Monday, July 31, 2006

Civilian deaths ... SHUTUP!

As this war reveals more and more absurdity throughout the world ... I just wonder how much of the criticism toward Israel and the US is based upon our over-sensitivity to people dieing. I am just waiting for the one leader to stand up and say "No, I am not apologizing for people getting hurt or killed who are standing in the middle of a war zone. We are breaking things and killing people, that's what war is ... we try our best to kill the right people because that is what we have to do to keep those bastards from killing us. It is not my fault that these criminals are hiding under the skirts of women, but those are big rockets and those women that the terrorists are hiding behind are not so blind. And those rockets didn't just materialize in those suburban houses ... somebody saw them carrying them in and now all of a sudden they are surprised when a rocket gets launched and we blow up the houses that launched them."

About the UN deaths ... "Funny how they were calling us to stop the shelling, but they could not shout out their door to ask the Hezbollah terrorists to move their rocket launchers down the road a bit. Perhaps if those 'soldiers' had been a little more diligent in their work, we would not have had to do their freakin' job of ... ahem ... disarming the terrorists to begin with."

And in response to the Euro-trash that is hurling more puke ... "If the freakin' French want peace so bad ... let them come in and take the rockets from these ruthless bastards. The French would have a hard time taking a piece of candy from a toddler, so I won't hold my breath. Maybe they could buy the rockets from the terrorists with some of that money they funneled from Saddam, eh?"

And then they will be serving snow cones in hell.

Seriously though ... I think one of the reasons why good guys are taking such heat from total idiots is because the good guys are not firing back. I think one of the reasons why Reagan was so effective was because he didn't take crap from anybody, and he would not allow anybody to blow smoke up his butt and pretend like la-la land was reality. No doubt Reagan made some mistakes, but for the most part you (major foreign leaders) did not dare say stupid things because you would not get away with it.

Of course ... Reagan was a buffoon to these elitests because he did not drink the bilge that they were serving.

The higher thought is, however ... that the war is being fought on our front doorsteps. You cannot allow any moron to get away with the rhetoric of the kooks ... cease-fire, cease-fire, cease-fire ... my ass. No ... uh-uh ... kill them and anybody that looks like them. If the bad guys were armed to the teeth and sitting across the street from your house lobbing grenades, swearing to not stop until you and your family were all dead ... you would be screaming bloody murder to wipe them out and take their guns away. Cease-fire ... cease-fire ... uh huh ... right.

Here is an even higher thought ... regardless how this turns out, Iran has just received clearance not only to get a nuclear device, but to use it. If you do not see this, then you are simply not paying attention. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is happening to Iran right now and they are about the ONLY reason all of this is happening. Adinomina-Ineeda-bjob is laughing his butt off right now ... he started a war and got a bunch of people killed and nobody is going to touch Iran or hold them accountable. Bush and Rice have turned into paper tigers ... and I think Rumsfeld is hiding under his desk.

A real response? Turn off Iran's oil spigots for about 6 months ... blockade and bombing.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Time to dump the U.N.

(liberal thought) "Oh, another right wing kook war-monger neanderthal calling for the U.S. to get out of the UN" ...

read on ... it ain't like that

Is it not funny how things that are bad or useless or whatever seem to be set up to go on forever (like welfare programs, social security, etc), whereas things that are good are always set up to expire (like tax cuts)? I would guess that if I thought about it long enough, I could argue that the fact that something IS set up to be "forever" is what eventually dooms it ... since "forever" often tends to fall away from accountability ... but I don't want to think that hard.

I think that the U.N. is now at a point where it is so completely functionally useless, that we can make a strong argument that it is time to simply dispose of it. Take for instance the concept of "peacekeepers" ... the current war demonstrates how effective that is/was ... but you even go beyond that to the rapes and ineptitude (can you believe there were UN forces in Lebanon that were supposed to be keeping track of the disarmament of the terrorists?) and other stuff.

However, none of this is new ... this group has been inept for a long time. My point is even deeper than that ... I think that this organization *causes* a lot of the problems in the world today. Whether it is the UN position on the current war, or the situation in Iraq, or the US held terrorists, (and on and on and on and on) ... this group has played a significant role in insuring the worst possible situation will come about, especially in regards to (against) the US and its allies.

