Thursday, March 29, 2007

Liberal bleed on live TV

Watching Newt Gingrich disassemble Alan Colmes on Fox News last night ... oh it was precious. I am not real sure why Colmes took the tack that he did ... the ol' liberal two step ... but Gingrich litterally caught every slight of "question" and counterpunched with unbelievable precision. It was almost as if Gingrich knew Colmes' deception before Colmes did, was prepared for it, and simply annihilated Colmes with that wry Newt smile on his face.

It was child's play to Newt.

The basic argument was about the Middle East situation ... a combination of Iraq and the suicide pact (i.e. the "get out of war FREE" gift pack to al queda courtesy of liberal lunatics in Congress), along with the Iranian kidnappers (a.k.a. "Here we go again!").

So Colmes launches in with a softball so fat that Gingrich could not help but to launch it out of the park ... listing all the "bonuses" in the suicide pact ... equipment, training, help for hurt soldiers, and lions and tigers and bears, OH MY! There are a billion retorts to this, the easy one being "hell, alan ... congress can put money into all those programs without an asinine date for withdrawal"!!! Instead, however, Gingrich cut IMMEDIATELY to the chase ... "You don't think that sending a signal (to our enemies), with the Iranians showing every bit of contempt for the US and G.B., the democrats want to show a sign of weakness?"

Then Colmes takes a shot that could have knocked most folks off guard ... but Newt is not "most folks". He tries the ol' switcharoo ... bringing up a list of the x-generals that disagree with something or the other ... Newt totally fragged Colmes ... saying "wait-a-minute" ... you cannot find one single senior general that agrees that a 4 month political deadline for troop withdrawal (and of course he names all the key players).

It is not so much that Gingrich was able to articulate incredibly well ... heck, its Newt. What was utterly fascinating is how Newt just hit that B.S. switcharoo so hard and so far that Colmes had his ass handed to him. I was astounded when Colmes persisted and tossed up another one ... couldn't get Newt with a team, how 'bout himself: obviously not realizing how badly he was damaged ... by insisting Kissinger said there can only be a political solution ... again trying to associate two dis-associated facts to imply Kissinger supported pulling the troops.

Gingrich again bitch slapped Colmes ... so you are telling me Kissinger is asking for a 4 month deadline ... ? BLAMMO!

The only thing that saved Colmes from bleeding to death on this one was that it was Sean's turn to talk. Oh, baby ... that was so brutal it was hard to watch (just kidding, after all Colmes is liberal).


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