Friday, December 02, 2005

When does free speech end and treason start?

Note: I am fully aware that the term "treason" has a legal definition, and if I have it correct the term applies during declared war only. Nonetheless, I use the term to underscore the seriousness of the actions and moreso to underscore the fact that we are in totally uncharted waters here ... how exactly does Congress declare "war" against an ideology?

The New York Times, in a blatent and aggressive act against America and her allies, revealed information about CIA operations in European countries. There is NO explanation for this other than the Slimes wants to undermine US intelligence gathering operations by putting pressure on these countries to end their cooperation with us. This totally ignores the fact that these bastards just painted a huge target for terrorists on the lives of any operatives working in the identified operations, let alone the citizens of the countries that are working with us.

If you talk to anybody that actually tries to defend this action, here is the question you have to ask ... exactly how is it in the interest of the readership of the Slimes (with the possible exception of their friends in terrorist circles) to know which countries are allowing CIA operations?

As an aside, it will be VERY interesting to watch the Democrat / liberal (redundant) response to this story. Given their asinine pretense of indignation over the so-called "outing" of Valerie Plame ... remember all the accusations about how Karl Rove put a covert operative's life in danger (nevermind the fact that Valerie had not actually been part of anything secret in years, and all the D.C. types knew who she was and who she worked for). In this case, you have the NY Slimes painting a big target on millions of citizens of these countries for Al Queda ... putting their lives on the line. It also makes it a lot easier for terrorists to improve the possibility of shooting down one of our jets, given that the Slimes pinpointed the locations where they are operating.

I doubt that there are too many legal mechanisms that the Federal government can invoke against the Times ... perhaps a deep investigation to see if any classified information was released and, more importantly, a seizure of all of their systems to see if they hold any additional information that they should not have. However, at the very least the Federal Government can revoke any and all "press passes" to any of the employees of this wretched organization. We may not be able to shut them up completely, but the least we can do is to make it a lot more difficult for them to undermine our efforts.


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