media bias
Man ... anybody who is ignorant enough to actually try to stand up and say that the news media in this country does not intentionally DISTORT the news, simply needs to look at the Rush Limbaugh / Michael Fox controversy. Note that I did not say "bias" ... because I have seen the soft pedal artists, including O'Reilly, argue that the bias may be just made up of slant on the reporting (i.e. what they choose to report, and how they choose to report it). The news media is literally lying through their Democrap teeth.
Everything is on tape ... you can literally SEE everything involved in this ... including Rush's side. I was listening in, albeit not watching the webfeed, and when I heard the news reports I was literally dumbfounded. I could not believe these guys would tell baldfaced lies about what had been said. I could not believe that they would do a Michael Moorism on the Limbaugh webcam feed, carefully editing and embellishing the film to achieve the ends they were looking for ... make it look like Rush was mocking Fox. The even lied about Rush's "apology" ... trying to make it look like Limbaugh had admitted to the antics they accused him of ... I was not able to catch exactly what Rush said, but it was basically discussing the fact that Fox had apparently OVER-MEDICATED himself, which was not one of the things they had speculated about before the whole thing blew up.
Here is the higher thought on this ... the media taking a chance like this is very dangerous, especially in light of how the fake document scandal brought down Democrat Dan Rather. I am going to assume that the news media would have a "good reason" for disseminating yet another blatent lie, and I believe their reasoning has to be a little more than a presumption of ignorance and stupidity attibuted to their audience by the news media. I believe that what has happened here is twofold ...
a) Ann Coulter exposed the fact that this is a classic liberal ploy: put up an "untouchable" that can pretty much say whatever they want because the other side does not dare attack your "pathetic victim" (ala The Jersey Girls, Cindy the-loon Sheehan, etc etc etc) and
b) Rush basically said he is not going to be intimidated anymore
This was going to take away a major weapon in the Democrat arsenal, so I believe the liberals in the media made a conscious decision that they were going to slap Rush down hard as a "shot-across-the-bow" of conservatives. They were semi-successful in the Ann Coulter slap-down ... focusing ALL the attention on her attack on the Jersey Gals and avoiding altogether the *real* argument. In the eyes of the media, they would make Rush pay a heavy price for taking the chance of taking on Fox's moronic claims ... even though Limbaugh did it very delicately, they could simply lie about it.
All pre-tense is gone
O'Reilly reported today that some non-partisan media monitoring service (I was working, so I did not bother to write down the name) has reported that the media is about as slanted as they could possibly be in this election cycle. 77% of all stories related to Democraps are positive, contrasted with a mere 12% of stories on Republicans.
Oh, so NOW they are biased, huh? Give me a break.
The higher thought there is, however, that we have been working against a biased media forever, and we kicked the Dems' asses (no pun intended) and took names. In addition, over the last 3 elections, everybody was "surprised" by the results. Meaning ... the morons on the other side believed their own press. I keep getting the picture in my mind of Truman holding up the newspaper with the headline "Dewey Defeats Truman".
I still stick by my prediction that we will see a similar result on Nov 8th. I just will not believe that Americans will vote themselves a $2000 plus tax increase. I know that the Democraps are offering nothing ... absolutely nothing ... by way of leadership ... and I just cannot imagine that in these times the people of this country are going to blindly follow the loons that run that party ... it just does not make sense. Yes, EVERYTHING the Republicans (or better stated, the Bush administration) has done has been attacked to a level of insanity I could not believe, but that does not mean the *other* side gets anything out of it.
Will I jump off a bridge if Americans do (i.e. if they put Nancy Pelosi into power)? No ... because I know it will be shortlived. Besides ... I have business interests that tie to Australia, a place that had as their number one hero a guy that wrestles crocodiles ... so I am sure there are a few more places of sanity left in the world.
What the lies lead to
103 or so soldiers dead this month ... so everything is bad and getting worse, right? Um ... well, only if you totally ignore what else went on. I do not remember exactly where I heard this, but I believe it was tied back to an article (perhaps opinion) by an Iraqi reporter. Basically, the report was that the US / British / Iraqi forces kicked a whole bunch of terrorist / militant butts over the last month as well. Specifics were given ... including numerous grandiose attacks that were planned and "thwarted" ... where the term typically means massive holes in bad guys. Militia attempts at commandeering towns and enclaves and whatever that were summarily beaten, capture of a whole bunch of high level guys, getting ever so much closer to the chump that took over for the room-temperature version of Zarqawi.
I heard some prognosticators indicate that Iraq has been a stalemate. Um, they say that like it is a bad thing ... Am I crazy? Doesn't that work out in OUR favor? If neither side can advance (given that we own just about everything, that's a weird thing to say) ... and we're effectively waiting for the Iraqi's to train up so they can take their own place ... stalemate is a good thing. Nonetheless ... the higher thought on this is exactly what is the alternative? We have killed and captured all of the major players, so all that would be left would be a mop up operation that includes a whole bunch of collateral damage as well.
More 'Slant'
Pakistanis took out a madras ... one of those lunatic asylums the muslims throw together to teach their children all about how they get all these virgins if they slap on a TNT vest and take out some grandmas and babies. Some speculation was that the madras may have actually been a vacation spot for certain Al Queda bad guys, possibly including Zawahiri.
The story apparently was under the radar of the major news media ... think that one through. Now, I want to ask you something ... I want you to imagine that I walked up to you ... oh, say about 5 years ago ... that the government of Pakistan ... one of the only (if not THE only) country on the planet that supported the Taliban ... was going to kill its own trying to take out OUR enemies, including the Taliban. You would have (rightfully) questioned my sanity ... yet here it happens and in the "Bush is losing the Terrorist war" and "Bush has no allies in the terrorist war" blinders news media ... eh ... no big deal.
It makes me sick.
Higher action
So what are you going to do. Well, point it out. Bring up the conversation ... get people pissed off. Maybe others are not like me ... but I get really pissed off when I think I am being lied to. Information is king ... and despite the fact that the media is holding back, we can get the information out and win this one.