Thursday, January 26, 2006

"Pack" the court

At what point can we argue that (at least some) of these Democrats are certifiable ... deranged ... no ... insane. I am serious ... what is the clinical definition of insanity, and do these Senate democrats not meet the criteria?

I am thinking, in layman's terms of course, that a definition of insanity might involve living out one's existence in a false perception of reality, then acting on that perception? Perhaps this would not be sufficient ... because all of us live, to one extent or another, in the reality that we create for ourselves within the context of (hopefully) the "real" world: it is basically our wrapper around what "is" and often times it is not totally accurate ... but I digress. I think the idea of "certifiable" comes in when a person actually takes an action in the context of a completely unreal perception, proving that they are completely out of touch with the real world and do not even know it.

In the case of some of the Senate democrats, they have now coined the term "Packing the Courts" to refer to Mr. Bush's carrying out his Constitutional responsibility to appoint QUALIFIED people to serve on the federal judiciary, including the Supreme Court. The reason why I argue that these people are completely insane is that the ONLY evidence of packing has come from the extreme leftist lunatics that now comprise the leadership of the Democrats.

  • Democrats are the ones that vote against nominees based not upon qualifications, but upon ideology. If they want to make new rules (vs. the practice carried out over the last 200+ years), OK ... the Constitution is sufficiently vague on exactly what the Senate "advise and consent" means. However, do not sit there and accuse the other side of "packing" when, in fact, they are doing nothing more than what has always been done, and the DEMOCRAPs have completely gone off the deep end in terms of picking exclusively radical leftists. To wit: nobody has ANY question or doubt what Ginsburg will rule, ever. She will find OR MANUFACTURE an excuse to vote the most radical left line on every ruling.
  • Democrats are the ones that spent 26 of 30 minutes pontificating their lunatic assertions in confirmation hearings (causing even their fawning media to gulp and admit it was a horrendous performance). The goal was not to actually allow the nominee to answer, but to make totally outrageous assertions and then continue to talk and talk and talk and never allow the nominee to respond. After all, if the nominee was permitted to talk, he would demonstrate what ignorant, moronic fools the democrats are, the way Judge Roberts did.
  • Democrats are the ones that whine and complain about not having a paper trail on Judge Roberts, but then ignore 15 years of judicial decisions in Alito's confirmation process because they realized his judicial record proves not only what a brilliant jurist he is, but also how HE IS MORE IN TUNE WITH AMERICANS AND THEIR VALUES THEN ANY DEMOCRAT WILL EVER BE.
  • Democrats are the ones that actually invoked a fillibuster against judicial nominees ... literally pulling a stunt that HAS NEVER been done before. Then the leftie apologists drum up all kinds of lies about whether or not it has ever been done ... do these lunatics really think there are no records of history??

Shall I go on?

As a contrast, a demonstration of a civil process that shows how things have been done for several hundred years and is now ONLY practiced by Republicans: Bill Clinton nominates two of the most radical, left wing freaks around ... one of whom was in the leadership of the ACLU and openly argued that 12 year olds should be able to consent to sex (that's 5th or 6th grade, in case you are not counting) with an adult ... and prostitution should be legal (i.e. A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT). Yup ... that sounds like mainstream America to me! I dare say that a view like that isn't even mainstream amongst the lunatics that now make up the Democrap party.

This ignores the fact that the organization she actively led (and WHILE SHE LED IT) supports NAMBLA ... who's motto is "If they (young boys targetted for homosexual rape) are 8, you're too late" ... and who's sole purpose is to assist adult sexual deviants (men) on how they can criminally sneak children (young boys) away from their parents, molest them in the most perverse fashion imaginable, and then cover up their crimes through mental intimidatation and persecution of the victim. And Kennedy thought Alito's very distant association with a group that favors allowing ROTC on campus at Princeton is bad?

And this wench passed the REPUBLICAN Senate 96-0 ... based upon her legal skills, not her (demonstrably radical) ideology. Not only that, she was treated with dignity and respect ... given how Alito was treated for the trivial Princeton group, could you IMAGINE what would have happened if he would have been caught up with something as disgusting as the swill Ginsburg rolled around in? Never mind ... he would never have been nominated.

What is even more insane, that the Democraps are screaming about balance on the court when we have this repulsive ruling on "Eminent Domain" that now allows government to take away any property they want, anytime they want; for no better reason than to fill the pockets of rich fat cats and their political lapdogs with money. OOOOHHHH Baby, we definitely need more radical left, socialist justices to even things out, eh?

Nope ... Nope ... "Bush is packing the court" ... just insane.

Note: I am not arguing the merits of the Alito nomination ... or even if any particular Democrap should vote "Yea" or "Nea" on the confirmation. It doesn't matter, they are losers anyway and won't be coming back into power anytime soon. I am simply asking everybody to consider how insane it is that a party that has made packing the courts their last gasp at inflicting their deranged, socialist ideology down our throats, arguing that Mr. Bush is "packing" based upon the fact that he is nominating people that the overwhelming majority of American people agree with, nevermind somebody that agrees with the President's judicial philosophy.


Could you imagine if we actually had a reasonably balanced media???


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