Couple of things on the war front ...
Zawahiri ... working the Democrat talking points
I wrote about this a few days ago after the Bin Laden audio, and Amin (?) follows up with yet another validation of my point. In a videotape from the number two leader of the murderous terrorist group that wants to kill all Americans (and everybody else they don't like, for that matter) ... it became more clear that it is fairly difficult to distinguish between a speech by leaders of Al Queda and leaders of the Democrat party.
Bush is a loser (Zawahiri and Harry Reid)
Bush is a butcher / terrorist / whatever (Zawahiri, Kerry, Cindy Sheehan, Belefonte, et al)
Bush is a liar (Zawahiri, the entire democrap establishment, news media, etc)
Bush is responsible for the bad natural disasters happening in this country (Zawahiri, Nagin, Kennedy, etc)
OK, so everybody knows that the terrorists are saying the same things as the democrats ... that is nothing new ... so what is the point?
Well, one of the debates that is going on in this country has to do with Patriotism. More specifically, democrats are (or at least pretend to be) totally offended because they claim that Republicans are questioning their "patriotism". Let's ignore for the moment that I have not heard anybody actually use that term ... even in Rove's latest statement, he went out of his way to say that "Democrats are patriots, but ..." and then laid the case for Republicans and Democrats have different approaches (intellectual argument, something Dems have proven incapable of) ... but who the hell really cares what the name is? Democrats have had to once again redefine yet another term to basically make it totally meaningless ... you can say anything you want, anytime you want to whomever you want ... and the simple fact that you are bitching and complaining at all makes you a patriot in the eyes of a Democrap.
First off ... BULL!!! I will not try to define the term since the *real* meaning of Patriot is one of those things that people intuitively understand DESPITE not having to have a clear, black and white definition.
But let's ignore that for the moment and get to some *real* meat here ... something that more clearly articulates what is going on ... and that totally avoids any arguments about the arbitrary names or classifications. I can summarize the point with a set of simple questions (and I encourage you to use this, or some similar nuance of it, as often as you possibly can):
1) If you are a patriot, then please articulate for me exactly how somebody who is NOT a patriot would say something different from what you say?
or 2) How are your goals, tactics, etc. (adjusted based on the argument) any different from those of our enemies?
most pointedly ... 3) If you are not the enemy, then please articulate for me exactly how somebody who IS our enemy would be (or say something) different?
The fact that the terrorists are quoting from liberal talking points demonstrates that the liberals are NOT patriotic in any classical / normal definition of that term ... how many revolutionary war heroes are known to be parrots of King George?
How many hero memorials do we have in the United States to King George or the British military? How about to Adolf Hitler or other Nazis? I must have missed the memorials in Hawaii to the Japanese Kamakazi or their pilots that bombed Pearl Harbor.
Yet I have heard that the Viet Cong have memorials to John Kerry and the other war protesters of that time ... who credit Kerry and his klans with helping to secure the victory for the Communists by undermining the US Military at home.
Yep ... sounds like a true patriot to me. And it looks like modern democrats, including (once again) John Kerry, are looking to get into and future Al Queda war heroes' memorial as well. At the very least they will be able to (continue to) serve as speech writers for Osama and other terrorist leaders.
In case you missed it ...
Some figures have come out ... although I did not have the time to write down the sources ... American casualties are down in 2005, although deaths are up. So far, we're somewhere between 1000 to 2000 dead soldiers. Enemy casualties are mind-boggling ... (not including the actual invasion itself) ... 2004 - 24000 terrorist killed, and 2005 27000 terrorists dead.
That is a mind boggling number ... kill ratios of about 20-1. EVERY American soldier lost is a tragedy ... not to be minimized at all ... but I guarantee you that American soldiers themselves at any level would be ecstatic over kill ratios like that. And the numbers are getting better!!!
There is a bumper sticker that liberals love ... "We are making enemies faster than we can kill them". Looks the the amazing US military AND THE IRAQI military are once again proving what idiots the liberals are, even when they are trying to be funny!
Guess the media missed this one too ...
In another critically important development, which of course is being ignored by the media since it doesn't fit into the template of Bush lied, Iraq is going bad, etc. ...
Recent developments are showing a massive crumbling of the "your enemy is my enemy makes us friends" network between Zarquawi and the Sunni insurgents. Seems like the Zarquawi downside is beginning to weigh on the Sunnis, along with the fact that the foreign terrorists cannot be real happy about the overwhelming participation of Sunnis in the elections.
Oh ... you remember the elections ... that was that incredibly successful event that happened this month that the major news media buried. The election signaled a turnaround given the participation of ALL parties this time around (including the Sunnis that sat out the last time). Yes, they have had some problems and contentions, a point that the hate-Bush crowd loves to emphasize (kind of odd that they are so enthralled with the aftermath of the elections given how they poo-pooed the event itself), apparently oblivious to the fact that they themselves were totally screaming and throwing fits and questioning the legitimacy of OUR elections.
So anyway ... now that the Sunnis are starting to turn on the foreign terrorists, the terrorists are finding themselves as exposed as, oh ... say ... a uniformed person (cop, military, etc), the difference being that there is a huge profit for the head of a terrorist. I commented a few articles previous about how one of the top bomb-makers was dragged into a police station bruised and bleeding ... it appears that the tips are coming in fast and furious as the former "hosts" of the terrorists are starting to turn on them.
If the Sunni "wall" falls, the end-game is in sight. Expect that the last grip effort by the leftie, anti-bush crowd emphasizes the conflicts regarding sharing of power, and try to keep from puking when Democrats try to say "I told you so" when we're able to draw down the troops (by the way, they won't be fooling anybody but themselves), although I don't expect to see the welcome home parades on any news broadcasts. All efforts by the liberal machine, anti-war crowds have failed, and they will not be able to stop the SECOND victory in Iraq. Cap that off with a Sadam execution, hopefully around the October time frame, and we could be talking about gaining a super-majority across the board.