Monday, January 02, 2006

Louisiana Outrage

In the desperate situation that Louisiana now faces ... a devastated economy and tax base that has resulted in a $1 Billion deficit in state government ... the state government faces laying off 20% of its workforce and other drastic measures.

But that didn't stop the Blanco administration from allocating a good part of a million dollars to upgrade offices for Blanco's staffers to rather lavish status! Walnut panelling, flat screen TVs, Italian marble and new carpeting somehow managed to sneak into the post-Hurricane budget of the governor that is asking Americans for a quarter of a trillion dollars to turn her state back into the liberal utopia it once was.

So exactly who is "deranged", Nancy?

Remember in the few days after Katrina, when Nancy Pelosi called President Bush "deranged" for not responding to the horrible news reports by firing the head of FEMA? Ignoring the fact that the news reports turned out to be complete fabrications, and the problems in New Orleans (while certainly severe) were nowhere near as violent and criminal as the press was making up. I commented on the situation by pointing out that the failing of FEMA and the President was in not recognizing the fact that the state was run by Democrats, so by default it was going to be a complete disaster and the federal government should have simply taken over with no regard for what the idiots involved (Nagin, Blanco, Landrieu, et al) wanted or asked for.

We now see the root of what led to this disaster ... an "out of touch" (as Nancy would put it) Governor who is continuing to run the state as did her predecessor democrats ... filling their own pockets, garnering tax dollars to create lavish surroundings for themselves, blaming their problems on others, and a complete disregard for the well-being of their constituents.

Senator Mary Landrieu, who has threatened to punch President Bush in the nose for having concerns about corruption in Louisiana, does not seem to have any comments about how her fellow Democrat is allocating precious taxpayer funds. Go figure.

I am not at all surprised by any of this, of course. Democrats simply do not see their own faults, ever. Bill Clinton rapes women and molests young interns ... no problem. Radical left-wing organizations make a mockery of campaign finance reform ... earth to Senator Feingold, are you there? Democrats have been re-allocating federal money from levee reinforcement to build casinos (after all, gambling interests make much larger donations than levees) ... it is still GW's fault the levees gave way.

And on another note ...

The New York Times is busy putting together a story that it was really George W Bush that allocated the funds for Blanco's offices, against the wishes of Landrieu and Blanco. Of course they will hold the story back for a year or so until one of their writers can release a book on how Halliburton was the one that actually did the work on the offices using materials that they pulled out of the levees just before Katrina hit.


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