Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Arguing Both Sides of the Issue : take 2

As has been demonstrated on countless occasions, the democrats have turned into "professional whiners" that will literally argue every side of every issue ... just as long as it is against the hated Bush. So during Katrina we were supposed to be upset about how slow the feds responded to helping, but during Rita the feds are moving too fast?

In the wake of Rita, the federal agencies (I assume FEMA) have contracted out to numerous sources to get things cleaned up enough to allow people to come home. In the wake of the howls from liberal lunatics about the slow response of the Feds in Katrina, we are now getting the howl of liberal lunatics about "no-bid" contracts being awarded to speed up the response to Rita.

Of course, the name Halliburton is being raised (nevermind the fact that numerous no-bids are going out to different companies) ... and of course the liberal media cannot mention Halliburton without at least a line or two tieing it to Dick Cheney. At some point, I'm wondering how "shell-shocked" the poor folks at Halliburton must be ... they are literally despised because of what? Their former CEO ... a man that has literally dismantled all connections to the company, disposing of millions of dollars of personal income in the process ... was Dick Cheney. Nevermind that under Mr. Cheney, Halliburton was a loyal and trusted resource to the Clinton administration, being awarded numerous, lucrative no-bid contracts without question from the loons.

So why, you might ask, does Halliburton always get in the middle of this stuff? Simply put, because they get the job done. Period (perhaps exclamation point). They are a private company that does the job fathead bureaucrats formerly did (at 10x or 100x the cost), a helluva lot faster, and more proficiently. That and the fact (most of the time) they are one of about 2-3 companies in the world capable of dealing with these situations.

Now, the OTHER company getting a big chunk of the contracts is The Shaw Group ... headed by .... (you will be hard pressed to figure out who this is, because the Liberal News Media does not report it ...) Jim Bernhard. So who's that??? The Chairman of the Louisiana Democrat Party. Hmmmm, funny how that little detail seems to fail the New York Slimes!

Nevertheless ... it has long since been beyond sickening that we have to listen to the whiners argue every side of the issue. I do not think it really matters politically, Americans for the most part are sick of it as well ... but that does not make it less tiring. Just once, JUST ONCE, would it not be nice to hear a reporter actually DO THEIR JOB and challenge one of these democrats when they do the about face (yeah, I know ... FantasyLand is in Orlando)?


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