Thursday, November 09, 2006

Terrorists, Murderers and Thugs Cheer Democrat Victory

This is just amazing.

Word is coming in from all over the world that terrorists are celebrating the Democrap victories in the recent election. Most notably, Mooochy Al Sadr, murderer and thug would-be dictator of Iraq, issued a press release through a spokesman where he indicated that he expect the Democrats to honor their pledge to vacate Iraq and turn over control to him and his Iranian cohorts.

OK ... not in so many words ... but a lot closer to that then you would imagine. He literally said that they expect the Democrats to honor their pledge to pull America out of Iraq, and threatened ... "If they don't, we will deal with them in a brotherly way once the last American soldier pulls out from Iraq."

Unbelievable ... amazing.

And, of course, exactly what you would expect.

Higher Thought ...

One of Rumsfeld's lines was that you "go to war with the army that you have" ... basically a response to the liberal whines about not having enough up-armoured vehicles. NOTE: I am not saying that it is not good for our warriors to have the better protection ... I am saying that if you waited to have the PERFECT army before ever doing something, you would never fight (i.e. we'd be speaking arabic right now ... or chinese ... or german ... or if Teddy and Kerry would have had their way, russian).

Well ... as a far more important (and parallel) rule ... you go to war with the COUNTRY that you have. The tragic mistake of George W. Bush was none of the liberal crap we have been spoon fed ... it is the simple fact that our own country has become the major league wusses of the world, perhaps only second to France. In fact so much so that some of the "heroes" of the now majority party are the biggest wusses of them all ... Bill Clinton, Terry McAuliffe, Fat Drunk Teddy, Robert KKK Byrd, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi ... the list goes on and on and on and on. Can anyone name one democrap of the modern era that you can possibly imagine being known as a great warrior or leader?

I mean Hillary is known to be a total bitch ... but when things get hot for her she crawls under Bill's legs ... shoving away whomever happens to be servicing him at the time ... and sucks her thumb (much to Bill's chagrin I'm sure). Oh, yeah ... we'll be a lot safer when she's in charge. Maybe the French can give her some lessons on being tough, eh?

But I digress ... we have become so weak, that now the little punk would-be tin horn dictators will stare down the barrel of the most powerful army in the world and sneer threats at us. Note that I don't necessarily blame the Democraps ... they are what they are ... weaklings that are going to get us annihilated. I blame the Republicans, and mostly Bush himself ... for taking us into a situation that our country was not going to finish.

Again, do not get me wrong. Rumsfeld is/was brilliant ... his victories are going to be legendary. Bush has all the determination in the world and if this country were full of people like the two of them, NOBODY would dare take us on or even look at us funny. However, we are NOT all like them, in fact a little more than half of us have just elected to allow ourselves to be killed again ... and to allow little jerks like Mooochy to insult us with impunity.

THAT is why Iraq was such a huge mistake.

Second higher thought ... do not lay it all at the feet of the media either. Yeah, we saw some unbelievable bias ... outright advocacy and downright lies ... on the part of the media for the 'Craps. But we all knew this for a long time. At the beginning of the war, however, they were all in those Humvees just like Geraldo and Fox News were.

The key at that point would have been to annihilate the enemies ... along the lines of the "highway of death" in the Kuwait situation years ago. In the total chaos of a hot war ... you can get away with a lot more stuff because things are so crazy. By allowing the delusion of total collapse of Iraqi forces, we allowed them to drift away and are fighting them with one hand behind our back today (actually, both hands now that the Democraps are in power).

The media is what it is ... but if we would not have put ourselves in this situation, they would not have had the opportunity to spread their crap.

Vote Fraud, anyone? Helllooooo? Anybody out there?

Before this election, left wing groups were being rounded up and convicted by the dozens for turning in thousands upon thousands of illegal voter registrations. In one case, less than 20% of about 5000 registrations turned in were legitimate, and the numbers overall across the nation were in the 100s of thousands (and I actually heard in excess of 1 million).

Ah ... hello? did anybody bother to followup on these to make sure that these sleazeballs did not actually vote with the illegal ballots? Most places, it does not matter, but control of the Senate is ... what ... < 10000 votes away. And oh, by the way, in the last go-around in Wisconsin, the numbers of illegal votes was at least 8000 ... seems like if success leads to more ... one can imagine the criminal elitists (i.e. Democrats) would have kicked in at least 10x that many in a year like this and a state like Virginia.

