I have been getting sick to my stomach about the comparisons between the current Washington scandal and the Clinton Blue Dress affair. Basically, the story goes like this ... this whole ordeal started out as a probe to see if somebody outed a CIA operative (the answer there is no), and in the process somebody is accused of lieing to the grand jury (literally committing a crime to coverup something that was not a crime in the first place); which Democrats would have you believe is the equivalent of the Whitewater scandal where Clinton ended up getting busted for sex (that had nothing to do with Whitewater).
No, children ... that second line is about as asinine as the Democrats that are spewing it out.
Whitewater and Paula JonesFirst off, the two Clinton affairs were totally unconnected, and ONLY ended up connected because the Clintons wanted them connected. Truth be told, perhaps this was a masterstroke ... by tieing the two together they basically enabled themselves to do what they are doing today ... bury the whole Whitewater criminal affair under his little "exposure incident" with Paula Jones.
Whitewater was a scheme by Schlick's cronies to steal millions of dollars (the lions share being taxpayer money to cover the S&L failure), not the least of which ended up in the pockets/election funds of the Clintons. This
crime was the original purpose for Kenneth Starr, and he jailed a whole boatload of the Clintons' best friends (this is a little fact that the newspapers like to keep quiet about). One of these friends mysteriously died while in the process of negotiating to cooperate with the independent counsel ... how convenient.
The Paula Jones affair (ahem) was a dreadful little aside to the serious stuff ... Clinton was being sued because he decided to use one of his best pickup moves on (what he perceived to be) a trailer park tramp, while he was governor of Arkansas. His move was to sit on a couch and expose "little Willie" to the woman after he had ordered a State Trooper summon her up to his hotel room.
Oh yeah ... that's presidential! Born leader ... well, at least to Democrats it is. By the way, am I the only one that gets a laugh out of the thought that this is how Schlick picks up woman, one of whom is Hillary???? (har har har) ... but I digress ...
It became clear that Clinton had perjured himself ... and suborned perjury by getting Monica to lie as well. By the way ... given how BRILLIANT everybody claims this guy is, does he not act an awful lot like an idiot?
For reasons that NOBODY will explain, Janet Reno, by far the worst attorney general ever, assigned the Whitewater prosecutor to look into the Paula Jones trial as well. That does not even pass the smell test, but like I said this was probably a Clinton masterstroke. Mr. Starr did as he was told, and scored yet another conviction, leading to the impeachment (but not removal) of the disgraced president.
By the way ... let me re-emphasize my long held position that the whole Paula Jones lawsuit was a huge mistake ... the courts (that ruled it was OK for the suit to proceed) were dead wrong, and history proves it. There was NO good reason that the civil proceedings could not have waited until Clinton was out of office. The American people got royally screwed out of the deal, having a President distracted from running the country; you can make a strong argument that because of these distractions, Americans died on 9-11. The blood of these Americans is on the hands of whomever it was that forced this issue. Shame on them.Current scandal ... no crimeIf the current situation holds, there is NO CRIME in the CIA case. None, nada, zip. The law that they were looking at was not violated. Note ... this is almost 2 years under investigation, and there was no violation of law to begin with ... think about that for a minute, because it is absolutely critical.
The law was written to keep agents from getting killed: Ex-CIA agents (now liberal heroes) and Democrat politicians were broadcasting the names of covert agents who were ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN THE FIELD, ON FOREIGN SOIL. As a result of the exposure, these agents (or their families) were getting rounded up by our enemies and murdered. So conservatives in Congress wrote a law to make exposing the name of an agent KNOWN TO BE COVERT illegal, but they wrote this law with extremely tight provisions to try to keep the law limited to this type of exposure without endangering the ability of the press to expose corruption, illegal activities, etc.
It is not like the special prosecutor could not have checked this out ...
call the CIA ... "Hey, when was the last time Valerie was out of the country? ... 5-10 years ago? ... OK, thanks." Sorry guys ... nothing there ... end of investigation.
Instead ... it seems like the prosecutor thought ... let's see if we can spin enough traps to make the suspects trip over themselves and make it look like they intended to reveal the name of a covert agent (even though she was really not), because we are worried about what they were thinking, not what actually happened, right?
Think about this ... say you were going down the street and a cop clocks you at 30 MPH in a 30 MPH zone. He pulls you over and questions you for 2 hours trying to figure out if you really thought you were going 35 (maybe you "thought" your speedometer read low ... so in your heart you wanted to be violating the law even if you were not REALLY violating the law). He questions you about whether or not you EVER thought about your speedometer being off a little. OOPS!!! You say "no" , but he calls your mechanic who has a note in your auto record that indicates you asked him to check the accuracy 3 years ago! BUSTED!!!! You don't get a speeding ticket, you get slapped with a "misleading authorities" charge and get to wear ankle bracelets with Martha Stewart!
What if they were lying?Why would they? Even a hack lawyer could figure out that there was nothing to cover up. Nonetheless, if Scooter did lie, he is an idiot for doing so. However, if Bush even perceives that this is beginning to distract the Administration from doing their thing, he needs to cut this off. The American people cannot afford another 3 years of a distracted President ... not with Osama and pals trying to figure out a way to re-emerge from the ratholes of Afghanistan.
Will SOMEBODY please stand up?First off, the Republicans need to start putting things into perspective, and stop with this "well, let's let the system work itself out" trash.
The Democrats sure don't play by that game ... they play to win, they play dirty, they lie through their teeth and cheat like hell, and they never, ever stop talking. They fill the air with unsubstantiated speculation ... report speculation as fact (I covered that in a previous argument) ... create the illusion that their "dream world" (where all Republicans get thrown in jail and we annoint Hillary Queen of America) is reality.
The other thing that the Democrats do is count on the Republicans to sit back and take their bull, which is exactly why they keep saying such incredibly outlandish stuff.
The Republicans keep staying on the "high" road ... and while I am proud of the fact that I don't have to be embarassed to be a conservative (the way liberals have to hide what they are) ... we can certainly turn the heat back on them. If you believe the polls, Bush's numbers are crumbling and dragging the Republicans down with him. This is NOT because people are buying the swill, it is because the Republicans are saying NOTHING.
We need a leader ... we need somebody to stand up and take the country back from these idiots. The first shot would be to end this whole CIA thing (again, assuming they don't tie anything to the original law) ... just issue a single pardon and get on national TV and tell us we are not going to let this political witchhunt distract the country from what is important.