Katrina ... "What problems?"
In the aftermath of Katrina, Nancy Pelosi held yet another Bush-bashing press conference, where she publicly called for the resignation of then FEMA director Michael Brown (whom we still have not apologized to). During the conference, she held that Bush was "out-of-touch" with reality because of the following conversation (note: if I am not mistaken this was the week of the hurricane ... before anybody really knew what was going on):
Pelosi : Are you going to fire Brown?
Bush: Why would I do that?
Pelosi : Because of all of the problems with the federal response (to Katrina)?
Bush: What problems?
Accoring to Nancy, Bush was out of touch. So who was really out of touch, Nancy? You see, Mr. Bush was in communications with the people on the ground ... I would assume the state officials, FEMA, and the military / guard. Nancy was in touch with ... well, nobody ... but she was watching TV!!! So ask yourself ... who was out of touch?
We now know that the majority of the TV stories were unsubstantiated: total exaggerations or downright fabrications; BUT THEY WERE NOT BEING REPORTED THAT WAY ... this is absolutely critical. We also know that across the board, almost nobody in the chain really knew what was going on ... the "victims", the reporters, the news networks ... all were either making up or perpetuating the stories without any regard for accuracy. Even the idiot, democrat (redundant) Mayor of the city was spewing forth the same garbage on Oprah that turned out to be a bald faced lie ... the about the Superdome and about stepping over dead bodies, children being raped and murdered, etc.
I also heard a recording of some city "official" ... just losing it on some news program, blubbering like a baby ... telling the story of his mother or maybe grandmother ... who day after day was calling/crying for help ... and this guy kept promising "they (the feds) were on their way" ... and finally, on Friday, she died ... gut / heart wrenching, you could see how crushed he was telling the story ... and a lie. The woman he supposedly was talking about had died on Monday (how she died is not being reported) ... so unless he was talking to the dead, he made the whole thing up. I'm sorry, but somebody that goes on national TV and exploits our feelings that bad, particularly a government official ... I'm sorry ... they should be taken out and shot. Period ... it is that despicable.
And set Nagin right down next to them, because frankly we expect that a leader will serve to calm the situation, provide rational input so that the government response is effective. This jackass (he is a democrat, after all) was out spreading as big or worse rumours as everybody else, and on national TV. And we wonder why the federal response was delayed and ineffective at first??? Note: FEMA is a coordinating agency ... they rely on the locals to ACCURATELY report what is going on and request the CORRECT help, then FEMA attempts to deliver what is needed with whatever resources they have available. With idiot democrat Nagin running around spreading B.S. about stuff that wasn't happening, and the news media perpetuating this crap, and the New Orleans police department AWOL ... exactly who the hell was FEMA supposed to respond to?
But I digress ...
So now we know it was all B.S. Groups of people (generally speaking, black people) who were accused of the most vile acts, "animalistic behavior" I think is how the mayor put it, were actually helping each other out in the kinds of ways we have come to expect of Americans during such crises. By the way, while the democrats are throwing the "racist" word around ... could you imagine if it would have been republicans or conservatives asserting incorrectly that black folks were acting like the violent animals that their own mayor and the news media made them out to be?
Were there problems? You bet ... were there bad guys acting badly? Absolutely ... some slimeballs were taking advantage of the situation. Always happens, always will, and 10000 military guys bearing down on them probably would (could) not make a difference ... and it is critical that we understand these slime were the exception, not the rule (even if it was 1000 out of the 100000 or so left behind, not to mention the "professional" slime that crawled in from other places).
This is VERY important ... some of the National Guard guys reported that these stories were making security almost impossible ... THEY knew it was a crock, but people hearing the stories ... stories created / repeated BY THE MAYOR ... were responding to the stories by getting violent. It took some remarkably intelligent moves on the part of these Guardsmen and other civilians to keep things calm. Nonetheless, the mayor and other irresponsible idiots were making things more dangerous with these lies.
So now I can take this article down several paths:
1) We are holding congressional hearings to determine how come there was such a poor response to problems that never happened. Think about that ... now for a laugh, the democrats are so indignant that they are boycotting the hearings that are about a poor response to something that never happened, because THEY wanted an independent panel to asses why we did not respond very well ... to nothing.
