Thursday, December 15, 2005

Quick Takes on Iraq

If you want to really stick it to your lefty, liberal acquaintances ... earnestly beg them to try to be happy about the incredible success of the elections in Iraq. Then, when they simply cannot say anything good ... point out the bald-faced lie that Democrap leaders have been saying about how they really do want victory, support the troops, whatever ... the hell they do.

From a 77-year old grandma in Iraq regarding the elections ... I'm paraphrasing ... "If they don't want to support the Americans and thank the Americans, and Bush ... President George Bush ... then they can go to hell!". Ya gotta love the old folks, eh? She did not mention Joe Biden, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, John Murtagh or any of the other Surrendercrats by name ... but she knew it was only a soundbite!

In other news ... heard earlier this week ... and TOTALLY UNREPORTED as far as I can tell ... a bunch of Iraqi's walked into a police headquarters (I believe it was in Ramadi) dragging one of Al Queada's top people in Iraq, who had obviously seen better days. This was not the police, or military, or even Americans ... it was regular old Iraqi people who were sick of Al Queada's crap ... so instead of calling the police or turning in a tip to the Americans, they broke down the guys' door, kicked his butt and dragged him to the police!

Man ... you have got to love that! (unless, of course, you are a Democrat).

The Democrats keep trying to undermine the military and the war effort, keep underselling the Iraqis, and keep underestimating Bush. I have argued that they had some success because there was no response by Bush, but it had not been as successful as it could have been because the alternate media has kept a much larger portion of the population informed as to what is really going on (as has the military people returning from Iraq) than what has been possible in the past.

You can only win by lying so many times ... and under conditions where people feel safe. Eventually people get sick of your manure ... the major media outlets are finding this out far too late. Given that people refuse to forget 9-11 (which is the only chance that Democraps have of getting any kind of power), I do not think that people will feel safe enough to allow liberals any power anytime soon.


Blogger Dave Streier said...

Your blog is new to me, so I will only comment on your lastest entry about Iraq. I find your argument compelling that your blog's goal is to reach a higher intellectual level than liberals. It's quite obvious that each one of us "lefties" does indeed try to get conservatives to ignore logic and intellect. That's the only way we can win an argument! If you're going to try and get all "intellectual" on me, I'm done. Caput. Adios, I didn't go to a private university to learn how to be intellectual or rational.
Your anecdotal quote from an unbiased 77-year old Iraqi woman shows a level of intellect I am unable to comprehend. She probably speaks on behalf of every Iraqi, a perfect representation of the Iraqi population's opinion of Americans.
Great research skills. I'm glad you found a report of Iraqi citizens dragging a member of Al-Qaeda to police authorities. It's good to see Iraqis taking care of Al-Qaeda so we can get our asses out of there. Honestly, I'm taking a break from this ridiculous pseudo-satire. Hearing that report gives me confidence that the Iraqi people want to rid their country of terrorists such as those who are operating Al-Qaeda. Wait, though, hold up..I'm a liberal. Your prediction is correct: each and every one of us does not want to hear that news. We don't want to stop Al-Qaeda, that's exactly why we oppose this war.
Terrorism: horrible. Let the Iraqis take over the task of subduing the insurgents. I am angered about this war because Bush either lied or acted irresponsibly (he admitted in his speech yesterday). Stop making pretentious, smug assumptions about liberals and try to heed your own call to debate intellectually. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm as liberal as they come and certainly am not asking you to tie your intellect or reasoning behind your back.

5:13 PM  
Blogger RMW said...

Tell you what ... assuming you don't like being lumped in with Move-On, Dean, Reid, etc.; when the likes of you (in the liberal movement) become the majority of that movement and take control of the leadership of your alliances (generally the Democrat party, the Move-On types, etc), then my arguments will be moot, right? When the majority of liberals adopt goals that are different that Osama's, my points will be as dumb as the statements of those that are identified as "liberals" now, right?

Is it my fault that those that represent you are not articulating your ideas or plans, but instead being totally moronic?

It is not incumbant upon me to change liberal representation, nor is it my job to seek out the "reasonable alternatives"; it is my role to DESTROY these people (in the context of political discussion).

And don't try that "we're not all the same" garbage with me ... EVERYBODY gets put into some type of group or another, whether we like it or not, and unless you are willing to overthrow the icons that assert themselves to represent liberal views, you will be identified as holding the same ideas as them.

It is YOUR job to eliminate the bastards that are misrepresenting (if I am to assume you really don't want the terrorists to win) your perspective. Dean and Kennedy and Reid and Pelosi sure do, and they ARE what defines liberalism until YOU change it.