For instance ... in Lebanon the UN was supposed to be doing something (although we now seem to be finding out that they actually really were setup to do absolutely nothing) about keeping Hesbollah under wraps ... even if it just means reporting violations to Kofi. In the meantime the murderous terrorists literally setup what can only be thought of as a fairly advanced civilian based military complex ... specifically designed to be a formiddable killing force while garnering as much public sympathy (for so-called civilian deaths) as possible. 13000 missiles ... must have snuck them in using golf bags or something.

Take Iraq ... Saddam was literally just playing the terrorist / tin-horn dictator hand as usual ... pretense of cooperation and UN diplomacy (wink wink, nod nod ... here's a billion in your oil trading account). However, by soft peddling with that brute for how many years, the UN got him setup to expect soft treatment. Imagine if the UN would have stuck to its guns and actually enforced its unanimous resolutions?

How about the terrorist thing? The UN is pushing the extremely dangerous position of terrorist appeasement status quo ... treating them as a legitimate fighters, heck even treating them as uniformed (qualified for Geneva conventions). This is extremely dangerous, and eventually creates a sort of sovereignty (albeit without any real land) for the most viscious SOB around ... if you can brutally murder a large group of people, the UN becomes your tool of choice for cover as the government of those people is virtually pounced upon by the UN goofs who beg for restraint.

By the way Kofi ... let's throw your son out there in front of the Iraqi people, and after they cut off his head we can have the conversation about "restraint".

But I digress ... so I think it is easy to make a very strong case that not only is the U.N. totally useless / ineffective ... but that there is a very real argument that they make things worse.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Still don't get it

You see a fascinating dichotomy in these troubled times ... while Israel is literally fighting for its life after a policy of appeasement, you have Democraps still pushing the anti-war appeasement line for the U.S. Not like it was ever in question ... ANY inch you give the terrorists is perceived as a sign of weakness.

I have a simple question for anybody that gets in your face with this idiotic anti-war whining ... please name for me the one example, just one ... where capitulating to a murderous thug has ever served your purposes. Just name one? Never happened.

I still keep hearing about all these "polls" that tell us how Democrats are getting more and more popular ... and I just don't see it. I keep getting more and more of a feeling that there are going to be ever more "surprises" coming this fall.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Whazzup with Israel?

Wow ... kicking ass and taking names.

After years of putting up with terrorists for God knows how long, pretending that somehow it would lead to peace ... it looks like our friends have finally had enough.

God Bless them and godspeed!!!

What is even more fascinating is that the scumbag head of the U.N. Kofi Anan pulled out the "T" word in reference to Israel ... I just ... man ... I was at work when I heard the quote ... I probably should not listen to this stuff when I am there ... oy! I understand that the scum of the earth infest that place, the U.N. ... God help John Bolton. The Hezbollah sneak across the border and kill a bunch of soldiers and snatch two more ... then crawl their cowardly asses back under the skirts of women and children ... but the Israelis are acting like terrorists??? I just do not understand how any decent people don't "reach out" to Kofi and tear out his throat. Do we (the U.S.) have no power at all to depose this freak ... I mean ... what the hell does this guy have to do to get his ass thrown out?

But at least Israel is acting like the bad ass on the block again ... let's hope they slap a few on Syria and maybe draw their attention from sending all their bad guys into Iraq.

Random Musings

- some radio guy had on a Jewish soldier-something-0r-other (retired) ... who pointed out something amazing about the news coverage. The Palestinians were "rushing" to the hospital with their kids ... no men, just women ... no blood or any visable signs of trauma, just crying. The Israelis took out one of the PLO government buildings at 2:00 AM in the morning ... you do the math! At least the Palestinians took the suicide bomber jackets off of their kids before they brought them in.

- Not to hit you with another math quiz ... but many discussions centered around motivations of the terrorists ... basically grab a couple of Israelis and bargain for prisoners. The swaps in the past were something like 1000+ captured Hezbollah for 2 soldiers and a civilian, and 400+ terrorists for 1 soldier and 3 dead guys. These Israeli negotiators are *really* bad at math.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Albright ... contemplation

It seems that, collectively ... the United States of America has completely lost its mind. OK, OK, perhaps that is overstated ... perhaps we have simply lost perspective and discretion.

