Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Border agents going to jail for trying to bust a violent smuggler

border patrol agents going to jail

This is one of those stories where ... um ... I just cannot imagine the ... hmmm ... it is hard to pull together. So much so, in fact, that I just wonder if the portrayal I heard this morning is accurate. The guy is Mark Taylor ... filling in for Dennis Prager ... who along with US Rep Dana Rohrabacher (R - CA) talked about what happened to these guys ... a story so over the top that I would not be too surprised to find out much of what they said was not true.

Because if it is true ... I just don't know ... I do not get it ... I cannot imagine the circumstances under which all this could have happened.

Here is how they spelled it out ...
1) agents confront drug dealer ... after all this happened they find the truck the guy was in had 800 lbs of pot in it
2) at some point they shoot the guy in the butt after the guy beat up one of the agents and knelt as if position to shoot the agents ... guy manages to cross back into mexico and is gone. Note: agent only shot ONCE, but ultimately they did mess some of the reporting up after the fact.
3) turns out the smuggler is a friend of some other US border agent, this other border agent helps guide the drug smuggling criminal on how to manipulate the US system to nail his fellow agents
4) US attorney works with the drug smuggler to nail the US agents. This includes a free pass to go back and forth on the border, including getting busted for bringing in more drugs!!! Also includes all sorts of courtesies and medical care ... paid for by taxpayers, of course.
5) Several of the jury members who ultimately found the guards guilty complained they were pressured to come to their verdict.

BTW ... you could put a freaking gun to my head and I would sooner have my brains splattered then give these guys up ... so the jurors who were whining are a bunch of total asses. I promise you some of the other jurors (assuming these were the ones applying the pressure) would have gotten their heads smashed if my happy butt would have been in that room. Of course, I have a brain, which was obviously one of the disqualifying factors for jury members in this case ... so I could have never made this jury.

Higher thought ... if Bush does not give these guys pardons ... then exactly when the hell does he think the president SHOULD give a pardon? Even if these guys screwed up ... even if they never should have shot this bastard ... 10 years for shooting a drug smuggler in the middle of the commission of the crime, and the guy goes on to commit more crimes during the trial? I do not even think OTHER drug dealers get 10 years for shooting other drug dealers!!!

The longer Bush serves, the more he makes me absolutely ill.


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