Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Resurrection of Bill Clinton, courtesy of George W. Bush

Note: the context of this message is primarily derived from an interview of Dick Morris by Bill O'Reilly (The O'Reilly Factor, FOXNews, 19Sept2005).

One of the most shocking turnarounds in the Presidency of George W. Bush is the resurrection of Bill Clinton. To get a real perspective on this, you have to go into a quiet room, close your eyes and just reckon back to pre-9-11 times.

The Clinton's had just slithered out of the White House, literally trashing the place (vandalism, stealing whatever was not nailed down, etc) ... Hillary had her new post in the Senate in a heap of controversy (pardons for votes, etc) ... Clinton was selling presidential pardons for rich contributions ... and on and on. We were also getting our first taste of what was going to be the most viscious media and political campaign ever against a man's reputation ... the trashing of George W. Bush.

Mr. Bush blew them away ... catching everybody off guard ... they had all believed their own rhetoric about how retarded GW was. His political manipulations were nothing short of brilliant, and even leftie media had to acknowledge they were being summarily "spanked". We also got the first inklings of how the President would treat his predecessors when he banned all leaks from White House staffers regarding the trashings of the place, locked up all of the records that the "far right conspiracy" wanted access to, and basically put the past behind us. Speculation at that point was that Bush simply wanted to remove the name "Clinton" from the attention of the American people so that he (Bush) could set about fixing all of the disasters Clinton had created.

Of course, Clinton did not respond in kind. He set out almost immediately on a "trash and burn" campaign ... speaking ill of Bush most notably on foreign shores. The media ignored the stench of it all, effectively hiding the fact that it was traditionally considered "bad form" for a former president to do such things ... in fact the press scrambled to find some precedents where this did happen (I'm sure they found something ... I don't remember).

Bush's response? Kindness and respect.

After 9-11 ... the evidence of the complete failure of Clinton in regards to terrorism and intelligence was a smoldering mess in the heart of Manhatten. When the smoke cleared and blame had to be assigned, the democrat attack machine revved up to pin this all on Bush. The Republicans were ready to hammer Clinton in kind, but Bush pulled them back and instead focused on leading the country into the fight. This focus was not bad, but the 9-11 commission ended up creating a huge camouflage for Clinton's massive failings. This is obvious in light of the recently exposed "Able-danger" data, ignored by the 9-11 commission, that literally exposed the terrorist plan in its infancy ... but was subverted by the insane "wall" erected by Jamie Gorelick, who's role on the 9-11 commission was exclusively for the purpose of covering up Clinton failings.

So, Clinton and his cronies do everything to pile 9-11 on Bush. In addition, the Democrats do everything to undermine the war on terror, equating Bush to some of the worst dictators in the history of the world. Clinton is right up there with them ... travelling the world and hammering Bush's policies.

Bush's response? Kindness and respect.

At the unveiling of a White House portrait of the former president, Mr. Bush gave a glowing speech on behalf of the Clintons.

Bill and Hillary's response ... viscious and unfair attacks during the Kerry campaign ... and again travelling to foreign countries to trash the US foreign policies. One could hardly write this off as mere politicking ... after all Mr. Bush had conceded the French vote to Kerry anyway. It was simply another ugly chapter in the Clintonesque "return nastiness for kindness".

So, one might imagine that at this point George W. would finally figure out that the Clintons are simply the scum of the earth ... viscious idealogues with their eyes on the White House who are simply incapable of any sense of humility ... the world revolves around them and no act of kindness toward them merits any consideration.

Nope ... Mr. Bush simply kept right on being nice.

When the tsunami hit ... Mr. Bush advanced the Clinton resurrection once again, this time appointing the man to work beside his own father. I cannot even imagine how humiliating it had to be for George HW Bush to have to work beside a slimy dirtball like der Schlickmeister after he called the Senior Bush a liar (amongst other things) in their battle for the White House 13 years ago. Nonetheless ... the entire Bush family was more than gracious in their treatment of the Clintons, even to the point where news stories commented on the relationship using words like "adoption".

Well, now that Clinton is part of the family, we should imagine that FINALLY the hateful rhetoric would subside and the Clintons would be civilized and appreciative.

Ah, HELLO? We are talking about the Clintons here.

Within a week of being called upon again by Mr. Bush, Clinton lashed out at GW during the asinine left-wing attacks on the federal response to Katrina. These rantings were particularly viscious, and particularly asinine. Clinton implied that Bush's cuts to his (Clinton's programs) led to an increase in poverty, etc. These were all lies ... there have been no programs cuts (not even budget cuts, let alone elimination) ... in fact Bush is spending orders of magnitude more in existing and new programs than Clinton ever did, and poverty is DOWN at this point compared to the same point in Clinton's presidency. Clinton's other accusations and assertions were equally as stupid ... somehow Bush cannot relate to the poor because he was never poor, and other garbage like that.

One might ask ... will George W. Bush finally get the picture that no amount of kindness to these dirtballs will ever result in anything good? How many teeth does GW have to lose before he finally stops putting his face in the path of the Clinton boot? This guy has spent his entire life using and abusing people ... Bush is acting like the "battered wife", always coming back for more and never telling the cops that there has been abuse.

But hey ... if George W. Bush wants to keep getting kicked in the teeth, why should we care? Well, because by resurrecting and helping to clean up the image of this sleezeball, Mr. Bush continues to add to the political capital of the Clintons. The country needs to know that Bill Clinton left this nation and the world exposed to terrorists, left the economy in full collapse, lined the federal judiciary with the most radical set of "legislators" this country has ever seen, and on and on. Clinton doesn't even get this interview ... a chance to once again reconstruct the past ... if he's not playing a role in this Katrina fund.

A lot of stuff is melting down in Bush's second term ... the media is gaining some traction with the relentless attacks, and the entire administration (along with the Republican Washington presence) is AWOL in responding to this garbage. For Bush to keep up this policy of the resurrection of Clinton could very well position us for 4-8 more years of another Clinton presidency.


Blogger Notes From Dixon said...

You and Dick Morris have come up with an interesting blog about how nice Dubya is to the ungrateful Clintons. It's quite doubtful that being nice to them is setting the stage for their comeback. Bill is a likeable scoundrel and he's proved it. He's smart and a very able administrator but he has no foundation of values, ethics, morals, respect, judgement and etc. Even Hillary couldn't get him elected again.

She is another poisonous person altogether. She dominates old Bill completely and betweem the two, she is the most dangerous. Hillary is a mean spirited, aggressive, ambitious and radical liberal of the worst kind. The kind with no common sense and no conscience.

Forget Bill.

Worry about Hillary.


12:12 PM  
Blogger RMW said...

you are, of course, correct in your analysis of the Clintons.

My point is that there was and is no good reason for George W. Bush, of all people, to be the one to bring der Schlickmeister back into the spotlight. God knows the Clintons live for the spotlight themselves!

Can you imagine a Democrat president doing the same for a Republican (never mind the nuances of the spouse being a potential candidate) ... when they dedicated the George H.W. Bush Library, it was pretty obvious that then President Clinton did not want to be within a 100 miles ... he was squirming like a worm on a hook. Of course, it didn't help that George W. Bush gave a marvelous speech about the honesty and integrity of his father ... something that no doubt knived the soul of Schlick.

Regardless ... the point of the article (and Mr. Morris' comments) is that GW has reaped what he has sowed.

8:36 AM  

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