Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Traitor speaks ...

Senator Kerry ... the guy who helped destroy American victory in Vietnam by lying through his teeth in Congressional testimony ... now has the cajones to comment about Dick Cheney's credibility when it comes to the Iraq war. His comments (quoted from several sources so I cannot guarantee precise wording) was ...

“it is hard to name a government official with less credibility on Iraq” than Cheney

Excuse me? I think Mr. Kerry can look in the mirror to see somebody that has less credibility on ANYTHING. For that matter, I cannot think of an entire STATE that has less credibility on the war than Massachusetts, given how both of its Senators are demonstrated liars, and who both have been unabashed in accusing the US military of wholesale war crimes without a shred of evidence to support their claims. I venture to say that few individuals in the federal government have been quoted more by Al Jazeera and Al Queda than the (dis-) honorable senators from Massachusetts.

So, Mr. "I voted for it before I voted against it" ... you would be best served (actually, WE would be best served) if you would spew forth your venomous and disgraceful talking points without calling into question the character of the individuals you are falsely accusing. Actually, we would all be best served if you would just shut up.


Blogger Rob said...

"...then apply some common (perhaps not so common) sense to get people to get past the mindless ramblings and think about things at a higher intellectual level."

Wow, my minds been elevated already. Could you provide some documentation for those assertions about Kerry lying or about Cheney being honest? I'd love to see them.

9:05 PM  
Blogger RMW said...

Kerry lying? documentation? You're kidding right? Even Kerry admitted during his campaign that he didn't *really* see any war crimes going on (the kind that he referenced in his testimony). Of course ... in some of his testimony he used "weasel words" like "I heard that..." and such ... did not matter, the damage was done.

The bottom line ... Kerry's fabrications have been long since documented. Did you ever wonder why NOBODY was ever brought up on the "charges" that Kerry made in his testimony? Think about it chumley ... the guy was on a boat ... anything he would have witnessed would have been easily reviewed.

Or don't you think that hard?

re: "documenting" Cheney's honesty ... exactly how does one do that?

The bottom line is that all of the so-called "lies" of Bush-Cheney count on a buy-in of two things:

1) that the war was predicated on WMD, which is a lie that the liberals cooked up.
2) that Bush hid or manipulated information in the intelligence

re: 1) The intelligence was one of the reasons, but the violation of UN resolutions was the justification. EVERYBODY agreed on the violations (even France), but not everybody agreed on the corresponding response. Most DEMOCRAPS agreed on the response.

re: 2) that is a total lie by the democrats. Intelligence that was held back was WORSE ... predicted more problems with Saddam than what the other intelligence did, however it was not as solid as the stuff ALL leaders reviewed.

If you have relevant examples of specific lies by Cheney, other than liberal crap talking points, feel free to show them.

12:36 PM  

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