Saturday, March 25, 2006

Campaign Commericials I'd like to (hope to) see

From now until the election of '06, I am going to periodically throw up some "commercials I'd like to see" ... hopefully some stuff that Frist and the like will throw at the Democrats. Since I don't do focus groups and I am obviously biased ... I have no clue whether or not any of this will actually resonate with "normal" folks ... but it will be fun for me.

I am not real sure how I'll even approach this ... perhaps writing a normal entry and then following up the article with a post scripted script for the commercial.

We'll see. Enjoy!!!

First entry:

"In the runoff election for New Jersey governor, the Democrats howled in glee as John Corzine, the Democrat Senator from that state, successfully held the state for the Democrats by replacing the corrupt former democrat governor who had to leave in disgrace amidst a sexual scandal. The Democrats hailed it as a bellwhether event ... foretelling what is to come in the future.

John Corzine has just sent up his first budget where he plans to radically increase taxes across the board, and with huge spending increases against a budget that is already heavily in deficit!

If this is what the Democrats think is a bellwhether of things to come, America had better stand up and take notice!

Under Republican leadership, the US economy has recovered from the devastating collapse of the stock market bubble, terrorist attacks, and a record year of hurricanes and other natural disasters. The economy is now creating jobs and growing at a pace that is nothing short of incredible, despite all the negativity of the Democrats and their friends in the major media.

And we can do better ... making permanent the tax cuts and taking some serious actions to eliminate government waste and duplicate programs.

The Democrats have sent the message to America ... elect us and we'll slam you with new taxes and more government programs. It is the "bellwhether" we can do without!


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