Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Iraq : Murtha Continues meltdown

Been a long time ... sorry ... kinda busy. Had a death in the family ... helps to put things in perspective. You've heard this before, but tell the people you love how you feel, because sometimes you never get another shot. Better yet ... write them a note.

OK ... man things have changed in Iraq, and associated things in the U.S.

Murtha continues his insanity, this time it appears he is hoping to launch himself into a leader position by selling his soul (and his country) to defeat. Let's just hope he achieves a new position as "the former Congressman" by December.

Nevertheless, in his latest attack on our soldiers, Murtha achieved a new "higher point" that I think a whole bunch of people missed ... the context was that Murtha was trying to argue that "flip-flop" on policies is OK and sometimes exceptionally good.

But if you let a democrap talk long enough, particularly a deranged traitor like Murtha, eventually they have the imprint of their shoe sole on the roof of their mouth ... and I bet you Murtha (along with most people) didn't catch it. He was talking about "pulling out" ... coming up with examples to justify doing so by pointing out circumstances where other leaders "changed course". One of the examples that he came up with is Somalia ... and I almost jumped out of my skin. He seemed to be alluding to the fact that this was a good thing.

A good thing? That one act by an incompetent jackass is the trigger event that convinced Osama Bin Laden that he could attack the US with impunity and suffer no repurcussions. This came directly from the devils' mouth ... that when he saw the US turn tail and run after taking a minimal loss in an overwhelming victory (the Black Hawk Down incident was in fact a US victory), bin Laden assumed we are as weak as most Democraps and would cower at his attacks.
Osama was, of course, proven wrong ... thank GOD for GW Bush!!! Osama probably would have been correct, however, with AlGore or JohnFKerry at the helm ... God forbid. Those two clowns would have launched a few missiles into empty camps or buildings, declared victory, and climbed back into their "see no evil" type mindset until the next attack.

Yet, Murtha is so far "out there" that he doesn't even realize how stupid it is for him to quote a situation that, more than anything else, lead directly to the 9-11 attacks. He is literally arguing against his own case: "gee morons ... if we pull out of Iraq the way we pulled out of Somalia (snatching defeat from the jaws of victory) ... we might get the same results ... another 9-11 attack!"

OH BOY!!! Let's all line up for that one! Woo hoo!

The more the Dems talk ... the more confident I am that Republicans will GAIN seats this fall.


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