Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hillary and Jesus

The pol world is a-buzz over the reference by Hillary Clinton to "scriptures", the "Good Samaritan" and "Jesus". What I find fascinating is how even the most conservative folks' tip-toeing around the "faith" question ... i.e. "I don't want to judge her or get into whether or not she really is Christian" ... things along those lines.

You know damned well I will!!!

First off ... let us take a look at what we are talking about here ... part of this law basically says if you are helping illegals to get into this country and evade capture, the feds have an avenue to nail you in addition to kicking the illegals out. The law also makes it a crime to keep sneaking into this country ... providing a tiny little disincentive to the guys that keep getting busted over and over again. On that last point ... WHAT A CONCEPT!!! Anybody that has a kid knows that if you don't make the punishment worse than the "benefit" of bad behavior, the kids will simply continue to do the bad behavior. Let's hope that the punishment includes some time in the "tent and barbed wire" prison setup by that one Sheriff in (I think) Arizona ... you know the guy that gives them bologna sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

So given this ... Hillary is obviously totally lying about what the bill is all about (assumes we're too stupid to know how full of manure she is) or does not have a clue what the Bible says. We all know that she is most likely simply lying, but let's just pretend for a minute she actually believes the puke she spewed forth ...

1) scriptures are clear that Christians are supposed to be models of abiding by the law. Helping law breakers to evade justice is a pretty clear violation of the scriptures.

2) the Good Samaritan was helping somebody in mortal danger ... this law would not stop you from saving the life of an illegal alien if they are in mortal danger, but that would not include evading justice. Apparently Hillary's version of the Bible has the Samaritan assisting the criminals in beating and robbing the victim.

3) criminalizes Jesus? Talk about pulling one out of your butt ... exactly how would this law criminalize anything that Jesus said or did?

OK ... so Hillary has probably never actually read anything in the Bible, perhaps she heard it was a good line or whatever.

But what about her "faith"? First off, let me state that if Hillary starts referencing the Bible about everything she votes on, that would be great. Let me throw in there that I ain't holding my breath. Let's see here, weasel girl: how would Jesus feel about partial-birth abortion? Did you consult with Jesus for advice on assasinating the characters of the women your husband raped or molested? You obviously do a lot of praying during your transactions on cattle futures, because only God could make miracles like that happen on those types of transactions.

But seriously ... even the idea that Hillary is a real Christian has to be called into question when these two openly stated that they were going to "get religion" after Clinton had lost an election and blamed it on his opponent's use of religion. I think the exact quote was "I will never allow myself to be out-Jesused again".

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Campaign Commericials I'd like to (hope to) see

From now until the election of '06, I am going to periodically throw up some "commercials I'd like to see" ... hopefully some stuff that Frist and the like will throw at the Democrats. Since I don't do focus groups and I am obviously biased ... I have no clue whether or not any of this will actually resonate with "normal" folks ... but it will be fun for me.

I am not real sure how I'll even approach this ... perhaps writing a normal entry and then following up the article with a post scripted script for the commercial.

We'll see. Enjoy!!!

First entry:

"In the runoff election for New Jersey governor, the Democrats howled in glee as John Corzine, the Democrat Senator from that state, successfully held the state for the Democrats by replacing the corrupt former democrat governor who had to leave in disgrace amidst a sexual scandal. The Democrats hailed it as a bellwhether event ... foretelling what is to come in the future.

John Corzine has just sent up his first budget where he plans to radically increase taxes across the board, and with huge spending increases against a budget that is already heavily in deficit!

If this is what the Democrats think is a bellwhether of things to come, America had better stand up and take notice!

Under Republican leadership, the US economy has recovered from the devastating collapse of the stock market bubble, terrorist attacks, and a record year of hurricanes and other natural disasters. The economy is now creating jobs and growing at a pace that is nothing short of incredible, despite all the negativity of the Democrats and their friends in the major media.

And we can do better ... making permanent the tax cuts and taking some serious actions to eliminate government waste and duplicate programs.

