Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Herd in Wilson's Living Room

Given all the hullaballoo about the "outing of CIA agent" in Washington, I guess it is not too surprising that nobody is seeing the monstrous elephants rampaging all through livingrooms in the country. However, I guess my experiences working around the arena when the circus was in town has simply made me hyper-sensitive to pachyderms.

Joe's Big Adventure
This whole thing started when the CIA sent ex-ambassador Joe Wilson to Africa to check out some intelligence community information about Iraq's attempts to secure nuclear fuel.

Hello? Will somebody please push Dumbo aside?

Why would the CIA use an ex-State Department loser to check into nukes? I do not want to pretend to be clever here ... I actually first heard this question from Valerie's old supervisor (Valerie is Joe's wife ... the CIA "super-sleuth" desk-jockey that was "outed", ahem, by Rove/Libbey/Cheney) ... her supervisor was being questioned about whether or not Valerie was really "covert" as defined by the law in play here (the answer to that question was "of course she was not"). However, her former supervisor was beside himself as to how and why Wiley Wilson slimed his way into this trip to begin with ... so much so that HE brought it up, not the interviewer.

This was also the same question by the lawyer who helped author the law in question. When asked about whether or not the law that SHE WROTE was violated, she answered an emphatic "NO" but also immediately turned around to ask what the heck this guy was doing in a CIA operation?

Joe's Big Lie
Nobody really knows what Joe was up to when he cruised on into Africa, but one thing is for sure, he sure did not spend any time looking into what he was supposed to. When Joey got back to the US and reported his findings that there was no evidence of the Saddam's boyz being there, the CIA basically concluded that he was full of it. As a matter of fact, Wilson never even filed a written report.

Now, this is critical ... because of the stellar reputation of the CIA over the last few years, we cannot simply say that their dismissal of Wilson's story is conclusive. However, the bi-partisan Senate committee reviewing the intelligence on Iraq came to the same conclusion ... given the reports from just about EVERY other intelligence agency IN THE WORLD ... including France and Russia (not quite our biggest supporters, particularly in Iraq).

OUCH!!!! Get off of my foot, Pachy!

So let's just ignore for the moment that this (the fact that he lied or is totally incompetent) has been completely whitewashed by a left wing media that has had to make Wilson out to be some kind of martyr in order to make Bush look more evil. Wilson lied through his teeth in a NATIONAL SECURITY MATTER ... and CONTINUES TO LIE TO THIS DAY in his (Wilson's) attempts to undermine US policy and WAR EFFORTS! I have a word for a guy who lies through his teeth to cause his country to lose a war (a "John Kerry" class traitor), but I am not a lawyer so I would have to defer to the justice department to determine exactly what this crime is.

Joe's Big Mouth

Something that is incredibly important here is the fact THAT WE KNOW ABOUT THIS STORY AT ALL!!! Remember this is the CIA ... and their efforts are generally regarded as SECRET ... i.e. this guy would be in real deep do-do for untertaking an effort to publicize the results of this trip. Well, turns out that Joey boy seemed to have avoided the problem because he did not sign any confidentiality agreement.

No, No ... get up you big grey galoot ... you cannot lay down here ... stand up ... get out!

Joe Wilson was sent on a mission by the CIA and never held to any standard of secrecy or confidentiality. What the heck were they up to, and what exactly is Joey up to?

Joe's Big Aspirations

Well, it seems that almost as soon as Joey's little toesies hit the tarmack, he headed over to the John Kerry / Democrap campaign looking for work ... and we are talking cabinet position here. Joey was going to hand liberals the White House with his little fabrication ... and the Dems bought it hook, line and sinker. Well, turns out it was only for a little while. Wilson was made chief foreign something or other and sent running around the country "blowing the whistle" ... until of course he swallowed it (about the time the senate report came in discrediting Wilson) ... and he was quietly removed from sight ... and the campaign. That is another nice little aside to this debacle ... the leftie media has swallowed a story that even John Kerry choked on!

Valerie and Joey's big mouths

Regarding Valerie's "covert" status ... I do not believe that anybody, anywhere is arguing that she was close to being under any kind of cover. Neither were the Wilson's. Her name was all over the place, including on Democrat fundraiser donation lists, in Joey's bio for speeches he was giving, and all around the neighborhood/PTA (I am only joking about the last one). Seems like the only people that did NOT know that she worked for the CIA was the boys in the White House.

Dopf ... who spiked my vitamins??? I'm seeing Pink Pachyderms now! (oh, that's just a hot air balloon)

So exactly why was Valerie on the "covert" list? It is the CIA's responsibility to take people off of this list when they are no longer operatives. Again ... I picked this up in an interview, and I do not recall exactly who it was who brought it up ... but she was long since out of the field and should have no longer been considered "covert".

Elephants abound!

At the very least, does the CIA have to be called to account to explain why this partisan hack was chosen to carry out a critical operation?

Joey and Valerie obviously do not give a damn about US security given that they (or at least he) are willing to lie about a US security issue in order to advance a political end. Why is Valerie still working for the CIA?

Are any heads rolling at the CIA for allowing this entire scam to take place to begin with?


As a loyal member of the right-wing-conspiracy (I just wish they would tell me where the meetings are! ;-), I should be circling the wagons around Bush and drinking the kool-aid and all that, right? That's what the lefties would have you believe.

The truth is, I hold Bush, et al, responsible for not cleaning up the house on these idiots in the CIA who let this entire affair happen in the first place. Rank incompetence. Valerie should be out on her ass and possibly in jail for compromising national security by putting her party-hack husband into a position to hurt this country. Wilson should be tried as a criminal for lying about what Iraq was up to before the war. The CIA hierarchy involved in this situation should be at least terminated and possibly prosecuted ... the latter being the case if they cannot come up with a good excuse as to how this entire sloppy affair happened.

We cannot have our security agencies working this way. The message must be sent that intelligence IS serious, and playing political games will not be tolerated.


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