The foo foo foo ... French
Can we just kick the French out of the UN? Who the hell thought it was a good idea to give these losers a key role (if I am not mistaken, a "veto" on the Security Council)? I mean, what did the French EVER do in any major world conflict except crumble or bail out?
So now these losers, who promised the world that they would take the lead in the UN force in Lebanon ... show up with ... what? 200 guys? Oh yeah ... Iran / Hezbollah is just shaking in their boots ... their done for!?!
And of course ... these are the French, so while Iran/Syria-Hezbo is handing out the checks, they can just slip the French guys a few bucks and all is well, right? Worked for Saddam ... wait a minute ... wait a minute ... check under those berets ... are they *real* soldiers or just the bankers and oil men? THAT'S why they only needed about 200.
This continues a long line of the French ... promising the world and delivering nothing. Remember the Tsunami ... when the French were front page the next day promising billion$ ... and they chastised Bush for not responding. Then it turns out that in fact major rescue operations were enroute almost immediately ... Bush was too busy actually doing something to stand in front of the cameras (ala the French) and *talk* about doing something. Nonetheless ... true to form ... the French promised a bunch and delivered nothing.
So the *real* question is why the hell anybody with half a brain believes anything these slimeballs ever say. How many knives does Bush have to get in the back (remember Colin Powell and the assurances by the French he would have their support in the UN) before he finally realizes what bastards these people are?
You know ... we may not be able to change the situation in the UN, but we could just throw them out of NATO. And if the others won't go along with that ... just end NATO altogether ... what purpose does it even serve? We also need to pull our bases out of those European nations that continue to be a consistent pain in our asses ... like Germany and France. We have new friends now, and the message that yanking our bases (and billion$$) out from these places sends to these "allies" will be huge.