The Democrats have sent the message to America ... elect us and we'll slam you with new taxes and more government programs. It is the "bellwhether" we can do without!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Isn't it ... The Economy ... Stupid?

For years while der Schlickmeister was running the show (more like running it into the ground, but I digress) ... we were told over and over again that the success of the presidency is more-or-less exclusively defined by the success of the economy.

Now, to be fair, everybody knew this was because Clinton was a despicable pig (having sex with somebody the age of his daughter), a repulsive commander-in-chief (morale in the military at an alltime low), and a laughable world leader (the butt of "ugly American" jokes). But "Hey ... the economy is doing great!" ... so we had to ignore everything else.

Well, as hard as it is to believe, Bush took the disaster that Clinton handed him ... an economy in full collapse ... weathered incredible storms (9-11 and the hurricanes of 2005), and has built an economy that is even stronger than anything Clinton ever could. Note: this author doesn't give a damn about the "growth" of stock prices ... since we see from the 90's that a good portion of that growth is due to hype and B.S. Unemployment is a 50 year lows by some measures, and housing ownership at an alltime high. The wealth being created is *real* ... not paper profits but real, hard assets.

So according to the media that hyped "Its the economy, stupid" ... Bush should be the greatest president of all time, right?

Yeah ... uh huh ... and yet you will still see some morons arguing that the media is not biased.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Moron, or Typical Teacher

This nutcase in CO has been shredded to bits on all sorts of different fronts, and deservedly so. However, his recent statements in his own defense have been extremely eye-opening, and should be looked at carefully ... it is the "higher" lesson. He of course lied through his teeth ... trying to say that this was some type of facade to stimulate conversation ... yeah, right!

To summarize, one of the gut-level responses that people have had is "what the hell does this have to do with geography?" (if you did not know, this class was supposed to be a geography class). This guy was on the Today show this morning, defending the fact that he spent a 20 minute tirade on the State of the Union speech as the intended curriculum for this class. As some folks are explaining it, this type of "geography" is apparently supposed to deal with the "influences" or "interactions" of human systems and the geography.

Yeah, I know ... total B.S. ... but work with me here. Imagine for the moment that this goof is not lying ... that there really are geology courses that open up the discussion to this kind of crap. That, my dear readers, would raise one helluva lot more of a concern for me than if he was simply being a derelict.

Think about this in the "higher" sense ... you have school kids graduating from high school with mush for brains, particularly when it comes to history and geography. Many cannot find their own towns or states on a map/globe ... let alone find some of the more important places in the world ... the Middle East, North Korea, etc. Plenty have very little knowledge of history ... do not know who were the first few presidents, who was president during the Civil War (and I always like to throw in which party he was from! ;-), etc.

Well, if the looney teacher is correct, it makes perfect sense. You have an idiot who rants about a bunch of stuff that he is obviously screwed up about (doesn't even come close to a reasonable interpretation of what the SoU was about) ... teaching the students a far left liberal doctrine. This rant goes on and on and on, meaning that they spend very little time actually learning geography. By the way ... what a great job, eh (well, OK, if you're liberal) ... you get to rant to a bunch of mindless zombies for hours on end, regardless of how stupid it is, and are not in any way obligated to actually teach anybody anthing but your screwed up opinion. If these liberal teachers apply the same kind of logic to history classes (or should I say, "revisionist history" ... it would be no big surprise then that the students would fail so miserably on standardized tests in these subjects.

The solution is obvious ... end the public school system and make everything private or consumer driven (vouchers). Allow the parents to control things by having the option to bail out.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Living in the land of delusion

So, where exactly is the footage of this all-out civil war? I mean ... something as dramatic as a full scale civil war, particularly in these times, should provide some pretty dramatic footage, no?

Hmmm ... I've been scanning the sites ... there's nothing ... whazzup with that?

Seems like every news outlet has that armored Baghdad hotel chocked full of reporters, camara and tech guys, right? Can't they just point the camara out the window and show us the bloody streets?

