Edit comments ... yeah, yeah ... few typos, sorry. Added something to the wall list as well.
I have argued in the past that a) Democraps are now so devoid of any direction except mindless pursuit of power (which they now define as the destruction of GW Bush) that they argue every side of every issue and b) that you let a Democrap talk long enough and he will spin himself into the ground. We had a classic example of this in an excerpt I heard from Sen. Turban (Durbin) of Ill-i-noise this weekend.
Immigration reform ... the big pile of B.S. the Senate (Republicans and Dems alike) have been trying to get us to swallow ... is ripe with examples of what I am talking about. Turbin gets into this little schpiel about how he met with a bunch of "immigrant trespasser"* children who were highly educated (one guy apparently working on a Master's in neurobiology) and decrying the fact that the House plan will "tag" them as criminals. Let's ignore for the moment that this is total B.S. ... as I have heard the law described ... but The Turbin was saying this kid is our future.
Huh??? Were not these same freaks telling us that the immigrants are only taking jobs that US citizens don't want (again, ignoring what a complete crock of feces this argument is as well ... unless you want to argue that there are no more electricians, plumbers, carpenters, landscapers, etc. etc. etc.; and now neurobiologists ... left in the US)????
Did Mr. Turbin want to impanel a group of graduates in neurobiology from all the various universities throughout the US and find out if there are any US citizens or even legitimate aliens that are eligible for jobs in the field of neurobiology? And are they happy about the fact that this guy is going to take their job by coming in for a helluva lot less salary than what US citizens and resident aliens were willing to accept (after all, this kid probably won't have the massive loans to pay back like the "winners of life's lottery" kids because he got all the grants and breaks that they couldn't).
And let's dig a little deeper ... if this kid is a trespasser (implication that the parents are) ... where the hell did they get the money to send this kid not only to college, but grad school???? Mr. Turbin ... I thought these people were just supplying us with work that we don't want to do for substandard wages, but I guess they are putting away an astronomical amount of wealth for their kids (or are they just glomming off the system, and sucking away resources from others), eh? And if this kid is in grad school, I'm going to guess that he is probably on some type of scholarship or something ... and I guarantee you the competition for those positions is extremely stiff ... did you want to interview the poor schmuck that lost out on his chance for this scholarship?
So, you lying dirtball ... are you going to try to argue that we are not spending enough on education next week?
*Note: you will notice the term "immigrant trespasser" being used by me because frankly I don't like any of the terms being bandied about by either side. "Illegal" generally implies a crime being committed by a criminal ... somebody that is knowingly and offensively trying to hurt somebody ... and I just do not think that a schlep looking for a job under these circumstances is a criminal (stop them from coming ... damned right! Catch 'em and send them back ... absolutely!). The term "undocumented" is just stupid ... they are no more undocumented than anybody else.
The "open borders" people have been successful in undermining the entire trespass debate by combining a dozen different issues into the same pot ... making it (successful efforts to stop the inflow) almost impossible to achieve. This debate is ONLY complicated if you actually allow the multiple issues to be combined.
Think about it ... let's build a monstrous wall all the way up and down the border.
1) If you want open borders or not, the wall doesn't change anything ... just throw the doors open or close them up ... but at least you will actually have a choice.
2) With a wall ... other measures which were undertaken in the past may actually work ... and we may not need any more laws (whether you do anything about the existing aliens or not).
3) You build the most solid / defensible barriers in the most dangerous places ... this is the most humanitarian solution since you are not going to risk your life if you think there is 0 chance you will succeed.
4) (new since original post) A wall (at least an effective wall) is indisputable ... even if the dirtball pols ... like the ones in both parties today ... decide not to enforce immigration laws, the wall still stops or slows down the people trying to cross.
The bottom line when making your arguments is to never let the opposition get away with the assertion that this must all be some kind of massive and comprehensive solution ... this is totally counter-intuitive. This is only a diversionary tactic to try to get you to swallow something you don't want (amnesty and entitlements) for something you do want (stop the flow).
Challenge EVERY assertion ...
"you can't deport them all" ... how the hell do you know, we never stopped them from coming in
"they only take the jobs others" ... did you ask the so-called "others"?
"they are not felons" ... really? tell that to Mexico (which treats THEIR illegals as felons)