And ultimately I believe that this temporary loss of sanity is going to get a whole lot of Americans killed.

I am not one to believe polls ... I realize that in most cases polls are now used as a political tool to help the leftie media make people feel like they are going "against the grade" if we do not buy into the political agenda that they are trying to shove down our throats. Questions like "Do you value your freedom" are reported in the papers as "People are opposed to the NSA surveillance of foreign terrorists", or ... more often ... "People disapprove of George Bush".

However, there are still an awful lot of folks who will say that they are not happy with what we are doing against the terrorists, or even more unbelievably ... that they think the Democrats might be more effective.

And yet ... front and center, we have the poster child(ren) of STUPID ... the whole Clintonesta crew surrounding this North Korea mess. Clark, Albright, Albright's clonies, etc. ... and all sorts of other Democraps that say we need to talk to this nut.

Granted ... there are some that say we need to blow up these missiles on the ground. However, given the situation in Iraq, it is pretty obvious that you cannot trust any Democrat to stick with the hard choices at the first sign of trouble.

However, for some perspective ... let us examine the situation a bit.

Albright openly mused (during her tenure at State) ... that she found it "troubling" that the US was the world's only superpower. Nevermind how stupid that remark is ... unless one is willing to forget an army of hundreds of millions of Chinese, armed with nukes that are a whole lot more accurate now thanks to der Schlickmeister.

A puppet of that regime, North Korea ... starts acting like a kook ... so Albright's solution is to rush over there not only with Billion$ of dollars, but also handing them enough nuclear fuel and technology to produce 10s (perhaps 100s) of nuclear weapons per year.

This "deal" ... which everybody on the planet accept Albright and her clonies knows ... was totally ignored by the Koreans. The net effect was to hand a ruthless, incompetent kook billions in aid so he could focus what little resources he had on figuring out a way to actually deliver his new "toys" to the American mainland.

Now ... I want you to think about that for a minute ... you hand a murderous despot nuclear ANYTHING ... and you are an idiot.

But let us take a step back ... because I want to point out how totally looney it is that we allow these deranged morons to even have a word in talking about North Korea. Even if you accept the Albright spin on the 1994 deal ... that it was all good ... that Korea NEVER did anything wrong while Clinton was in office ... literally only doing any weapons building during Bush 41 and now GW Bush ... OK ... I know I know ... like trying to swallow rotten cod liver oil ... but bear with me for a moment ... even if you buy her garbage ...

you are talking to a person that furnished a murderous, lunatic dictator with nuclear technology and nuclear materials appropriate for producing nuclear weapons.

Shouldn't that be the end of the discussion?

Think about the hypocrisy here ... for a minute ... George W. Bush is a liar because he relied on intelligence from just about every agency in the world ... and it turns out now that they were right despite the ever more kooky rants by the left that ... "oh, the weapons they did find don't count" (but none are volunteering their basements for disposal of those weapons that don't count). Yet Albright, Clark, et al do not get ANY credit or accountability for handing the tin pot brutal dictator the materials for his bombs, or for ignoring the fact that he was cheating (and everybody knew it), and for helping him free up his resources to make sure he could deliver them to US shores.

Another concept that should fry your brian ... the same party that claims we should be doing everything we can to unilatary disassemble or defund all of our advanced weapons, is the same party to runs around the world handing the most dangerous weapons to the worst of the worst.

I think my head is going to explode.

Friday, July 07, 2006

More of the General

So Clark is on again, this time about North Korea. As he starts off ... he sides with the idiots that say we need to "engage" (whatever that means) 'make-me' Il directly. So I'm sort of standing back wondering ... why would he take such a stupid position? Even the ex-Clintonestas are split ... with the Albright morons clucking about following their disasterous path and others (I think mostly ex-defense) calling for direct attacks, even on the ground.

Well ... of course, Clark was a part of the negotiation group that put together that disasterous agreement with the little dog eating terrorist. Well, now ... how interesting is that? So I guess ol' Wesley is feeling pretty damned stupid at this point, after all he got totally duped by a deranged little tin-horn terrorist. Most normal people would say "screw those guys" after they lie like that ... but not a wannabe liberal ... nope ... you put your head up your ass (well ... OK ... as a liberal you just leave it there) and do the same thing over again.

