Friday, September 30, 2005

Bill Bennett : "... abort all black babies ..."

If you are a fan of Michael Moore, then the Bill Bennet comments are a windfall for you.

On the other hand, if you actually have a brain, you realize the obvious Michael Moore-ism that took place here ... even if you did not hear the entire statement (by Bennett).

Of course ... the democrats are jumping in with the former crowd ... those without brains. Is that redundant ... "democrat" and "those without brains"?

It has been sheer joy watching the response by journalists and liberals (again, redundant). I guess the one thing that I find amazing is that these liberals continue to believe that they can hide the full context of the statement from people ... that even those that hear the liberals' carefully snipped version of what was said during liberal commentary will not eventually hear the full text and realize that the democrats are once again lying through their teeth. Don't they realize that they (newspapers, magazines and 3 major networks) do not own the information flow anymore? Do they not realize how much the average joe hates to be lied to? Will they ever learn (even after the last plug is pulled and they have to close up shop for lack of readers/viewers)?

But you do expect a higher level of discussion from me, do you not? I appreciate that.

Let's point out the obvious hypocrisy ... yesterday the world was abuzz that a doctor in Alabama was offering free abortions to evacuees. The liberals loved this because they knew it would stick under religious conservative's skins ... or so they think. Now, this doctor obviously is aware that the majority of the evacuees are black ... so how racist is it to assume that these poor black folks would want to abort all their babies? That's just sick ... and that is repulsively racist ... let's kill the black babies. Liberals rejoice, conservatives repulsed ... you figure out who the American people will side with.

Now, more importantly ... and more to the REAL topic Bennett was discussing ... a few years ago another revolting study came out that argued that from an economic view, the millions of dead babies that resulted from all these abortions have been an economic positive. I don't remember the specific details, but basically they argued that the overwhelming majority of the dead children would have been poor (which I think was immediately debunked ... it is not simply the poor that are killing their children) and ended up in jail, and therefore by reducing the poor population crime and overall societal costs would by definition be reduced. Let us just look at that ... basically this argument is that the poor are a bunch of criminals, or more likely to be criminals. Wow! But that's not racist (after all, don't the poverty pimps tell you that all the black folks are poor, or is that only during Bush's watch?) ... well, it was not racist because the arbiters of racism ... the Democrats ... were too busy telling us how wonderful it is to abort poor babies so that crime goes down.

By the way ... let us just dismiss all of this truth, and let us just assume that Bennett was in fact this racist pig, advocating all dead black children. Oh, that is just despicable, no? Really??? (You liberals know I am going somewhere with this, don't you? ;-). Well, then ... let's just look at somebody that probably was the worst of them all.

You realize that Planned Parenthood is the lighthouse of liberalism ... the foundation of the truth of democrat philosophy ... "we never met a child that should not be aborted" and all that. This organization was founded by one Margaret Sanger (note for most of you, every liberal that is reading has to stop at this point ... because they know that their Bennet-bash is a tiny little booger compared to their worship of this viscious bitch). If I am not mistaken, her son is still a key player in Planned Parenthood and democrat hero.

Let me just give you a few samples of her writings ... this one on the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon

Better one, from "Black Genocide" ( :
The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

Oooohhhh ... here's another juicy one ... which appears to be actively being followed by Democrats today:
"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…"Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

So tell your liberal pals that they can shut their flappin' traps about conservative racism until EVERY democrat calls for the destruction (or at least cutoff of government funds) to Planned Parenthood.

Now ... to clean things up ... Bennett's fundamental argument in his statement was that an economics argument is a morally reprehensible way of looking at abortion ... but you probably are only hearing the first half of that statements, particularly if you are listening only to liberal news (redundant) media. His caller was arguing the loss of revenues to Social Security because of 30 million dead babies ... Bennett was saying that sword can cut both ways ... some freaks are arguing that the dead babies would have been the "bad" ones (i.e. "black children") that cost society money. He is saying that this economics argument, in either direction, is morally wrong.


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