Hillary and Jesus
The pol world is a-buzz over the reference by Hillary Clinton to "scriptures", the "Good Samaritan" and "Jesus". What I find fascinating is how even the most conservative folks' tip-toeing around the "faith" question ... i.e. "I don't want to judge her or get into whether or not she really is Christian" ... things along those lines.
You know damned well I will!!!
First off ... let us take a look at what we are talking about here ... part of this law basically says if you are helping illegals to get into this country and evade capture, the feds have an avenue to nail you in addition to kicking the illegals out. The law also makes it a crime to keep sneaking into this country ... providing a tiny little disincentive to the guys that keep getting busted over and over again. On that last point ... WHAT A CONCEPT!!! Anybody that has a kid knows that if you don't make the punishment worse than the "benefit" of bad behavior, the kids will simply continue to do the bad behavior. Let's hope that the punishment includes some time in the "tent and barbed wire" prison setup by that one Sheriff in (I think) Arizona ... you know the guy that gives them bologna sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
So given this ... Hillary is obviously totally lying about what the bill is all about (assumes we're too stupid to know how full of manure she is) or does not have a clue what the Bible says. We all know that she is most likely simply lying, but let's just pretend for a minute she actually believes the puke she spewed forth ...
1) scriptures are clear that Christians are supposed to be models of abiding by the law. Helping law breakers to evade justice is a pretty clear violation of the scriptures.
2) the Good Samaritan was helping somebody in mortal danger ... this law would not stop you from saving the life of an illegal alien if they are in mortal danger, but that would not include evading justice. Apparently Hillary's version of the Bible has the Samaritan assisting the criminals in beating and robbing the victim.
3) criminalizes Jesus? Talk about pulling one out of your butt ... exactly how would this law criminalize anything that Jesus said or did?
OK ... so Hillary has probably never actually read anything in the Bible, perhaps she heard it was a good line or whatever.
But what about her "faith"? First off, let me state that if Hillary starts referencing the Bible about everything she votes on, that would be great. Let me throw in there that I ain't holding my breath. Let's see here, weasel girl: how would Jesus feel about partial-birth abortion? Did you consult with Jesus for advice on assasinating the characters of the women your husband raped or molested? You obviously do a lot of praying during your transactions on cattle futures, because only God could make miracles like that happen on those types of transactions.
But seriously ... even the idea that Hillary is a real Christian has to be called into question when these two openly stated that they were going to "get religion" after Clinton had lost an election and blamed it on his opponent's use of religion. I think the exact quote was "I will never allow myself to be out-Jesused again".