Monday, February 06, 2006

Random Musings

Will somebody finally say it? Cindy Sheehan is about herself, and it is ugly

I was sick of Cindy Sheehan about 5 minutes after first hearing her crap. It seems like now ... at long last ... everybody is sick of her crap. I guess at some point I just wonder if I am so damned much more perceptive than everybody else, or was it that people just made themselves look damned silly trying to give her the "benefit of the doubt"?

It came to root at the State of the Union speech ... both when that wench got her butt thrown out contrasted with the family of fallen soldier, Marine Staff Sgt. Dan Clay, that president acknowledged. I heard an interview with the family of Sgt Clay the next day that totally cemented the difference. In the case of this family, everything was about the Sgt Clay, who had given his life in service to his country "so that his family would not have to do the same" ... everything in the conversation came back to him over and over and over again. In the case of Sheehan, it is all about her and her radicalism, and in fact she (and her whacky followers) ride her son ONLY to try to shut up her critics (I'm untouchable because my son got killed), but she has to minimize everything about him when it comes to her politics because (by all reports) he would have stood firmly against his insane mother. She has SHAMELESSLY exploited her son's demise to gain fame for something he would vehemently oppose.

I think sheehan is a despicable pig urinating on her son's grave, and should be treated as such.

The Dutch cartoons are Bush's fault too!!!

From the "how far is too far" file, you have Bill Richardson, democrat governor of New Mexico and wannabe Vice President ... in an interview about the latest Muslim explosion regarding the Dutch comics ... but it is all George Bush's fault. His delusional logic is that the muslims are all pissed off because of Iraq, so that every little thing sets them off.

I just do not even know at this point what to say about these freaks. I mean, this was even too much for Matt Lauer to swallow, and he more or less smacked Richardson back on this one.

What was even better, however, was that this discussion came up on Laura Ingram's radio show, which she is covering from Iraq this week, and she was in a room full of soldiers who were listening in (she was actually "listening in" on her guest host over the phone), and the soldiers just let loose because of how stupid this remark was. Over and over and over again we hear from the soldiers how great the Iraq situation is in terms of accomplishments (obviously acknowledging the danger as well) ... how it is really worth it ... and yet these lunatic lefties just cannot let up on blaming every possible thing on GW.

Don't these soldiers know that absolutely nothing bad happened before Bush was elected? I mean the Jews and Christians and Muslims and everybody else were just sitting around holding hands and singing kumbaya while Clinton was in office, the whole world was perfect, the planets in perfect alignment ... but now because of GW the whole world is falling apart.

Scooter Trial Postponement

Apparently the judge in the Plame "not really outing" situation is on with the Democrat "culture of corruption" message, pushing off the trial until next January. This permits the Democraps to hold the issue over the Republicans during the election cycle, after which the case will likely be dropped in about 5 minutes. I continue to marvel at just how weird this whole thing is ... that the prosecutor spent no time at all determining if a law had even been broken (which indeed everybody seems to conclude it did not).

What is also fascinating in the total left wing nut biases in the media is how on the one hand we should all live in fear of nuclear death because of this serious "outing" of our best spy while on the other hand disseminating highly classified terrorist monitoring techniques in the NSA situation is, ya know ... no big deal. Equally fascinating is that despite the fact that the American people see how weird this comes off, the freak base of the Democrap party is riding them to the wall on this.


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