Saturday, July 08, 2006

Albright ... contemplation

It seems that, collectively ... the United States of America has completely lost its mind. OK, OK, perhaps that is overstated ... perhaps we have simply lost perspective and discretion.

And ultimately I believe that this temporary loss of sanity is going to get a whole lot of Americans killed.

I am not one to believe polls ... I realize that in most cases polls are now used as a political tool to help the leftie media make people feel like they are going "against the grade" if we do not buy into the political agenda that they are trying to shove down our throats. Questions like "Do you value your freedom" are reported in the papers as "People are opposed to the NSA surveillance of foreign terrorists", or ... more often ... "People disapprove of George Bush".

However, there are still an awful lot of folks who will say that they are not happy with what we are doing against the terrorists, or even more unbelievably ... that they think the Democrats might be more effective.

And yet ... front and center, we have the poster child(ren) of STUPID ... the whole Clintonesta crew surrounding this North Korea mess. Clark, Albright, Albright's clonies, etc. ... and all sorts of other Democraps that say we need to talk to this nut.

Granted ... there are some that say we need to blow up these missiles on the ground. However, given the situation in Iraq, it is pretty obvious that you cannot trust any Democrat to stick with the hard choices at the first sign of trouble.

However, for some perspective ... let us examine the situation a bit.

Albright openly mused (during her tenure at State) ... that she found it "troubling" that the US was the world's only superpower. Nevermind how stupid that remark is ... unless one is willing to forget an army of hundreds of millions of Chinese, armed with nukes that are a whole lot more accurate now thanks to der Schlickmeister.

A puppet of that regime, North Korea ... starts acting like a kook ... so Albright's solution is to rush over there not only with Billion$ of dollars, but also handing them enough nuclear fuel and technology to produce 10s (perhaps 100s) of nuclear weapons per year.

This "deal" ... which everybody on the planet accept Albright and her clonies knows ... was totally ignored by the Koreans. The net effect was to hand a ruthless, incompetent kook billions in aid so he could focus what little resources he had on figuring out a way to actually deliver his new "toys" to the American mainland.

Now ... I want you to think about that for a minute ... you hand a murderous despot nuclear ANYTHING ... and you are an idiot.

But let us take a step back ... because I want to point out how totally looney it is that we allow these deranged morons to even have a word in talking about North Korea. Even if you accept the Albright spin on the 1994 deal ... that it was all good ... that Korea NEVER did anything wrong while Clinton was in office ... literally only doing any weapons building during Bush 41 and now GW Bush ... OK ... I know I know ... like trying to swallow rotten cod liver oil ... but bear with me for a moment ... even if you buy her garbage ...

you are talking to a person that furnished a murderous, lunatic dictator with nuclear technology and nuclear materials appropriate for producing nuclear weapons.

Shouldn't that be the end of the discussion?

Think about the hypocrisy here ... for a minute ... George W. Bush is a liar because he relied on intelligence from just about every agency in the world ... and it turns out now that they were right despite the ever more kooky rants by the left that ... "oh, the weapons they did find don't count" (but none are volunteering their basements for disposal of those weapons that don't count). Yet Albright, Clark, et al do not get ANY credit or accountability for handing the tin pot brutal dictator the materials for his bombs, or for ignoring the fact that he was cheating (and everybody knew it), and for helping him free up his resources to make sure he could deliver them to US shores.

Another concept that should fry your brian ... the same party that claims we should be doing everything we can to unilatary disassemble or defund all of our advanced weapons, is the same party to runs around the world handing the most dangerous weapons to the worst of the worst.

I think my head is going to explode.


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