Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Commercial : Priorities

So the democrats are tired of losing, and tried to pull a play from the Republican playbook of 1994 ... the Contract with America led by House Majority Leader Newt Gingrich ... and decided to come up with a contrat of their own.

Know what they came up with as a top 10 priority for America???

Raising the minimum wage.

(Pause) ... it is hard to say that with a straight face, isn't it? This is their idea of the priorities for America. With all that is going on, do you really consider the minimum wage to be even remotely important? Well ... the Democrats do.

Commercial : The Truth

"The stories about my death have been greatly exagerated!"

A quote from Mark Twain ... that will likely be appropriate from the Republican party come the November elections.

Why? Because the american people are going to figure out what is really going on in Washington D.C. A few moderate republicans have combined with the entire mass of Democrats to force all sorts of horrible legislation that the American people despise.

Yes the Republicans have not done all that they could to do what the people want, but that is because the Democrats have successfully pulled a few RINOs to their way of thinking. Now the democrats want you to believe that you should give them MORE power, exclusive power???? I don't think so.

The American people are much more aligned with Conservative principals than liberal / progressive / socialist ones ... love of family, love of country , honoring our soldiers. The solution to the problem with Washington is to get more of the seats to real conservatives ... not to fill the halls with liberals.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

John Murtha, Traitor extraordinaire

Once again, kicking 'em while they are down ... John Murtha rises up from the sewers to attack the military as a whole when a couple (seemingly) screwed up. I'll get to more of how totally asinine this whole thing shapes up to be in a bit ... but to begin with we have to take a hatchet to the dirtball Congressman from PA (yeah, really, not CA).

And for the record ... Murtha gave up all right to claim his "patriotism" accorded him from his service in the Marines after continuing attacks, particularly from podiums of such prestigious groups as Move-On, etc. Actually, because he was a Marine, Murtha now is on the same scale as a traitor.

In one despicable interview ... Murtha attacks the (mainstream media) reporter who had the audacity of suggesting that we wait until the results of the investigations are concluded. Murtha ... an elected US Representative ... demands that the reporter not "defend the military".

Please ... stop and think about that for a minute. A so-called "patriot" ... former military guy that is always held up by the libs as a posterboy for lefty military representation ... out-n-out shouts at a reporter (liberal, no less) for trying to give our marines a break. Actually, you don't have to think about it that long ... hate-Bushism seems to be a qualifiable psychological disorder that has no limit as to how deranged its victims act.

So how long before the Murtha interviews are all over Al-Jazeera? What time is it?

Wesley Clark ... open mouth, insert foot

In another fascinating interview (I am being facetious, of course), former general Wesley Clark shows up on Bill O'Reilly echoing the absolutely ridiculous point that somehow the military is fatigued and overstressed. In the same breath ... not recognizing the absolute stupidity of the contradiction, Clark "trumps" O'Reilly's assertion that 95% of the soldiers in the Iraqi zone are doing an admirable job by saying "99.5 percent or more".

So, fathead ... if 99.5% "or more" are doing admirable, then how the hell do you argue that they are fatigued and overstressed and all the other bad (liberal, anti-american) puke you have been spewing forth? Also, why are re-enlistments at all time highs? Sounds like beatin' and down-troddin' pee-ons to me, how about you?

The situation ... it HAD to happen

Remember how I commented months ago about how sooner or later a situation will blow up exactly like this? If combatants were fighting from and hiding amongst civilians, particularly willing on the part of the civilians ... sooner or later a significant amount were going to get caught up in a raid or firefight ... and many "innocents" would die.

Note: in many places (either totally unreported or misreported as "civil war") ... the civilians have gotten sick of this crap and taken matters into their own hands. How many times have you heard the stories of 8-10 or even more men, bound and gagged with bullets in their skulls, floating down a river. I have heard reported that when the foreigners move in, neighbors begin to worry everytime they hear a jet engine ... then finally get sick of it and slaughter the terrorists.

The argument against showing any decency to terrorists (non-uniformed) had to do with idiots arguing about Geneva conventions when it came to the non-uniformed. My point in the generic sense was that if the terrorists do not suffer severe, and I mean SEVERE, consequences for fighting out of uniform, innocents will be killed.

So how did the hate-Bush, cut-n-run liberals respond? By continuing their moronic arguments ... including the garbage coming from the international human rights groups about all the bad things Americans are doing to captured Al Quaeda murderers. The blood of these victims (assuming that they were victims and not combatants) is on the hands of the dirtballs that hide among us and their advocates in the world.

