Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Joe Lieberman Masterpiece

As we all know (and I believe all the lying liberals know ... which is what makes them liars), America is kicking butt and taking names in Iraq. ALL of the demonstrated evidence stands behind what the President has been saying all along ... we are making outstanding progress, we are winning, and the VAST MAJORITY of Iraqis want us there until we are no longer needed.

Proof, read Joe Lieberman's OUTSTANDING piece in the 29Nov2005 issue of the Wall Street Journal. Some interesting quotes (copyright Dow Jones) :

Here is an ironic finding I brought back from Iraq. While U.S. public opinion polls show serious declines in support for the war and increasing pessimism about how it will end, polls conducted by Iraqis for Iraqi universities show increasing optimism. Two-thirds say they are better off than they were under Saddam, and a resounding 82% are confident their lives in Iraq will be better a year from now than they are today. What a colossal mistake it would be for America's bipartisan political leadership to choose this moment in history to lose its will and, in the famous phrase, to seize defeat from the jaws of the coming victory.
The leaders of America's military and diplomatic forces in Iraq, Gen. George Casey and Ambassador Zal Khalilzad, have a clear and compelling vision of our mission there. It is to create the environment in which Iraqi democracy, security and prosperity can take hold and the Iraqis themselves can defend their political progress against those 10,000 terrorists who would take it from them.

Does America have a good plan for doing this, a strategy for victory in Iraq? Yes we do. And it is important to make it clear to the American people that the plan has not remained stubbornly still but has changed over the years. Mistakes, some of them big, were made after Saddam was removed, and no one who supports the war should hesitate to admit that; but we have learned from those mistakes and, in characteristic American fashion, from what has worked and not worked on the ground. The administration's recent use of the banner "clear, hold and build" accurately describes the strategy as I saw it being implemented last week.

The *rhetorical* comments by Democrats are demonstrably false:

1) A few lunatics blowing themselves up DOES NOT DEFINE DEFEAT, nor does it mean that the insurgency is growing. Do the math ... if there are 27 million Iraqis, and if 10000 of them are lunatic jihadists, you could literally have 10 of them blow themselves up everyday for the next 3 years and still not run out. This of course ignores the fact that Osama is pumping in new ones every day (see point #3), and there are nowhere near 10 of these idiots blowing themselves up DAILY.

2) Not having a set date for withdrawal DOES NOT DEFINE A LACK OF A PLAN. As specified in Lieberman's piece ... you leave when the job is done, and the job is done when there is no more progress required. Again, this completely ignores the fact that we are making great progress killing terrorists ... it only focuses on the fact that we are making excellent progress politically and in rebuilding infrastructure.

3) The bumper sticker talking point about "creating terrorists faster than we can kill them" is another left wing lie. First off, if you GUARANTEE that a jihadist will die, that makes the stakes a lot higher for any idiot joining the "cause". Do you think GW blowing up a house full of jihadists makes some young punk watching Al Jazeera MORE or LESS likely to join "the team"? Now, do you think the tearful plea by Rep John Murtha would be a useful recruiting tool for US or THEM? Give me a break ... Osama was probably laughing his BUTT off when he saw the same loser who called for a pullout in Somalia (number 1 recruiting tool for Al Queda pre-911) going to bat for Al Queda again in Iraq!

Now, one other message that has been coming loud and clear ... our military and the Iraqis that our on OUR SIDE are being severely impacted by the rhetoric of Democrats. Again, never mind the fact that Al Jazeera and Al Queda are LOVING the stuff coming from Kennedy, Reid, Pelossi, etc. The empty headed lies by the liberals about "being against the war but for the troops" is a crock of feces ... the TROOPS HATE THE RHETORIC ... and the Democrats are knowingly hurting our military as much as they possibly can. They are putting politics above victory, above the troops, and are summarily urinating on the graves of every soldier that perished, and every wounded veteran.


So, what do you need to do? First off, NEVER EVER let a Democrap / liberal get away with their BS about Iraq. You MUST get in their face and make THEM scared of spouting off this total crap. If our soldiers are willing to put their asses on the line to protect your happy heiny, the LEAST you can do is to cover their flanks when these liars are undermining their efforts on the home front.

The Democraps have had free reign to lie through their teeth about the conditions in Iraq, how the war is being conducted, the progress being made across the board, etc. The time has long since passed since we should have been in their faces making them prove their lies, not to mention challenging them to PROVE TO US exactly how they would fight the war.

Thank GOD Bush has finally engaged, and the Republicans pulled off a major rhetorical victory by forcing a vote on Murtha's moronic plea to pull out. This article by Lieberman will also prove to be a powerful weapon against liberal lies. However, these weapons are ONLY useful if you actually pick them up and use them. The ball is in our court, there is no time like now to do something with it.


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