2) I was accosted by a lib friend (by the way, this guy is no moron) about my questioning his assertion that Bush is screwed up because GW wasn't watching the news (GW apparently had to be told by his staff what the situation being reported was). My reply was why the heck would Bush have to watch the news when he (more accurately, his staff) was in constant contact and he "knew" what was going on? To them (the liberals) ... the media is The Truth (at least the media that makes Bush look bad), so Bush should be watching it to figure out what his next moves are going to be. Think about this ... Bush was evil because he was in Crawford while this was going on, but when he engaged (as if he was disconnected in Crawford) he should have been watching TV!!! Am I crazy or is he?
Now, this was nuts ... I said ... "OK, so what should Bush or Brown had done" ... reply "Send the supplies and the military" ... "Where?" ... "In there!!!" (I kid you not, this guy really is not stupid) ... "Where???" ... "Down to the scene" (I assume he meant where the reporters were) ... "What scene?" ... ok, ok ... you get the picture ... they were just supposed to fly in helicopters, men, food ... nowhere in particular, and nevermind that THEY WERE ALREADY THERE!!! I finally concluded with the fact that the locals were supposed to tell the Feds where to send them, WHEN THEY NEEDED THEM, and then the conversation began to get circular so it was over.
I recently emailed the links to all the liberal rags (New Orleans and LA papers) that are reporting about how terrible the misinformation from the media was ... how they ALL got it wrong ... how they failed even the most basic journalistic principals ... how they ASSUMED that the stories were true (who is the racist?) ... and their lame excuses for continuing to report the lies as truth without even qualifying the stories as such (rumours and inuendo). Funny how I have not heard back from him!
3) How is it that we give a pass to EVERYBODY in this whole, sordid affair, on the REAL racism that was going on? Bush is racist because the feds were too slow (NOT!), but these guys are not racist because they assume that black folks will turn into the most vile animals under these situations? I mean, did they not all assume that the black, poor folks who they were echoing these horrendous stories about were basically expected to be doing these things? Reverse the situation ... if these kinds of stories were coming from the affluent, white communities; wouldn't these news organizations have checked them out and confirmed the facts before going to the reports? This was not just a white, arrogant media doing this ... the mayor himself was spewing this garbage.
4) Speaking of Nagin, why are we still piling on Mr. Brown when we see this same mayor as the complete and total derelict who not only failed in just about every way, but then got on national TV and repeated the garbage being reported in the media? As Mr. Brown stated ... perhaps he did make a mistake in not recognizing what a total idiot these democrats were (my words, not his).
Could you imagine Rudy G. going on Oprah and talking about the people in the towers murdering each other to get out, and then finding out he was lying? Anybody want to guess what the lead story would be in the NY Slimes? But Nagin gets a pass.
5) Now Farrakhan has claimed that he met with Nagin (between trips to the "mother ship" behind the moon, although at this point we don't know if Nagin has been to the "mother ship" with or without Farrakhan), and Nagin told him divers had discovered remnants of explosives at the levees. I would assume that Nagin never even met with Farrakhan, or if they did meet there was no talk about sabatoge on the levees ... and I am guessing there have not been any divers under there yet ... too dangerous, but I could be wrong. Nonetheless ... if Nagin did meet with the Nation of Lunatics leader and DID talk about sabatoge, then that should seal the deal and we should lock Nagin up.
6) This has been broadcast all over the world, including all the B.S. racist claims against Mr. Bush. We looked like a bunch of bungling idiots at best, or mean spirited and on the brink of a race based civil war at worst ... and it was all a lie. State, local and national leaders, all democrats, were only too eager to get on the airwaves to add their "official" seal on this ... yes, George W. Bush is to blame, he caused the hurricane, he's a racist dog and wanted dead black people, and he's totally "out of touch".
So exactly who is going out to the rest of the world and telling them "Oooppssss!!! We were wrong ... it was not as bad as we painted it!" I won't hold my breath.
Six months from now, the left wing will rejoice that Mr. Bush's poll numbers here and around the world will be way down ... and people's idea of the US will have been diminished. The conclusion they will come to will be that the world is rejecting Mr. Bush's ideals and policies. Stupid and ignorant people will believe them ...
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