Monday, October 31, 2005

Alito ... Let the games begin!!!

First off ... the media accounts of the whole Miers affair ... they still do not get it. What will be fun to watch now is exactly how the media will respond to what I expect to be the incredibly powerful groundswell that shoves Alito down the throat of the radical lefties (i.e. the mainstream of the Democrat party). Even Lindsey Graham, one of the infamous "Gang of 14", has taken the first shot across the bow of the Democrats by indicating that Alito is NOT in the crosshairs of the "Fillibuster" ... a sure sign that if they try to pull that garbage, the "nuclear" option will be triggered.

Oh yeah!!!

The Misinformation has begun

A story that the leftie media will no doubt miss is just how fast the response has been to this nomination. It appears that the leftie groups, led by Harry Reid, are using "word processors" in their attack talking points (i.e. it does not matter who is nominated, you just plug in the name and the attacks are the same). "Radical", "turning back civil rights", etc. etc. etc.

Yawn! Is this another re-run, or will the Democrats EVER have something new?

One case they have dug up and are out-n-out lying about is this PA abortion law, where Alito issued the dissent. The problem area had to do with whether or not the law could require wives to talk to the their husbands before getting an abortion (I am not sure of the details). Basically, Alito argued that there is nothing in the Constitution that bans the state from making a law that says that a wife has to talk to her husband. The liberals are spinning this by saying he said the Constitution forced the wife to ask the husband's permission.

Huh? That is a pretty wild leap of logic, but of course there is nobody around to check their facts, right? WRONG!!!! We are here, so stay tuned.

Now, this is important ... because again the media is going to report all sorts of B.S. It is important that decent, upstanding people spread the word on what the TRUTH is. Word is that even Ted Kennedy has been woken from his drunken stupor to engage on this, so we had better be ready to engage in the war that we asked for.


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