Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Scratchin' my head over Dean, The Freak from Vermont

I will admit up front that I am not 100% confident I know how all of this works, but I am reasonably sure I am correct ... so let's just lay that on the line.

Over the weekend, Howard Dean, the complete moron that runs the Democrat party, much to the sheer glee of Karl Rove, et al. ... made comments about the Scooter Libby situation that just left me bewildered.

The context is a note that the Special Prosecutor leaked indicating that Libby had testified that he was authorized by his superiors to release (I think that they used the term "leaked") information about very old security briefings that was classified. Now, let's ignore for the moment that if the information from the Special Prosecutor was in fact correct, this would have been a crime ... but it is not in fact one of the things that ol' invent-a-crime-where-there-is-none prosecutor is going after poor Scooter on.

Dean then remarks, over the weekend, that if this is true, then VP Dick Cheney should be impeached. Now, on the surface to people without brains (i.e. the democrats that Dean is trying ti whip up) ... this makes sense.

But it really left me scratching my head. Who the hell does Dean think (assuming, of course, he actually does think) authorizes the de-classification of materials? As far as I know (and again, this is where I get a little fuzzy on the exact procedures), the Administrative branch is the branch of government that can de-classify its own material any time it wants. The VP (obviously under the auspices of the Chief Executive, the President), has the ability to declassify the security briefings, or any portion thereof, anytime he wants for whatever reason he wants. Not like we (the People) really want them to do so willy-nilly, particularly when it comes to national security, but they have that ability.

Note that I am not even talking here about whether or not it was a good idea that Cheney did so, assuming that he did. I am speaking exclusively of the fact that the Executive branch IS the branch that handles the de-classification process of items of national security ... this is literally something that takes place every single day.

The Elephant Trumpets

Now, here's the time for the obvious ...

Dean is such an idiot, that he does not even realize how dumb it is to sit there and lose his mind over the "outing" (which we all know was not, as does the Special Prosecutor, since darling Valerie was already about as far "out" as anybody could be) ... when at the same time the Democraps are stone deaf and dumb about the treason surrounding the outing of the terrorist surveillance program.

The NSA program has been irreparably damaged, and this disaster has given the terrorists yet another clear view of the inner workings of our systems that could have helped us stop them. Yet not one Democrat, in more than an afterthought of an "IMPEACH BUSH" speech ... is screaming for an investigation to nail the bastards that are going to get some of us killed.

Speaking of impeachment ...

As long as we are on the subject of impeachment ... let me add this subtle twist ... if The President, et al, does not take firm and fast action to bring those involved in this scandal to justice, then I believe he is derelict in his duty by NOT protecting us by protecting this program, and by not shutting down every person and/or institution involved in disseminating information about our national security. And when I say shut down ... I mean SHUT DOWN! Like busloads of armed federal agents storming the building, cutting off communications and disconnecting electricity, confiscating every computer and every other electronic device ... lock down.

Now follow me here. The lunatic left want to impeach the president for holding his spoon in his left hand or wiping his heiney incorrectly ... it is laughable. What is *really* a problem, however, is that we are allowing members of government bureaucracies, elected officials (democraps), the news media, etc. to break the law by revealing information about secret / classified programs. This is not about revealing some pathetic little operative playing James Bond in a foreign land (let alone Ms. Valerie, who was flattening her butt in D.C.). Their arrogance, based in the pre-9-11 paradigm, is going to get us killed, and I am talking about you and I as well.

In addition, Bush should shut down all talk in government about what is going on and arrest any jackass that starts shooting off his/her mouth. If Congress wants to argue about it, let them do so behind closed doors under extremely tightly managed conditions. As a matter of fact, where are Bill Frist and Dennis Hastert?

Rush Limbaugh put it the best ... these Democrats love to stand up and talk about how they are all about and all for National Security ... "OK, then why are you wearing make-up?" Why are you, Mr. Senator, getting your fat, ugly faces in front of the TV cameras every chance you can, and revealling as much information (and also mis-information, of course, since these are democrats we're talking about here) as you possibly can?

9-11 changed everything ... but not in the context that the politicians are explaining very well. Before that time, the threats we faced came from outside the United States, and our defensive posture was all about figuring out what our enemies had going on in their lands. Their soldiers wear uniforms, they build or buy guns and large ships and airplanes, and act in fairly conventional methods, once in awhile a twist or turn, but still generally within a classic context. Our defensive posture was about intimidating and deterring the opposition ... a big part of which was the fact that we have the ability to wipe off of the earth just about anything that we want at one level or another.

That is what Rove means when he talks about having a pre-9-11 posture.

The truth is that a very serious enemy is now living and breathing all around us ... their kids go to school with your kids ... they wear the same clothes as you ... eat at the same places. They have no countries, do not wear uniforms ... fighting in complete violation of any international standards. They make weapons out of whatever they can, or better stated make things we would never have imagined into weapons. More importantly, they go out of their way to avoid our military capabilities, but intentionally try to kill what was formerly considered off-limits, Mr. Average Joe civilian trying to make a living, and even there preferably his wife and children.

So, when it comes to the compromise of our new weapons against this new enemy, Mr. Bush seems to have flunked this major test. I believe that people are going to die as a result unless we can quickly and decisively fix what has been broken.


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