Wednesday, February 08, 2006

More Muslim outrage, more dead muslims

If you thought that the whole Scooter Libby thing was a herd of elephants rampaging through the living room, that was more like a swarm of mosquitos compared with this Muslim 'rage' problem. I mean, you talk about an entire population that needs "anger management" ... sheese!

Elephant #1 (covered by all sorts of folks ... last heard on Brit Hume's show) ... how wonderful is it that the folks in the gaza strip and other destitute areas (seems to be an awful lot of poor folks in lands run by the richest people on the planet, eh?) had all of these Dutch flags laying around, eh? Funny how a population that is so desperately poor that we need to keep paying them billions in aid, yet they always seem to have enough money to scrounge together whatever kind of a flag they need to burn that day, along with plenty left over for suicide bomb jackets for their kids and plenty of bullets (nevermind the guns) to shoot in the air.

Elephant #2 Why exactly is it that when a non-Muslim insults Allah or Mohamed or the Koran or whomever they happen to be pissed about today, it spawns worldwide outrage and bloody protests, but when a Muslim does it ... well, "no big deal"? Several of the offending images being circulated were not drawn by those whacky dutchmen, and obviously were put together by the bastards stoking up this explosive situation. Yet all of the outrage is directed at the Dutch, and nobody seems to want to go after the viscious thugs who are instigating the riots. This is along the same lines of the lack of outrage with the MUSLIMS that were flushing the Koran down the toilet after it was revealed the story about Americans doing it was a (liberal) lie.

Elephant #3 These pictures are from last September ... talk about a "delayed" response????

That third one gets me ... and when I hear the various pundits in the media talking about Muslim sensitivities ... I've just gotta believe that whomever is saying this has their head so far up the elephants' ass that their in danger of getting coughed up. Isn't there a statute of limitations on how quickly you have to be outraged before it (their sensitivity) is no longer an excuse?

Elephant #4 The ugliest, most violent stuff is in the heart of Muslim lands, and directed against anybody BUT the actual folks that did the article, namely the dutch newspapers.

Same basic discussion as #3 ... again testifying against the "pundits" that are trying to analyze this in regards to what the screaming is about (a friend of mine would coin this as "all of your taste is in your mouth!"). I even heard somebody say the Dutch government should come out and apologize ... apologize for what?

Higher action

So what should our response be? Well, in the first place ... stand fast on the Truth ... this has nothing to do with cartoons, or sensitivities related to those cartoons ... NOTHING! It may be a thousand different little tyrants stoking this up for a thousand different reasons, but the LAST reason is because of the comics. All efforts of reconciliation (if anything is even remotely possible) based upon the cartoons or freedom of the press or any of that nonsense are ultimately doomed to failure.

Next, recognize that the so-called moderate muslims either are not (by any western standard thereof), or if they really are moderate and hiding in their basements, then they have absolutely no voice, power, or means to assert themselves.


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