Monday, November 28, 2005

Liberal Bias ... point in case

I was really busy last week ... but I made a mental note of something that I happened to notice while running down the hallway of the hotel. USA Today (liberal garbage) headline, center story, above the fold (to paraphrase, since I did not grab the paper) ... "Economy moving forward..."!

Oh my god ... is the press changing? Of course not ... the rest of the article title was "but many left behind".

Never mind that there was another massive negative headline, in much bigger font, in the right column story ... I think it was the massive GM layoffs.

Now, your average lefty ... who runs the various stats to prove that there is no difference between how reporting is done during various administrations ... would run a stat that see this as being a positive expression on the economy during a Republican administration. However, if you read the title of the article only, you would not get that impression, would you? Never mind the fact that the much bigger heading, the one that is meant to draw your attention away from the good news about the economy, is profoundly negative. Finally, never mind that the picture between the two parts of the heading about the good news story is meant to be negative.

What is also noteworthy is that the first positive statement about the economy is in paragraph 4, second sentence. Up to that point, you read the sob story about some schmuck from Michigan who's COL adjustment is not meeting expectations. Then the article gets into a bunch of other carefully selected statistics about how bad things are despite the numbers.

Oh, but there's no difference between how reporting is done by the unbiased news media. Nope, and the stats prove it!


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