Friday, January 27, 2006

Who's side is God on?

Dangerous territory, I know. After all ... Robertson and Nagin and all sorts of other kooks (on both sides) all love to tell you what God wants, and make it match their particular view of the world. Ever notice how all of these guys have always been demonstrated as total kooks by God Himself!?! But I digress ...

So anyway ... I got to thinking about a couple of things happening recently ... namely the Alito confirmation at that freak judge in Vermont ... would seem totally unconnected until I realized what the association was. It was at that point that a thought popped into my head that God must really love making the Democrats look like total asses (and I realize that it really does not take all that much).

This is not the first time circumstances seem to line up way too well to be just coincidence ... just when we are about to the fight over Chief Justice Roberts, the Supreme Court radical leftists issue a ruling that says the government can come in and take your property anytime they want, including when there is no more reason than lining the pockets of politically connected fat cats that make large campaign donations. So now instead of being able to focus cannons on Roberts, Democrats end up having to call up all their local and state level socialists from their party and beg them not to throw any grandmothers onto the street until after the judiciary committee democraps get a chance to smear Roberts as a tyrant.

In a similar "way to coincidental to be mere chance" situation, during the Alito hearings we have this kook freak leftie judge in Vermont that decides he wants to be King and Dictator, sending a message of his power to the other branches of government by sentencing a guy who rapes a 6 (-> 10) year old girl over a period of 4 years, to only 6 months of jail time. Why? Well, because this Judge Edward Cashman believes that the perp cannot be sufficiently treated / rehabbed under current conditions.

Excuse me? Who the hell is this judge to dictate to the other branches of government how to set laws and treat prisoners? This guys jail term is LESS than the amount of time he spent torturing this child ... her sentence will be to relive the hell of his crimes (both the rapist AND the judge) against her for the rest of her life.

Oh, and one other little thing that has not really been covered all that well, for you soft lefties who actually believe that this is just some social disorder in the rapist and are concerned about his rehabilitation ... this guy isn't just some maladjusted loner ... in addition to his own indescretions, he also invited one of his buddies to go along on one (perhaps more) of the rapes. This bastard is evil personified.

Wait a minute, R, how can you try to tie this despicable creep (Judge Cashman, that is) to the Alito hearings.

Well, think it through ... this is another clear example of what a *real* judicial activist is versus this new (garbage) definition of activism that the Dems have been using to try to redefine the term. This may not be your typical example of what judicial activism is, but it absolutely personifies how dangerous these judges are ... turning this crazed lunatic loose against the children of the world. If you think you're safe because of the distance ... let me ask you this: do you really think this scumbag is going to go back to his hometown when they free him? And when he does come to your neighborhood, do you really trust that the sexual predator systems available are never going to let people like this slip through the cracks?

Generally Republicans use the term activism to describe a judge that attempts to legislate from the bench, striking down a law by magically finding (more like manufacturing) some excuse that they claim is supported by the Constitution. Funny how this is usually some leftist position ... they never seem to find excuses for striking down laws that grow government, just the ones that limit government ... go figure. Basically, the radical judges are rejecting the will of the people for the will of a tyrant (the judge).

This rape case, however, is another form of activism ... a whacked out liberal judge wants to inflict his idea of justice, based on the idea that society should treat its worst criminals better than the victims, on the rest of society, so he lets off the worst kind of slime with light sentences. This type of activism not only is way beyond the scope of what a judge is supposed to be doing, but a direct violation of childrens' and families' rights to be free from the danger the rapist presents.

In the Alito hearings ... we keep hearing about all the bad things that will happen when he acts too conservatively. Tell ya what ... I would rather have the president have too much power (not like I am acknowledging Kennedy's assertions as valid ... Kennedy is still a fat, drunk radical goof) than have child rapists being turned loose because the judges are concerned about the perps' rehabilitation.


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