Oops, sorry ... the "civil warriors" must be somewhere else! Maybe they're hiding in the same place as where Bush hid all of the bodies from Katrina ... you know ... the 10's of thousands of poor black people, the hundreds of rapes and murders in the SuperDome, etc.

I think the best story coming out today is this reporter that is actually out in the field with the American soldiers. He's reporting that there is not only no civil war going on, but that the locals are hailing the Americans and George Bush ... thanking them for being there to keep them safe.

I do expect this reporter to fall under some evil curse, however, after he revealed the dirty little secret about news reports coming out of Iraq ... the major news outlets are paying Iraqi locals for the information, and the Iraqi locals have figured out that the worse the story, the more they make ... you do the math.

Given this, a lot about some things in the past make sense ... how Joe Lieberman can come back from ACTUALLY BEING IN THE FIELD and saying things are good, while dirtball leftie media types hiding in the Baghdad hotel bar can claim they "don't know what Iraq he (Lieberman) is talking about" ... after all, their "informants" sold them a much different story than Lieberman actually witnessed! It also explains how the soldiers can be so "upbeat" about their experiences while reporters see nothing but a deadly quagmire.

I am sorry, but when exactly does the misinformation campaign by the news outlets become treason?

On that same note ... when can we stop calling John Murtha a patriot for his war efforts (before he was in politics) and start calling him a spineless, defeatist, lying weasel? Has this guy been right about anything in the last 20 years? Note that Murtha showed his hand a few days ago when he quipped to a leftie Move-On group how he is very concerned that if the troop draw down is a nice, rational, controlled affair (exactly as Bush always planned), he fears that we will think of Iraq as a victory!

GASP ... NOT THAT!!! Imagine how bad it will be for this country if we are actually successful in Iraq!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Fraggin' the Prez

So, the Democraps strategy in 2006 is to "frag" GW, eh? Well, given how Bush did in 2005, it just might be successful. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about ... the term "frag" probably goes back to Vietnam ... related to grenades ... a device that achieves its ends by sending a spray of metal shards through the air ... very random and quite messy.

Applied herein ... the term has to do with the liberal news media coming up with a new asinine accusation every other day. It doesn't matter if it is a bald-faced lie, or even old news ... just so long as it is damaging to the president. The key is to keep changing the story fast enough so that nobody in the administration can actually respond and correct the facts.

So, in the last several weeks:
1) NSA is spying on Americans (not really, they are listening in on international calls where the non-US side is a terrorist)
2) government spied on Dr. King - tied to NSA (of course, we ignore the fact that it was DEMOCRATS that did the spying on King, and they were literally trying to break up the King's marraige ... btw ... this was Saint JFK)
3) Cheney attempted to murder his friend and/or send a signal to Scooter Libbey (man, these guys have too much time on their hands)
4) Bush is letting terrorists control security at our ports (still up in the air, but the misinformation on this is astounding)
5) Bush's numbers are at an all-time low (this would be a CBS poll, and even pollsters acknowledge this is one of the worst cases of "directing" the answers they had ever seen)
6) Bush is hated in India (actually, the opposite is true ... polls have us at an alltime high, including respect for Mr. Bush. The "protesters" were Indian Muslims and Communists ... as per the New Delhi media, not Republican propaganda)
7) Bush was told the levies would collapse (well, not quite ... the tape specifically talks about "overwash" ... or whatever the term is ... constant winds pushing water over the levies. See below)

and on and on and on and on

Katrina ... (a.k.a. are you kidding me?)

So, the new tape has come out ... and I guess that we are all supposed to ignore the fact that it was democrat staffers on the homeland security committee that "leaked" them, and that the party "machinery" just happened to be perfectly prepared for an all-out coordinated attack immediately following the release, eh?

Nevermind that the tapes revealed nothing that was not already known ... everything about the meeting was already documented. Nevermind that the report did not speak about a breach of the levies ... the primary concern was the wind "pushing" the water OVER the levies (which would have resulted in a much smaller problem). Nevermind the fact that the LEVIES NEVER BREACHED ... it was the canal, and speculation is that the canal wall may have been hammered by a multi-ton barge that broke loose. Nevermind the fact that Bush issued a declaration of disaster BEFORE the storm hit. Nevermind that EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD that had access to The Weather Channel knew this could happen ... they have been talking about this for years.