Terrorists MUST be untouchables ... exposed to the worst possible consequences civilized humanity can reasonably deliver. I do not pretend to know what we should do ... but we now seemingly have strong evidence of the disasterous course we are on by listening to these idiots. We cannot tolerate combatants attacking from and hiding among civilians ... under any circumstances.

Redefining rules of engagement

The biggest mistake of the Bush administration is the failure to engage the debate on the home front of the new rules of war. I have heard the "9-11 changed everything" phrase enough to make me puke ... and that goes particularly for Republicans. Unlike the liberals, however, I am not saying that nothing changed ... to the contrary everything has changed, and we absolutely need to rewrite all rules of engagement to deal with the situation.

Terrorists want to kill us, and these killers are (potentially) living among us. Over 200-some-odd years of history ... we have completely re-written everything around the idea that "real" wars will be fought completely outside of the US ... think about it ... we cannot even use our own military to guard our own national borders under Federal control. I mean really think about how absolutely lunatic that is!!! Obviously the situations we envisioned ... like fighting off Germany (who, with only very limited exceptions, never actually threatened our borders) and Japan (who also, with the only exception being Pearl Harbor, was a long way from any serious threat of hitting major mainland points).

Vietnam was the first example of the type of new situation that we were going to have to deal with. Yet I am not aware of any real efforts to face the new situation (again, in terms of rewriting all of the rules). We now have a much worse foe comparitively speaking. Going on 40 years later ... we still have not faced the hard work of recreating the rules.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Warning Shot

I picked up on a radio 'tweener (those 4-8 minute local news segments between show segments) a report about the Fed government finding that there is no evidence whatsoever that the oil companies are "gouging" prices at the pumps. The report included a quote that I believe is *extermely* revealing ... and pretty much lays the groundwork for a possible future that every conservative needs to take notice of. In a response to the report, Senator Barbara Boxer ... lunatic fringe senator from the leftist coast ... warned that if the investigating group did not come to the conclusion that she was looking for, then she thought that the investigating group should be investigated!

I have to pause for a moment here at the simple stupidity of this comment ... never mind the ear-ringing hypocrisy. "If you do not manufacture the result we are looking for, then we will punish you" ... sound like, oh ... say ... McCarthyism? "If you do not accuse your friends of being communists ... then YOU must be one!!!"

Isn't this exactly the kind of thing that the Democraps say the republicans are doing with the word "patriot" (i.e. Democrat lack thereof)??? Never mind that it is a total lie ... but is that not what they are saying? Could you imagine if the republicans actually did this kind of crap ... the hell they would have paid for it?

And is it not funny that nobody is making a big deal out of this?

Looking to the future

One of the radio commentators I heard indicated that something like this will happen if (God forbid) the Democrats take control of either house of Congress. They will hold hearings where the only testimony will be delivered by those that the liberals want to hear from. I doubt it will go so far as impeachment (certainly not removal from office), but if they are able to pull off enough of a circus ... particularly with their pals in media ... who knows?

This will be similar to that idiot Russ Feingold's little sophomoric "censure" hearings (you might have missed it ... nobody bothered to show up and even Feingold left during the proceedings). The only bozos testifying were also ran buffoons and guys trying to push the sales of their books ... nobody, and I mean nobody ... with any kind of real information was around.

Think it through

You need to think this through ... because if you are like me you probably want to puke all over the Republicans on this immigration thing (I'll get to that later). The bottom line however, is that this could have severe ramifications throughout ... tax cuts, the War on Terror, judicial nominees, etc. If they can pin Bush to the wall for 2 years, they might be able to undo the few good things that were accomplished during this administration.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Twilight zone ... 2x

During the ride in this morning, I nearly choked up my chai latte when I heard that the House ... THE HOUSE ... voted down a bill to increase *natural gas* drilling in the country. NATURAL GAS!!!! Obviously all the anti-America communists (oh, I'm sorry, the democrats) voted against it, but apparently they pulled over enough R.I.N.O.s to defeat it.

This is totally bizarre on several fronts ... not the least of which is that natural gas drilling is (from my understanding, since I don't work the petroleum industry much) fairly clean and unobtrusive. The commentator indicated that there is speculation that part of the reason it was voted down was exactly the fact that it is so clean ... if people see that we can dig up natural gas with absolutely no impact, then the people will be more likely to realize that the leftie tree hugging environmentalist whackos have been lying all along about how much damage energy independence causes.

