After the disasterous letdowns for liberals last week, and in a desperate attempt to recharge the radical lunatics that now comprise the base of the Democrat party, Harry Reid invokes a little used and rarely needed "rule" to pull the Senate into a secret session. The message Harry tries to impart ... that "the Republicans are hiding something and this desperate move is necessary to hash them out!" The truth ... "everything we have tried so far has failed, and our faithful are getting tired of losing".
Well, Harry, get used to it (losing) ... because even this will not change the fact that you have absolutely nothing.
The original purpose for rule 21 was to allow the Senate to hash out details of highly sensitive matters ... i.e. wartime plans, intelligence, and the like ... without allowing our enemies to exploit the openness of our system to gain an advantage. It results in a session of the Senate being closed to the public.
In all sincerity, we probably need to have rule 21 used a lot more, since in recent history the Democrats have used the floor of the Senate to expose US objectives and even put US operatives in jeapordy to achieve their political objectives.
The Republicans were incensed ... to the glee of lefty crackpots ... but not for reasons that the media would have you think ("they are trying to hide something"). This is simply not how things work in the Senate ... they are supposed to be more "civilized" than this. There was no good reason for Reid to invoke rule 21 without letting Frist know it was coming, unless of course Reid was doing it to be a jerk. It was very fun to watch the other liberal Senators covering for Reid ... they obviously knew this was coming but you know it had to turn their stomachs ... like I said, the Senators like to think of themselves as the "stable" body: congenial, stoic, intellectual ... and Reid turned that on its head.
What was really strange, and of course it is not being reported ... is that what they were screaming for was already in play ... the subcomittee was working on the report, and in fact had already announced it would be released next week. Again, this shows that the politically bankrupt Democrats are absolutely dependent upon their friends in the media to cover for them.
I wrote about this, however, because I could not help the flashback that I got from this ... and those of you not familiar with "Black and Blue" division NFL football, please forgive me. You see, I am a diehard Green Bay Packer fan, and our arch nemesis is the Chicago Bears. For many years, particularly during the Brett Favre years, the Bears have been absolutely pathetic. During the Dave Wannstedt years, it was particularly bad, and the Bears were (in)famous for trying these whacky trick plays. Why? It was because they basically knew they could not beat the Packers straight up, so they had to try "rarely used" (ahem) backdoor ways to try to win.
Well ... it rarely if ever worked (the play that is) ... and the Bears went some 5 years or so before finally squeezing out a win.
Judging by Reid's innumerable miscalculations, particularly the fact that he assumes that the media is capable of covering up the truth of what is really going on, I see the Democraps on the same path as those hapless Bears teams of the 90s.
The best part is watching the liberal response ... "Brilliant" ... they tout ... "Masterful". Huh? What exactly was "brilliant" about it? Wait 48 hours and nobody will even remember what "rule 21" means.
You see, my radical lefty friends ... nobody but hardcore kool-aid drinkers even care if Bush manipulated the information (which he did not have to, but whatever). Everybody knows that intelligence is going to be manipulated ... that is what politicians do ... you might want to look at the speeches by all your left wing heroes in 2002-2003 ... they sounded more "bent" than did Mr. Bush. In fact, if we want to go back to the late 90s, the top Democraps were talking about Saddam's nukes like they were a done deal.
So even if Bush did the absolute WORST manipulation of information that you can possibly accuse him of, nobody will care. I will further assert that if it does come to people actually starting to care about it, then Bush will be lumped in with all the top Democrap leadership that were saying the EXACT same thing. This is far more damaging to Democrats however ... since their only excuse for manipulating the information is POLITICAL, and not national security. I predict that if it came to this, the problem will cost Democraps FAR MORE DAMAGE than accusing GW for sticking to intelligence that turned out to be wrong.
Nonetheless ... watching the liberals jump for joy is as entertaining as watching the Bears fans cheer and bounce and get their hopes up because one of these goofy trick plays work. In the end, when the time runs out in the fourth quarter ... we see what the score is, and the good guys win ... again.