Tuesday, December 20, 2005

High 1832 guys ... where are all the polls now?

Sometimes I really do not know why I am such a nice guy ... time and time again I tell the lefties exactly how things are going to play out. I keep telling these people that if they persist in certain activities, they will lose big. I guess maybe I ain't so nice ... since I do realize that most of the folks I irritate are never going to listen to what I say.

The funny thing about getting things right a lot is ... it really is not all that hard.


Well, because I am the mainstream, and they are the fringe. I know how "normal" people think because "I is one". I am not so arrogant as to believe that I know more than everybody else. My predictions come through time and time and time again because I live in the real world, am very observant of the world around me, and I use plain, ol' fashioned common sense ... whereas the leftie crowd along with their pals in the liberal party and the press (redundant), always seem to be "surprised" by things.

Today's Application

I bring this up because I just heard something about President Bush's poll numbers bouncing back up into the upper forties. Funny, I don't see liberals quoting all the polls now ... I wonder why? Actually, that is not true ... the liberals keep quoting the polls that were taken months ago.
I will once again give any leftie goofs reading this some advice (which I am sure you will ignore) ... it did not work for John Kerry in the elections (quoting months old unemployment numbers), and it will not work for you now. Actually, it works in the opposite direction ... by calling attention to the numbers, Kerry actually focused people on the fact that the numbers were exploding in a positive direction ... making President Bush's point for him.

How does this tie back to the opening remarks? Well, I told you that the poll numbers had nothing to do with the success of the "Misinformation campaign" being waged by Dean, Pelosi and Reid. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, believes anything coming out of these bozos. I also told you that a good amount of the bad numbers were coming from CONSERVATIVES who were pissed off at the Bush administration for various purposes, not the least of which was the fact that he was letting the Democraps get away with (what everybody knew) was total manure. Now that GW is standing up for the fight ... his numbers have returned very quickly to reflect the conservatives, and will steadily climb as the "non-committed" realize how far over the edge the Democrats have gone.

IED for the Democraps

The whole domestic spying debate is going to be a disaster for Democrats, once again the lefties are going to get their asses kicked by the voters ... and at this point there is little they can do about it exactly because they have committed themselves to another disasterous course. The whole NSA, domestic spy thing is going explode in their faces with neutron proportions ... there may be little left of the Democrap party except for the buildings. Ignoring the fact that the American people are all for granting the government unfettered access to "random" views of what is going on in the internet, over cell phones, etc ... and then going after "suspicious" terrorist situations without a warrant (because it is not possible to get the warrant until you nail down details). The worse that is going to happen is that there will be a demand for a modification to the laws to match the situation on the ground.

The real explosion, however, is going to be when the lies about domestic tracking being something new are revealed. The prior administration engaged in all sorts of domestic tracking for all sorts of reasons, one of which was to damage political foes. Remember the recordings of cell phone conversations by members of congress (Newt, if I am not mistaken)? Remember the FBI files by Hillary? We are going to have a situation here where we have clearcut examples of a "good" use of that tactic (trying to intervene against terrorists), and a "bad" use of that tactic (Bill Clinton's personal quest for power), and the Democraps come out in a bad way no matter what direction the argument goes. What is fascinating is that this will be a disaster at the very doorstep of der Hillary ... something where she cannot hide behind a "moderate" facade. She was up to her snivelling nose in these political spy scandals.


Blogger PoliticalNut said...

I like your style.

12:47 PM  
Blogger RMW said...

Thank you. I will probably tone it down a bit since I don't think I would want my pastor to see some of the comments.

9:44 AM  

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