have had to go through this ... and everybody with a half of brain knows this is the typical response of just about anybody to somebody that had to undergo something bad ... like "I'm sorry to hear about your dad passing away". ABC's spin was that Hastert *apologized* for it as if HASTERT WAS RESPONSIBLE. Then of course they pull the Michael Moore level 2 second sound bite of his "I'm sorry" and included a part of Hastert's "The buck stops here ..." responsibility statement. Again ... anybody with a half a brain knows that Hastert was talking about the responsibility of figuring out what the hell went wrong and fixing any problems, NOT THAT HE (HASTERT) DID ANYTHING WRONG.

But hey ... Hastert's statements in the hands of the weasel-like slime that inhabits the sewers at ABC radio is all it takes to deliver the message ABC wants, right? Hey, news is what you make it, right?

Well, apparently the leftie sewer dwellers at ABC figured they had not inflicted enough damage to the Republicans, so in the next version they (ABC radio) effectively accused Hastert of avoiding questions about whether or not he had received information about the emails 3 years earlier. From what I remembered of Hastert's speech and followup, nobody even asked the damned question. What they did ask is whether or not he was going to fire the people on his staff that "didn't adequately inform him of the stuff others were saying several years earlier" ... which, by the way, was their total B.S. assertion, not the truth. Hastert effectively said what any decent leader would ... when we figure out what happened, if somebody did something wrong we will fix the problem.

Yeah, that sounds like avoiding the question to me.

The truth is, and this is the higher point ... as the news media sees the Democraps continuing to flounder like idiots, they (the news media) are going to continue to take it upon themselves to rip more and more into the Republicans to try to make Democraps look good by comparison. We need to keep ourselves informed and make damned sure we get the truth out.


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