Two higher thoughts ... I know that one of the reasons why I was not very motivated (btw ... do not read much into that) ... was that I watched as Republicans allowed these obvious crimes go unpunished, along with a boatload of other corruption scandals involving democrats. You would think that Hastert would have been all over this, especially considering the "Culture of corruption" screeches by democrats, and this despite the fact that there was nothing going on. Bush's B.S. "bring a new tone" message hamstrung the conservatives, and gave democraps free reign to act like the derelicts that they are. But to the point ... if conservatives are not going to fight the fact that Democraps can cancel out thousands of our votes ... why the hell even bother doing the hard work?

Next ... so what exactly would happen if they figured out that Democraps cheated? How can they prove which ballots were bad? And if they do ... how do they know who it was the dirtball liberal voted for? These are VERY tough questions, but as long as we have leftie organizations flooding the elections with illegal votes, we had better try to figure it out.

And at the same time, put many more of these jokers in jail.

It may be too late regardless ... since there is little chance under Democrat rule, this country will change the laws that allow the Democraps to illegally obtain power.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Elections

MANDATE ... the people sent Washington a MANDATE!!!

Are you kidding? What mandate? The democrats hid under a rock this election while the news media unloaded an unrelenting attack against Republicans which I believe was unprecedented in US history. Oooo ... there's no bias in the media when this 'L'afferty clown goes on CNN calling Rumsfeld (who I don't think ran for any office yesterday) a war criminal ... oh, yeah, sounds objective to me!!!

I believe that a whole bunch of people waking up this morning will not have a *clue* who the heck the person is that won their election ... and I mean the people that actually voted for them.

And nobody, and I MEAN NOBODY ... knows who the hell Nancy Pelosi is. I think it will be *very* interesting to see what the response is going to be ... a really bad "hangover", like that really incredible downer when you wake up after a bad drunk and realize the person (who's name you cannot remember) in the bed next to you looks more like a barnyard animal. Oh my God, this San Fran lunatic with *really* awful plastic surgery is now in charge of the House!!!

Well, the chickens have finally come home to roost. Seriously ... I actually held out hope that the American people, or more specifically the conservative base ... would never actually give power to these lunatics.

I absolutely ignored one of my own basic tenets of conservatives ... that the message is always more important than the person. Conservatives have only too willingly tossed their own overboard time and time again ... even at the mere mention of scandal ... to stay "pure". Well, we are a lot more "pure" now, and a helluva lot less powerful.

So ... in that light ...

Message to Nancy (et al)

In all sincerity ... you will be best to operate the government the way that you snuck into office ... hiding under a rock. I mean ... when Newt won the election of 1994, the people had heard literally hundreds, if not thousands ... of stories about who he was (i.e. the human form of Satan), and what he was going to do (i.e. destroy the world) and they elected him. You, on the other hand ... went into hiding with the willing cooperation of your pals in the media ... so the idea that you came to power under some change in the US toward ultra liberalism is a laugh at best.

For the sake of conservatism, I hope that you continue to believe your own press and act like we really support you. I hope you do what you (collectively) promised:
- raise taxes (allow all the tax cuts to expire ... DAMN YOU REPUBLICANS)
- amnesty to illegals
- looney left judges
- lose Iraq, et al

In fact, my biggest fear is that you DON'T act like yourselves ... that you actually stab your constituency in the back the way the Republicans have treated us.

But I do not think that you are that smart.

Message to George Bush / Karl Rove

You did not get it, eh? Perhaps you believed YOUR own press ... that y'all were these incredibly gifted politicians with this underlying wisdom about the American electorate.


I mentioned in the 2004 elections that the *narrow* win against John Kerry was a stern warning ... I mean Kerry just proved again what a total idiot he is, and he came within ONE STATE of beating you. Afterwards, even the news media had to admit that they found it extremely difficult covering for the total incompetence of this loser, and you BARELY beat him.

So all the blood from the knives in our backs on the other issues have now been paid out ... the softness on illegals, the insane prescription entitlement, failed nation building, Ted Kennedy's education plan (what the hell made you think it was a good idea to do ANYTHING with fat-drunk-and-stupid?), all the other spending ...

So how does it feel? Hopefully you did a little better planning for the enemy across town and the aftermath of the elections than you did for the enemies across the globe and the aftermath in Iraq.