And yet ... higher prices on oil and gas are the President's (republicans') fault???

In the immigration debate ... commentators are poo-pooing the various reports that say that over the next 20 years, immigration (legal and illegal ... if anything can even be thought of as illegal anymore) ... numbers may be in the upper 10s of millions and as high as 200 million. One person I heard independently was Alan Colmes (radio show) who called it "ridiculous".

How is it ridiculous to assume that EXACTLY what has happened in the past will happen again? Reagan's mistake (80s amnesty) was 3 million, and now we're anywhere from 13 to 20 million new illegals. So if we just do the easy math on a number in the middle ... 15M to make it easy ... you get at least 75 million (15M x 5). Now, I have no idea if the 3M of the Reagan mistake included the extra LEGAL immigrants as a result of those who would be parents and children of the Reagan amnesty recipients ... so the 2006 REAL numbers in the amnesty bill is conservatively at least 45M (assuming each new LEGAL brings in 2 ... which is likely to be real low).

Now, if you are dumb enough to believe that the Democraps are not going to pay these new constituents a king's ransom in entitlements, then you are clueless. Also, my immediate fear is that somehow a Democrap president figures out a way to bypass Congress altogether and somehow grant immediate citizenship / voting rights ... I know Clinton / Gore did something like this the last time to get a bunch of extra voters before their re-erection.

Staying home for the election?

So now the rumour is that conservatives will stay home in protest because they are so pissed off at the Republican party.

Again, I am wondering how stupid the liberal media thinks we are?

And if any of your friends are stupid, set them straight ... we don't get what we want by losing both houses and the presidency (and corresponding federal bench) ... we get what we want by putting even MORE CONSERVATIVES in office. The first round is coming up now ... getting rid of any RINOs. The next round will be to get those conservatives into office ... which should not be hard since it simply involves telling folks exactly what the Democrats have been saying all along.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bush administration ends

Well, that is it, I guess. President George W. Bush officially announced the end of his administration yesterday. No, not in so many words ... he couched it into a re-worded re-statement of his ridiculous position on immigration. However, in those few words he effectively cut off any support he may have had by the die hard conservatives that have been holding on against all hope that he would somehow redeem himself for the catastrophe that was 2005. I believe that after about a week of digesting this swill, the last 30-some odd percent of GW's support could be gone.

I should not be surprised ... but I must admit that I was. I held hope that Bush would have heard the cries of his constituency, in the same way he relented in the Miers debacle. Alas, those hopes were dashed ... and I found myself cussing at the TV in ways that I usually reserve for Democraps.

I liken it back to the same feelings that I had during a playoff game a few years back that the Green Bay Packers played against the Philidelphia Eagles ... Green Bay pretty much owned the Eagles throughout but gave up a devestating final score (one of the plays was a 4th and 23 conversion by the Eagles where Green Bay, playing 'prevent' allowed a receiver to be wide open up the middle of the field) ... allowing the Eagles to tie the game and push it into overtime. At that point you just figured the game was over, even though Green Bay had just as good a chance to win. Green Bay gets the ball ... Brett is under pressure and throws up a moonshot over the middle of the field ... interception and runback to just outside of field goal territory ... game over.

Bush's speech last night was like that last pass ... it was/is the time that you knew, as a fan, that the end was near.

Warning signs

While I am not sure that anybody actually has a transcript of the call ... many have reported that Vicente Fox called GW on Sunday raising concerns about the militarization of the border.

As an aside ... how would you like to have been on the receiving end of that call ... "Listen Fox, you corrupt hypocritical bastard ... if any of our Apache's sees anybody even resembling your paramilitary drug runners within a mile of the border, you are going to find out why they call them hellfire missiles".

In any case, the buzz is that Bush assured Fox that the Guard is not actually going to do anything. So now I know what it is like to be a Democrap.


I actually do see a silver lining around this cloud. Despite the lunatic rantings of the Democraps, GW Bush is NOT running for any office this year ... and in that might be the salvation. I believe that the House republicans can argue that the election of MORE conservatives is the LAST STAND against Bush and the Democrats plan for mass amnesty for the aliens. They could also remind Americans of how Clinton/Gore rammed through citizenship for tons of aliens who were not qualified before elections in the 90s. Senate conservatives could similarly run on these themes, but they had better stand up now and try to block anything even remotely related to the garbage that the Senate has come up with so far.

