Thursday, December 08, 2005

CIA "outing"

No, not the joke that is being perpetrated against Karl Rove and pals, but the NY Slimes, et al, revealing critical information on who is working with us.

A very good question that must be asked ... exactly who is over at the CIA giving out this information?

Rush and the like often times comment about the "below the line" people in the federal government ... the major players who are supposed to work for the administration. They argue that a lot of these guys are lefties, and actively work against a Republican administration, lying Joe Wilson and Plame amongst the most recent.

In these situations, however, it seems like it is being pulled off in the CIA ... which should scare the heck out of everybody given how critical this function is in this type of war. First you have Wilson ... questions about why a flunkie loser would be sent on a mission like they did under some ridiculously loose conditions ... and now you have reporters printing information on CIA operations around the world.

What the heck is going on over there?


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