Monday, October 17, 2005

"We support the troops ..."

It was sickening ... albeit not surprising. Paper after paper ... little to no coverage of what may turn out to be the most important constitutional moment in the world since the Founding Fathers of this nation wrote the US Constitution 200+ years ago.

In the Albuquerque Journal ... 2 inches of column on the Iraq referendum, 10 inches on how miserable the war has been to the families of the soldiers. I suppose this was their idea of "balance" ... I would guess that in the deranged minds of the liberal editors (redundant) of the Journal, they convinced themselves that this story on the misery of soldiers' families somehow innoculated themselves against the outrage of what they were doing by minimizing the constitutional event. Well, boys ... you are wrong, and you are dispicable and pitiable.

In the New York Times (no, I don't actually subscribe to it ... it was on the checkout counter at the grocery store) ... the front page lead was all about the lack of voting in one part of Ramadi, the one place in the entire country of Iraq where people were afraid to show up due to the threats from terrorists. I should give the NYSlimes some credit, at least they did report that in other parts of the same city (where there was greater security), the lines/waits were very long ... but of course this fact was buried several paragraphs into the story.

Anybody that wants to question why Bush's numbers are so low, and the support for this war is so bad ... need look no farther than the coverage of this momentuous day in history to figure it out.

Again, this is the obvious ... repulsive anti-Americanism is expected by the legacy media. So I am here to create a larger, more intelligent perspective on things.

Turning point in history?

Picture this in your mind ... 20, 30 or 40 years from now ... Iraq is a free country, a beacon of freedom in the Middle East, the whole area of which has become far more peaceful and prosperous as nation after nation has abandoned the brutal dictatorships for representative democracies with constitutions.

Your children or grandchildren walk up to you with their history notes ... "hey (daddy, mommy, grandpa, grandma) ... what was it like to live in those times, when the whole world was changing all around you? I mean, you know ... the ugly wars and people had been killing each other for years and you were there for the day the world changed?" And your answer ... well, you know ... nobody really paid any attention ... they didn't really cover it in the newspapers or anything.

We really didn't notice.

Think about that for a miute ... Saturday could have been the starting point of the biggest changes in world history and we pretty much slept through it, or at least that is what the media would have wanted you to do.

Am I saying this is exactly what will happen ... the world peace and singing Koom-ba-yah and all that? No, but this event could eventually work out to be the domino that hopefully brings down the entire nation base of terrorism. That is one potential future ... one we should all be able to hope for (but democrats can't ... they want Bush to fail no matter what ... and if the entire world suffers the consequences of terrorist death and destruction for years to come as a result, who cares? Just so long as Bush fails ... ).

Urinating on the graves of the fallen soldiers

Now, let us take this on another tact. You always hear lefties crying and screaming about their "patriotic" position of opposing US policies. Like most other things, in order to be a democrat you have to re-define words in the dictionary to change your anti-americanism into something palatable.

In this instance, however, it is hard not to conclude that minimizing this huge victory is nothing less than pissing on the graves of those who fought and died for this moment. For instance, one of the most viscious battles post-Saddam occured when the US forces decided to go and clean up the rathole of terrorists in Fallujah. What was the vote like there ... overwhelmingly peaceful and huge turnout ... and that is a huge justification for taking on that battle and 1000% payback for what was lost.

I have seen nothing, and I mean NOTHING ... to talk about how the sacrifices Americans AND IRAQIs made to clean up Fallujah has paid HUGE dividends. Liberals can NEVER give the US credit for what was won. The media's message is one ... Bush lied and all lives were wasted for a lie. Pointing out even something so important as this vote would not fit in with the message that this is all a lie ... so to hell with the troops, to hell with the idea of noble sacrifices.

But they support the troops!!!


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