The key here is that the Democraps are on the wrong side of just about every issue in this country ... national security, treatment of terrorists, immigration, drilling for oil, etc. ... including giving a good amount of their base (the union constituencies) the shaft. Conservatives simply need to force these details into the limelight and not allow the Democrats to hide in the abstract.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Democrap or Terrorist ... What's the difference?

Once again, a major world terrorist has gathered up the Democrat party talking points, assimilated them into an assault on American ideals, and released it to the world. Once again, the liberals are getting sucked into this garbage ... proving that they can *never* be trusted with the security of this nation.

Several Higher Points

1. At what point will the Democrats see the sheer stupidity of walking in lockstep with terrorists? I guess that I have a little problem with the concept of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" ... since it is a policy that I find totally stupid. If the group/idea that I am against ... say like "poverty pimps" or even Clinton ... is hated by some other group I find detestable ... like the KKK ... that doesn't mean I will ever embrace the KKK, ever. Yet the Democrats seem totally willing to embrace this lunatic from Iran after his moronic letter.

2. Is anybody ever going to educate the American people on the tactics of our enemies, or are the people that don't look deeper than the mass media) just going to be fat, drunk and stupid indefinitely. This tactic ... sending out a message to enemies, particularly before an attack, to invite them to "convert to your way of thinking, or else" (i.e. subjugate the US to Iranian or radical Islam rule) ... is part of the way these dirtballs do business. Anybody that knows even the lightest bit of the history of Islam, particularly Islama-fascism, knows that this letter amounts to a declaration of war by Iran against the US.

Yet the Democraps are so caught up in their anti-Bush lunacy that they are saying crap about how this note might amount to Iran extending a hand of friendship. Don't the Democraps think they are the intelligencia and we are the dumb, farmer hick republicans from fly-over country? So who are the idiots? Somebody check Clinton / Feinstein / Pelosi's closets ... any burkhas in there?

Part of this is the fault of the Administration ... who the hell does GW expect is going to tell the people what this letter really amounts to? Instead Condi is out there sounding like a total moron ... "Oh, this letter doesn't help the situation (re: the nuclear showdown)" ... damn, Condi, this letter means a hell of a lot more than that!!!

Still, you have to ask yourself ... is this a case of the Democrats being totally stupid ... or is it yet another example of the Democrats presuming that their pals in the media will simply play along with another lie.

3. If you have not read the "White Guilt" article by Shelby Steele ... stop whatever you are doing and read it NOW!!! In fact, go out and buy the book. The article is pure brilliance ...

In any case ... an understanding of what Mr. (Dr.?) Steele is talking about would literally transform the Iran letter into a jokesheet.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Commercial : Hard Hat

Scene : New home being built ... guys in hardhats running around, obviously carpenters, plumbers, painters, etc. People of all races, couple of women, etc.

Foreman walks up : "Hey Joe ... call the crew in." workers assemble, guy starts handing out papers ... "Sorry guys, but I am bringing in a new work crew."

Obvious confusion ...

Truck pulls up ... illegals jump out and start dispersing into the worksite.

Foreman: "These guys work a lot cheaper and we don't have to pay any of the extras ... employee tax, workman's comp, vacation, even Social Security ..."

Worker: "What is this? We work hard and do good work."

Foreman: "Hey, listen, I have to be able to compete. The guy down the street is doing it and has half the costs I do, so I had to do something."

Worker: "The unions are not going to go for this"

Foreman: "The unions are on their side ... have you not paid attention to what is going on in Washington? They sold you out. " (pause) "Sorry, but maybe you can move your family and find work somewhere else ... there's got to be some places where these guys have not shown up yet".

Pause as the workers start picking up their stuff and leaving ... two workers about to depart turn around and look at the replacements: "I thought they were only taking jobs Americans are not willing to do"

Friday, May 05, 2006

After the Amnesty

First off, if this should ever reach the eyes / ears of Senator McCain ... hear this: the American people know that what you are doing is amnesty, straight up ... and your B.S. spin does not fool anybody. You have proven to the world that you are deranged with that asinine $50/hour to pick lettuce comment ... so perhaps now you realize that we are not the stupid sheep that you think we are. Do you really think that you will be our Presidential nominee in 2008 if your idiotic "leadership" leads to a crushing defeat in 2006 (which it will if your amnesty plan is in fact enacted, God forbid)?

