Terrorists, Murderers and Thugs Cheer Democrat Victory
This is just amazing.
Word is coming in from all over the world that terrorists are celebrating the Democrap victories in the recent election. Most notably, Mooochy Al Sadr, murderer and thug would-be dictator of Iraq, issued a press release through a spokesman where he indicated that he expect the Democrats to honor their pledge to vacate Iraq and turn over control to him and his Iranian cohorts.
OK ... not in so many words ... but a lot closer to that then you would imagine. He literally said that they expect the Democrats to honor their pledge to pull America out of Iraq, and threatened ... "If they don't, we will deal with them in a brotherly way once the last American soldier pulls out from Iraq."
Unbelievable ... amazing.
And, of course, exactly what you would expect.
Higher Thought ...
One of Rumsfeld's lines was that you "go to war with the army that you have" ... basically a response to the liberal whines about not having enough up-armoured vehicles. NOTE: I am not saying that it is not good for our warriors to have the better protection ... I am saying that if you waited to have the PERFECT army before ever doing something, you would never fight (i.e. we'd be speaking arabic right now ... or chinese ... or german ... or if Teddy and Kerry would have had their way, russian).
Well ... as a far more important (and parallel) rule ... you go to war with the COUNTRY that you have. The tragic mistake of George W. Bush was none of the liberal crap we have been spoon fed ... it is the simple fact that our own country has become the major league wusses of the world, perhaps only second to France. In fact so much so that some of the "heroes" of the now majority party are the biggest wusses of them all ... Bill Clinton, Terry McAuliffe, Fat Drunk Teddy, Robert KKK Byrd, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi ... the list goes on and on and on and on. Can anyone name one democrap of the modern era that you can possibly imagine being known as a great warrior or leader?
I mean Hillary is known to be a total bitch ... but when things get hot for her she crawls under Bill's legs ... shoving away whomever happens to be servicing him at the time ... and sucks her thumb (much to Bill's chagrin I'm sure). Oh, yeah ... we'll be a lot safer when she's in charge. Maybe the French can give her some lessons on being tough, eh?
But I digress ... we have become so weak, that now the little punk would-be tin horn dictators will stare down the barrel of the most powerful army in the world and sneer threats at us. Note that I don't necessarily blame the Democraps ... they are what they are ... weaklings that are going to get us annihilated. I blame the Republicans, and mostly Bush himself ... for taking us into a situation that our country was not going to finish.
Again, do not get me wrong. Rumsfeld is/was brilliant ... his victories are going to be legendary. Bush has all the determination in the world and if this country were full of people like the two of them, NOBODY would dare take us on or even look at us funny. However, we are NOT all like them, in fact a little more than half of us have just elected to allow ourselves to be killed again ... and to allow little jerks like Mooochy to insult us with impunity.
THAT is why Iraq was such a huge mistake.
Second higher thought ... do not lay it all at the feet of the media either. Yeah, we saw some unbelievable bias ... outright advocacy and downright lies ... on the part of the media for the 'Craps. But we all knew this for a long time. At the beginning of the war, however, they were all in those Humvees just like Geraldo and Fox News were.
The key at that point would have been to annihilate the enemies ... along the lines of the "highway of death" in the Kuwait situation years ago. In the total chaos of a hot war ... you can get away with a lot more stuff because things are so crazy. By allowing the delusion of total collapse of Iraqi forces, we allowed them to drift away and are fighting them with one hand behind our back today (actually, both hands now that the Democraps are in power).
The media is what it is ... but if we would not have put ourselves in this situation, they would not have had the opportunity to spread their crap.