Friday, December 16, 2005

The Terrorist Bill of Rights

The world has changed ... no doubt. I reflect on the stories that I was told of the World War experiences ... from the soldiers who fought to "civilians" (as children) on both sides. At that time, "supporting" the effort was effectively law ... you would be arrested for protesting, and if you had any misgivings about the leadership, you certainly did so quietly. It would be safe to say that most of the liberal leadership of today would have likely been shot for acting the way they have (at least this is the visual I like to picture in my mind).

I reflect on this in light of RINO McCain, who found yet another cause to champion in "Anti-torture": and has produced legislation that will do for our soldiers (and others) what his campaign finance law did for (or, perhaps better stated, "what the law has done to") us in elections.

The Question we have to ask ourselves is: "Why should we try so hard to make life easy for the terrorists?"

The "Highcon" road: Think it through

This war of words is being fought out in 30 second sound bites ... torture, detainees, etc. That may make for sound political commercials, but it will have deadly consequences. Never mind the scenarios where we capture a major terrorist figure in the middle of a pending attack and now we have to have Jesse Jackson and F. Lee Bailey in the room to protect his rights.

Boom, there's the mushroom cloud ... but at least the terrorist had his rights and we can all be thankful the Constitution that we foolishly applied to him is protected by radiation proof glass!

To understand the situation (something the liberals, McCain included, do not want you to do) ... go back to the Geneva conventions, i.e. the laws of war. They specifically called out that the rules ONLY apply to uniformed soldiers. Why??? Think it through ... think about all the implications. The uniforms make it easier to figure out who is who ... it gives opposing forces a chance to spare civilians. It also protects the soldier POWs themselves for those who adhere to the constraints ... recognizing that the person is generally a "pawn" in a much bigger game and, while disabling a POW's ability to fight, prevents the soldier from having to suffer more than necessary.

I will ignore the fact that the US, for the most part, has consistently treated captured opposition forces fairly well, INCLUDING THE TERRORISTS; whereas we have only rarely been accorded the same level of concern (as McCain himself can attest) ... a jab at all those idiots that claim that if we are tough, our enemies will feel justified doing bad things. So, exactly when did they NOT, regardless of what we did?

The intentional consequences of the limits placed upon Geneva conventions is to position non-uniformed combatants that hide among civilians in a "no-mans-land" ... pretty much open game to any forces that capture them. The reason ... these terrorists put civilians in the worst possible position, not to mention the leadership hierarchy of the forces (probably the bigger reason for the rules, but I digress). The conventions intentionally desire for there to be extreme consequences for terrorist activities simply because the opposition forces are effectively left with no choices but total annihilation of the population ... if I cannot figure out who the enemy is in a crowd, I will wipe out the whole crowd.

McCain's law is another in a long list of "feel good" measures that will not only put US citizens in danger but countless civilians. It will result in the direct slaughter of countless of civilians by forces who might have a desire to try to avoid civilian casualties. By lifting the possibility of severe repurcussions for non-uniformed combat, our enemies inf the future are simply going to go after us without uniforms ... after all, if you were our enemy and knew that we had to adhere to all sorts of rules that you do not have to follow, what would you do?

Again, this totally ignores the fact that the US Military is already not engaging in torture in an official capacity.

Just when we have them on the ropes ...

I am sorry, but Osama must read this garbage and just laugh hysterically ... we have been tearing his organization apart all over the place, we just come off of a major victory in Iraq, the terrorists screw up major by blowing up a Muslim wedding, the opposition and anti-war kooks suffer setback after setback; and this MORON McCain takes away the stage and paints America as the evil state that tortures and violates all sorts of human rights.

I beg the people of Arizona to put this ass out of our misery.


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