One other thing ... and this is for anybody ... how stupid do you have to be to believe the talk about securing the southern border in any other manner than a big huge wall? Any other method will fail NOT because the method itself is somehow inadequate, but because you are putting your trust in the same bastards that caused this original problem in the first place (the same ones that are absolutely opposed to any REAL measures to stop it now). The border guards are not failing because of this reason or that, in fact they are not failing at all ... they are ineffective because the powers that be have indirectly or directly stopped them. There was this massive roundup in California where they netted hundreds of illegals, and the plan was to literally nab thousands more, it was almost trivially easy ... but then the call came from Washington to shut the operation down.

But I digress ... So, what happens after the amnesty? I just have not heard anybody really talk this through ... maybe some chewing around the sides but nobody actually cutting into it to figure it out.

I think it will literally be a lose-lose-lose-lose for everybody ... and I mean EVERYBODY, including the aliens themselves. The only potential winners in an amnesty plan are the poverty pimps ... generally Democrats that gain and retain power by subjugating this new mass of serfs


If the aliens have any type of legal status, their job pool simply dries up and essentially is taken up by the next wave of illegals. Illegals are an advantage to criminal employers for two big reasons ... they take lower wages (but not really all that much lower), BUT THERE ARE NO ADDITIONAL COSTS. For the ignorant masses of this country ... the ones that the politicians count on ... these costs are totally hidden ... most people have no idea as to the absolutely insane (and asinine) costs an employer bears for the employees over and above the wages paid.

Americans lose

Any type of legal status for the aliens will have a devastating effect on just about every aspect of American life. All costs will go up : by definition if the employers have to pay legal wages, they have effectively doubled their personnel costs, and these will be passed on to the consumer. At BEST the heavy burden of the aliens on all of our systems stays the same, but I would guess it actually becomes much worse because nothing really changes for the existing loads (or else as illegals lose their fear, they weigh on the systems even more), and the huge new influx of aliens doubles or triples the load.

Employers lose

The whole point that these criminal enterprises have for employing aliens is lower costs BECAUSE they can avoid many costs of having legal workers. You make the existing employees legal, and those savings go away. As an employer you go out and get a new batch of illegals (along with the associated costs), or else your costs skyrocket and all the associated "supply/demand" forces kick in. This along with all the additional costs of huge tax increases resulting from the stuff already covered puts the employers in a real bad way.

Immediate Solution

The immediate solution to the problem is the wall ... a real, physical wall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.

Aliens win ... aliens that are here but still illegal gain an immediate victory in that their competition (other aliens) drops ... end of the inflow.

Americans win ... at the least, we can now have a realistic discussion of what to do. Any other discussion that does not START with an absolute stop to the illegal crossings is purely insanity. All of the secondary benefits ... stop the "piling on" of burdens against our systems, the obvious security dangers, etc.

Mexicans ... frankly who cares ... but at the least you stop the extremely dangerous activities associated with the illegal crossings. Even a Mexican is not going to hike into the middle of a desert if they have no chance of getting across there. This also forces Mexicans and their government to finally fix their amazingly corrupt system at home. I mean really, think about it, can you imagine a more perfect place (potentially) than Mexico??? How many thousands of miles of beach front with a warm climate, and low costs of living? It is a rich petroleum state. If they were not so inept and corrupt it could be turned into a monstrous industrial base ... far more desireable to US interests than China, et al.

Businesses ... again, who cares (since they are operating criminally) ... but again the key thing is that this stops the devastating effects of a mass amnesty and new influx of illegals. Realistically, though ... businesses do not want to be operating criminally ... I don't give a damn what leftie commie rhetoric you hear. They want to be able to compete on an even playing field, so the "wall" at least permits them to start moving back toward the ability to compete with legal workers.

Higher Thought

Ponder this one for a minute ... the liberal, nanny government state is what led to this problem in the first place. There would be very little reason for employers to create this need for illegals if it were not for the amazing costs imposed by the government (to fund a lot of useless programs) against businesses for having employees. In addition, the US has its own ready supply of very low cost workers that we are paying to sit on their asses (when they are not too busy making the next generation of Oprah watchers) with the welfare system.

My idea of a "compromise" on illegals is that you build the wall to stop the influx, then end welfare to "replace" the illegals that either move out or move up.