Monday, December 12, 2005

Un-righteous Indignation

Was driving yet another moving van cross the desert and on to DFW, and flipped on the Sunday morning news programs on the radio (I assume a rebroadcast of the TV shows). I ended up yelling at the radio ... man do these lefties even have a clue how out of touch they are?

The "Meet the Press" interview had the moderator ... Tim Russert ... talking to the second worst Secretary of State in US History, Madeline Albright, with "the shadow of the Maverick" Lyndsey Graham (hopefully soon-to-be ex-Senator from South Carolina). The conversation got onto the "tone of the debate" ... basically talking about how ugly it was getting, with the poster child for this segment being the idiot head of the DNC, Howard "Surrender" Dean. Both guests basically talked about how unfortunate it was that the tone was so ugly ...

but then the truth comes out.

Russert put Sen. Graham on the spot, confronting him with the "White Flag" ad on the RNC site. Never mind the fact that this ONLY appears on the RNC site, as far as I know ... not national TV, newspapers, radio, etc. In any case ... Graham effectively says pull it down, that the RNC is out of bounds (more on that later). All-in-all, this is an easy one for Graham to hit out of the park ... half the reason he is on TV is because he is willing to sell out his own.

So how does Albright respond to this outreach? She calls for the Democrats to tone down their rhetoric and engage in a reasonable debate, right? Hell no ... she immediately begins the justification of Democrat tactics ... blame Bush, Bush/Cheney must be investigated, blah blah blah. This in the face of Russert literally quoting Albright to herself (a few minutes earlier, the quote coming from an interview in 2004) with taking the exact opposite position that the defeatist lefties are now pushing for.

Thank God that Bush and the Republicans are finally engaging the ideologically bankrupt Democraps on these issues, and the American people are responding. Take note, "moderate" RINOs who keep calling for (what ends up being unilateral) toning down of the rhetoric ... Albright had a chance to step away from the nutcase rhetoric of the leaders of that party, but instead stepped right in the manure ... Republican outreaches continue to be met with backhanded bitch-slaps (and this from a "diplomat"?).

The Democrats, under the wonderful leadership of Dr. Demento ... have painted themselves into the "losers" corner, and they are going to pay the price.

So many times Bush/Rove have handed the Dems their ass (pardon the pun), and I have questioned what the heck they are up to before the amazing victories ... why would they not fight back. Time and time again the "tactic" of not responding and allowing the libs to become ever more frantic and lunatic in their attacts, has worked. Hopefully I was wrong on this one as well, and the good guys will reap yet another major victory.

I mentioned in a much earlier post how I thought the Dems should actually gain some seats back in the mid-terms, for no other reason than this idea in the American psyche about "balance" ... besides this has been the history of many generations that Bush has so far completely blown away. However, I also added that the Democrats are so screwed up, so out-of-touch with reality, that the American people may not even be able to hold their noses and vote for these jerks. While it is obviously too soon to speculate ... the trend seems to be that the lunatic liberals have not learned anything and continue to alienate the Democrats from the rest of the country.

We'll see.

RNC "Defeat" ad

One thing that bothers me about Sen. Graham's RINO call for pulling down the defeat ad ... the vast majority of the dialogue in the ad is the direct recordings of the Democrap leadership! I mean, WE are getting THEIR message out, and they are whining and crying about this being dirty pool? What this proves is that the Democrap leftie kooks which has become their leadership, are so out of touch with the American people that when they hear themselves talk it sounds like radical garbage!!!


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