Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Commercial : High Gas Prices

version 1: Voiceover ... over 10 years ago, the Democrat president vetoed legislation that would have allowed AMERICAN companies to replace dependence on foreign oil with AMERICAN resources ... allowing us to supply our own needs at prices we could have some control over. Exploring American resources also would have created additional wealth for American companies hiring American employees in America, instead of forcing us to send billions of dollars to hostile governments in the Middle East. Recently the liberals succeeded in once again preventing us from developing resources at home ... and Americans are paying the price.

Nobody is happy with high gas prices, and the Democrats are only too happy to try to blame Mr. Bush for the problem. But the truth is that Democrats have consistently prevented us from gaining energy independence by shutting down any attempts to find oil here.

version 2 : ANWR ... a 20Million Acre expanse of wilderness at the north end of Alaska, may contain more oil then all the reserves of Saudi Arabia, enough to completely free America from dependence on the radicals keeping foreign oil prices extreme. Yet the Democrats and some liberal Republicans are preventing us from gaining the independence from foreign oil and the corresponding security it provides. We have known that there is oil up there for decades, and we are reasonably sure there is a lot, but we will only find out how much if we can defeat the liberal fanatics who continue to prevent America from developing its own resources.

American companies creating American jobs and American wealth, with the potential to give us oil independence from the radicals in the Middle East and South America ... and it is all being blocked by liberal Democrats who want you to blame it on Mr. Bush.

When you are pumping $3, $4 or $5 a gallon gas in the future, it is a perfectly normal response to get upset with government officials that are partially to blame for the problem ... but just make sure you are blaming the right politicians.


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