We are also supposed to ignore all the incompetence ... billions of federal dollars intended to strengthen those systems that ended up getting funneled to other projects (and of course, ignore all the politicians that for years filled their pockets with that money). And, of course ... over time ... the names of Blanco and Nagin have all but dropped off of the screen ... all of their well-documented actions (or lack thereof) that not only exasperated the problems, but in some cases defeated the efforts of coordinating agencies (federal government and NGOs) from getting in there to help.

Nope ... Bush caused the hurricane (by not signing Kyoto) ... Bush steered it toward New Orleans (not sure if anybody has explained how he did that) ... Bush was on vacation in Texas (amazing, considering he was creating hurricanes and steering them) ... Bush blew up the levies (that was part of Farrakhan's "mother ship" revelation, I guess) ... and Bush was specifically told the details of the levy collapse (even though all the details presented in the video had nothing to do with what ultimately happened).

It will be very interesting to see if this tactic works. I for one do not think that the American people are this stupid.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Playing Stupid?

We are accustomed to having Democrats play stupid in debates that they know that they have lost. For instance ... in the NSA deal, Democrats have to intentionally change the actual circumstances of the surveillance ... trying to give the impression that the Federal Government is listening in on regular phone calls between two people in this country ... which is clearly not what is going on. So in carefully worded surveys, like this moronic CBS poll that just came out (man, I am still fascinated at the total, unadulterated abandonment of anything even close to resembling objectivity on the part of CBS), they get the answers that they want ... "people oppose warrantless wiretaps".

Nevermind the fact that overwhelmingly, people have indicated that if there is any chance that the callers are terrorists planning an attack, they want the government listening in (domestic OR international). Most folks that I have heard would not even care if the government listened in on their own calls (defeats the "I don't care what you do to the other guy" argument), concluding that the Feds would be bored out of their minds in hearing what restaurant they are going to that evening or what brand of cream corn their wife wants them to buy.

This ports issue, however, is getting out of hand. I am tempted to actually side with allowing Dubai to run the ports despite my misgivings about it, just because when people on the other side start lying through their teeth, I do not want to be in that crowd. Note that this is bigger than not having all the facts ... these politicians specifically have the facts and are out-and-out lying about them.

Case in point ... somebody apparently got their hands on some of the proceedings related to the decision to allow the sale. Somewhere buried in this was a note that the Coast Guard had expressed some misgivings about the deal ... and the fireworks are exploding! However, those concerns were all dealt with ... it was simply part of the process for security groups to challenge with anything they could and then make sure all the issues were handled ... indicating that the review as not a simple rubberstamp but a very intense process ... EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT IT TO BE!

So what happens is exactly what you want to happen ... the kind of thing that happens in businesses and organizations all over the world every single day ... bunch of people get in a room and hash out the problem, looking at it from all angles, identifying potential problems and then making sure that they are resolved to everybody's satisfaction.

Then some bumbling idiot comes across the proceedings, pulls out a tiny little snippet of a much broader conversation, and then starts to demagogue the issue literally on the ignorance of the audience.

This is critical ... IF THE NEWS MEDIA WERE HONEST AND OBJECTIVE, THESE TACTICS WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE. The sleazeball making the case on false information would be challenged and humiliated. In the modern era, however, politicians can figure out where the media is (i.e. opposed to Bush), and then run with whatever they want, expecting that their scam will *never* be exposed.

Fortunately, there is an alternative media ... other ways that the truth can get out. Takes a little while longer, since the discussions between the folks accessing these alternatives and those who do not are necessary to complete the cycle.

Democrats have not learned this lesson, thinking that their pals in the old-world big media control the information flow ... which is why (to a large extent) they have been getting their butts crushed in all modern elections.