To the soldiers / sailors :

I'm sorry.

Watch your backs. Your country has screwed you bad ... putting people into high office that despise what you stand for and what you are. John Kerry has been ELEVATED TO POWER after his comments.

Know that while most of us will kick some ass if we see these hippy retreads and reincarnates attack you, that there are places where we simply will not be around for you. I'm sorry.

WE STILL LOVE YOU!!! Understand that the majority of the American people love and appreciate what you are doing, your sacrifices. I really do not believe that even the people that cast these votes really thought about what the price is going to be for you guys. Remember that many of the Democraps claim to appreciate you (with love like that, who needs enemies, right?).

You still have the Commander-In-Chief, but you are going to catch hell from a lot of other scumbags in that same city. So please ... watch your backs.

To the American people

You get the government that you deserve.

Know this ... any jackass that comes to me complaining about illegals, or complaining about taxes, or complaining about entitlements spending, or complaining about voter fraud, or complaining about some cockamamie judgement by lunatic liberals judges ...

Oy, I do not know that I will be a good Christian at that point.

Especially to the senior citizens ... because when these libs give us 10s of millions of new welfare recipients that make babies like rabbits ... and they lop that entire crew (including the backlog of illegals from the last two decades) ... onto Social Security and the system collapses ... do not go crying to me for help ... I will not have anything to give.

Finally, to Conservatives

I hope that you are right ... that your willingness to give away the farm was worth it.

So what happens if the libs grant amnesty to illegals ... 10-20 million new welfare recipients ... are you the ones that are going to pay that?

We can only pray that there are no more judicial nominees between now and when we can get the Senate back. Another Kennedy or Souter or Stevens anyone?

And if any of y'all come complaining to me about liberals ... but I find out that you did not participate in THE PRIMARIES to replace the Republicans that you failed to show up for in this election cycle ...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I Open with a pair of Traitors

prescript ... yes, I am perfectly aware that the definition of traitor is a legal one, very precise. I do not care. Bottom line is that the two Senators from Mass-a-nutcases are traitors.

In the latest scam, evidence is now surfacing that one fat-drunk-Ted Kennedy was actively working with leaders of the Soviet Union to undermine the efforts of Ronaldus Maximus. He apparently sent some envoys ... namely other democraps ... the the Soviets to try to work out some sort of deal to help undermine U.S. elections.

Wow ... big surprise. Could you imagine if John F Kennedy had survived ... I mean this guy probably would have had his dispicable sibling executed personally.

And now Lurch has re-inserted his foot in his mouth. Note that I am not talking about the moronic statements at the gathering of idiots (i.e. liberals) ... after all, others have long sinced commented about how Democrats are little more the stupid stories (hate-Bushism) told by stupid people (democrats) that only other stupid people (liberals) laugh at. I am talking about the fallout after the fact. First he comes out with a chip the size of a railroad tie on his shoulder, then he spins it into the "I told a joke poorly" garbage ... nevermind that he won't tell anybody what the joke was supposed to be ... I'm going to lay odds he was trying to insult Mr. Bush, right? OHHHHH, how original!!!!

Finally his "so-called" apology. Can anybody please explain to me why these idiots write these totally stupid non-apology apologies? How arrogant do you have to be to say something as disgusting as "if you were ..." and "you misunderstood" and blah blah blah. So it is the other persons' fault, and not the fault of the Kerry-the-magnificent ... because we are too stupid to know the great wisdom.

Again I ask the question ... if your kid came up to you and issued an apology like Kerry did ... wouldn't you just head-slap him into a new week? It would be like ... come on back when you are ready with a real apology.

What is absolutely fascinating is Kerry's beligerant statements to tie in the past ... I mean this dirtball still lives in the la-la land that he can issue any lie he wants and we will just suck it down like swill. Oh, he *never* lied about Vietnam ... nope, never did ... and his service record, which he of course REFUSES TO RELEASE ... proves that. What he did helped win the war for the Viet Cong ... and Kerry should be held to account not only for the loss but for the dispicable treatment our military received upon their return thanks to his lies.

Even more fun is the absolute absurdity of Kerry's lecturing others on how to make it in the world. Let's see his formula ... damn near flunk out of school, then marry rich babes. Oh, yeah, he's the arbiter of what happens due to a great education. What an idiot.

So thanks for the October surprise, there. And to the people of Mass-a-nutcases ... you people make me sick.