Once a liar ...

There is something I just don't get ... and I am not sure I ever will. I mean ... how the hell does anybody stand there a say that we need to negotiate with this guy ever again? I mean maybe if you have a gun at his head, but otherwise what? Reagan had the "trust but verify" ... I would not even afford this tyrant that ... "you are a lying sack of manure so your word ain't worth the ink it is printed with".

So what, exactly, do you negotiate against? I could promise you the world, knowing that I don't have a nickel to give you. What is more fascinating ... is that Make-Me Il has CREATED his only bargaining chip (since N. Korea is a complete cesspool now) ... that is his only bargaining chip is the fact that he throws these fits and starts lobbing missiles all over the place.

Random musings

- Regardless of whether you believe the conspiracy theories about China and Russia or not ... the cruise missile approach adds one additional advantage to the discussion ... it denies our enemies any additional information about how well our missile defense systems work. They already know our cruise missiles work, so blowing up their missiles during setup shows our other enemies nothing that they do not already know.

- So, given their clueless thought processes ... do you think you could walk up to Clark's or Albright's house, start lobbing fake grenades, and demand concessions unless they agree to meet with you? Would you end up in jail or at the table with Clark?

Yet ... somehow going into discussions (exactly what Il wants) gets him what he wants. Very strange.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Madeleine All-ways-wrong

Isn't there something, anything, that we can do to just make these people go away?

Man, just ... arrrrggggg! Maybe this is the downside to electing a (relatively) young president ... that the butthead (and his cronies) just won't go away and/or die. So now, every freakin' day, we hear from yet another Clinton crony ... puke.

Seriously though ... think about this ... have you heard more in the past few days / weeks / months from Clinton officials, or (the current) administration officials? Think about it!!! And I still run into some idiots that claim that there is no left wing bias in the media!!!

And in this case ... they go to what very well might be the absolute worse one-two punch of Secretary of State ... Albright and Christopher. Again, think about this (and I mean this even in an unbiased sense ... pretend you actually liked Clinton) ... can you think of a single accomplishment of these buffoons in the 8 years of Clinton?

Unbelievable failures ... yes ... North Korea being the shining example of the most asinine move EVER by a president ... giving a terrorist dictator a nuclear bomb and billions of dollars.

But even with no bias ... name one thing?

So now this total buffoon is up there trying to tell Bush how to handle North Korea. And I guess one of her clonies is even trying to argue that there was 0 nuclear activity during Clinton ... but it all happened (WARNING ... please swallow whatever you are drinking and eating before going on .... ) under Bushes ... no, I mean Bush 41 AND Bush 43!!! So they were developing nukes under George Sr. ... then stopped cold under Clinton ... then started up again under G.W.

And she keeps a straight face when she says this ... no kidding! So Clinton hands North Korea all sorts of nuclear technology and nuclear fuel ... and billions of American dollars in various aid ... and doesn't bother to watch them. But the minute Clinton leaves office, North Korea suddenly has untold numbers of bombs ... and this mindless kook wants you to believe that they did it in the week or two between Clinton and Bush.

I am serious ... and all the mindless mainstream media just hands these idiots as much air time as they can possibly give them.

Now, I must admit ... I have not heard any other libs trying to hammer this point ... maybe because they realize just how stupid you would have to be and even their most lunatic base is not that stupid. I would guess that they realize that if they really engaged this issue ... the Republicans would only have to point out that it takes years / decades to go nuclear, so timewise Albright's moronic arguments simply cannot stand.

Now ... I want you to think about this ... this same Albright who would have you believe that we need to give in to this little deranged terrorist's demands ... is the same person who was running the Dept. of State and was our representative to the world community!

Some other musings ...
- Albright argues that Il is not "crazy" ... but that we should not "tease" him about the failed missiles because it will just drive him to do crazier things
- Democrats, in general ... arguing that with North Korea we should go one-on-one, after YEARS of the Dems argue that the administration was bad for going-it-alone in Iraq (ignores the fact that in Iraq there is a coalition ... an example of new-democrat math).
- other Democrats are saying we should blow up the missiles ... can you even imagine what the attacks on President Bush would look like if we did that and the Koreans went really nuts?