Liberals spent the 70s and 80s destroying what they viewed as the icons of conservatism, Falwell and the like. Conservatives cleaned house, dumped those people, and began making our case to the American people, straight up, not through one man or even one party. In the process we totally marginalized socialist, progressive ideology.

Well, I'm sorry, but if you want to sell your ideas, try making intelligent arguments. So far, the people who represent you are a bunch of idiots ... Kerry, Pelosi, Dean, Reid ... every time they say something, the WORLD proves them wrong.

If you have other ideas, I am open to hear / debate them. Feel free to differentiate yourself.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Dave Streier said...

thanks for the insight. Hearing your attacks on liberals is insulting to those of us who are attempting to differentiate ourselves from those who you arrogantly call bastards but at the same time are attempting to establish our own liberal identity.

For the record, I have been legally eligible to vote once, based on my age. So you could say that I am on my way toward creating a new liberal base for America- one based on intelligence and respect for all people. Your comments could easily be shot right back at you, because although your party is in power right now, your comments do nothing but imitate their blurbs we all read and hear in the news and radio each day. Do you want me to call Bush a bastard? How would you react to me stating that Dick Cheney is as arrogant as you sound, and more selfish than any Democrat in power? You would not accept it, and instead, you would easily slam me by saying they were democratically elected. Therefore I have no defense, but the explanation I will here diagram.

I am 20 years old. Your comments as an older, more experienced conservative are doing nothing but encourage my liberal beliefs. I disagree with many of those who represent these beliefs in America (the Kerry, Dean, Move-On crowd), and I am doing my part to bridge the useless gap between Democrats and Republicans that is based solely on partisan loyalty.

You are correct in saying that we all are placed into a category. But there is room for individualism! I am one of those such individuals labeled as a liberal (and I won't deny it). I indeed have a desire to reshape the liberal representation. Discourse with staunch conservatives such as yoruself is my first step. I'm sure there are many of us in this liberal movement who think along these lines. You are the ones who need to be "destroyed" as you aggressively stated, and though that can only happen through the election of Democrats in Congress, gubernatorial positions, and in the
Oval Office, my comments against heated Republicans like yourself- who are only dedicated to paving the road for those who represent you, though you are doing nothing but preaching to the coonservative choir- are the first step for my generation's liberal crowd to defend themselves. We will not be destroyed by your pious conservatism.

1:32 PM  
Blogger RMW said...


Try actually articulating a point on any particular subject ... who the hell cares about what I *think*, or how I argue a point?

THAT is why Democrats are losing all the battles ... they attempt to personify everything.

When Falwell, or whoever it was, talked about assasinating Chavez (sp?), liberals (i.e. News media) tried to pin that on "conservatives" ... as in "all those conservatives are the same". Of course, Pelosi, the brainless twit, pitched a high fastball across the middle of the plate by demanding that conservatives dissociate themselves from Falwell or the comments or whatever. WE ALL DID!

That defines a difference between conservatives and liberals. We believe in the message, the messenger is irrelevant. We believe we can win the argument of ideas.

Liberals will rally to the death around a guy/girl that says the most insanely stupid things ... Dean, Clinton, Reid. Look at the shape of things today, only one democrat is not following the Dean/Sheehan bandwagon over the cliff? How dumb is that?

Take a lesson from conservatives: when Bush nominated a buffoon for the supreme court, we hammered him. We are not bound to GW Bush, we are bound to our principals ... when he got out of line, we yanked him back. BTW ... most americans (you know ... those people that are outside of university settings, hollywood, and capitals) think along the same lines.

Now, I will say this much ... my rhetoric is intense ... it makes me (and the audience that I intend it for) laugh. I am sure I alienate a whole bunch of folks ... but I'm just having fun, not trying to garner a major audience.

I should probably throw in some "keywords" so that I don't hurt the feelings of those that put themselves into a particular group. For instance, if you insult Republicans, I am not in any way offended because I am conservative first, not Republican ... my convictions are in an ideology, not a party. However, I can see where others might be offended if you call Republicans "bastards" ... I do not. I would generally ignore you unless you actually mix in some type of a reasonable argument.

So, you go right ahead and call anybody you want any names you want, I don't care. I have articulated why Dean, Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry, Reid, Durbin, etc. are the names that I call them: traitors, liars, etc. That is because they DO lie, and they DO help our enemies, and they ARE trying to bring about an American defeat.

Disagree? then debate my points, not the style.

3:12 PM  

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