Friday, November 11, 2005

Finally ...

At long last, GW crawled out from under whatever rock he was hiding under and shot back at the lying Democrats who want to pretend that the beginning of time occured the day that we invaded Iraq.

In his Veteran's Day speech, Bush said that he doesn't mind criticism of the policy or even criticism of HOW the war was being carried out, but going back and trying to rewrite history in terms of the reasons for going to war is out of bounds. He also pointed out what the news media has not (with very few exceptions) ... that the Democraps ALL saw the exact same thing that the Administration did, and most of them came to the EXACT SAME CONCLUSIONS.

Nonetheless ... I suppose GW is still GW ... and he is too darned nice for his own (and the collective) good. At least he has taken the shot across the bow of the paper ship the Democrats are floating on, and we can only pray that he follows through and sinks that tub of manure fast and furious.

Now for some Comic Relief : The Fat Designated Driver from Mass. Comments

A release by the poster child for MADD, Ted Kennedy, indicates he was not happy with Mr. Bush using Veterans Day for political purposes.

Apparently he did not hear the original audio, in which the MILITARY people that was Mr. Bush's audience gave the Commander In Chief RESOUNDING applause throughout his speech, particularly when he got on the subject of the lying through their teeth Democrats trying to rewrite history.

What is remarkable, however, is that this Senator (the fat, drunk killer) spent day after day after day ... beating down the military in the Abu Ghraib situation ... trying to leave the impression that our entire fighting force was a bunch of renegade, trashy sleeze balls. He sure did not give a damn what the military thought when he and Senator (D)Turbin were comparing the military to Nazis, Polpot and other historical war criminals, but NOWWWW he is "Mr. Sensitive" about how Mr. Bush uses Veteran's Day?

Excuse me while my head explodes.

Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.


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