Monday, February 13, 2006

Iraq ... end of liberal bashing respite

OK ... that's enough strokes of liberals for awhile ... back to some nasty ol' bashing!

Actually, it ain't bashing if its true, is it? Hee hee hee.

OK ... right now the libs have got to be quaking in their boots. There is a ton of "chatter" about some pretty significant evidence of the fact that Saddam did, indeed, have plenty of WMDs, but now we have some pretty serious evidence about exactly how he disposed of them. What is critical here is that the evidence comes from two distinct sources, the Iraqi officials responsible for moving the stockpiles, and tape recordings of Saddam planning the details in the hands of the US Congress.

In case your only news source is the Mainstream Media ... which is doing its best to undermine the story (if not ignore it altogether) ... General Sada of Saddam's Air Force has written a book describing the details of the situation, including the conversations with the pilots that flew the gutted out (pasenger) jets filled with WMDs out of Iraq and into Syria. This was possible during the collapse of a dam in Syria in 2002, under the guise of an emergency aid project to the flooded regions.

The second part will come in a few days, when some group called the Intelligence Summit will post the recordings that are being reviewed in the Congress. Apparently these recordings reveal the details, at the highest levels of the Iraqi government, of the plan to move the weapons to underground bunker facilities in Syria.

More proof?

This completely ignores the fact that they have found actual weapons in Iraq, remember the roadside bomb with Sarin nerve agent in there? They also found a shell with mustard gas. Oh, but there was only one of them, right? (oops, what's that smell ... could it be they have their heads up their butts?) What is absolutely critical about these is that the actual armaments themselves are significantly different from what we "knew" Saddam had, which (for those of you with a public school education) means that Saddam actually had weapons that we did not even know existed, let alone how much.

You also have to conclude that every one of the principal Iraqi military and government officials who had a capacity to know (including the aforementioned General) was/is lying, while Saddam and his murderous henchmen are all telling the truth. This also ignores the fact that Iraq was trying to buy uranium yellow cake from Africa (and yes, even the Democrats in congress know that Joe Wilson is a liar), and that just before the war Saddam had these large ballistic missiles without any kind of conventional warheads ... hmmmm? Then of course there were all the dual use technologies, including the "fertilizer" manufacturing facilities that were scrubbed so clean, they could not find any evidence of a mosquito dropping, let alone any sign of any fertilizer.

We are, of course, also forgetting the location of a lot of chemical war gear placed in front line defensive positions before we overran them. I guess, in the eyes of a liberal, that Saddam was assuming the U.S. was going to use chemical weapons?

So why are the conservatives so quiet about this?

One would imagine the administration would be singing this tune from the rooftops, yet there is deafening silence from Pennsylvania Avenue. Why? Well, think it through ... would you want to broadcast to the terrorists that their pals in Syria are sitting on a stockpile of the world's most dangerous weapons? How about to the Iraqi insurgents that some of the warheads they have been digging up for IEDs actually had chemicals in them ... yeah, that is a great idea.

Still, with all of the bashing that the Dems have wreaked upon GW, particularly in terms of his credibility, you would imagine that somebody, somewhere would stand up and point out the obvious.

This formerly was something an honest media would do, but of course we don't have one of those around, now do we?


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