Thursday, March 29, 2007

Liberal bleed on live TV

Watching Newt Gingrich disassemble Alan Colmes on Fox News last night ... oh it was precious. I am not real sure why Colmes took the tack that he did ... the ol' liberal two step ... but Gingrich litterally caught every slight of "question" and counterpunched with unbelievable precision. It was almost as if Gingrich knew Colmes' deception before Colmes did, was prepared for it, and simply annihilated Colmes with that wry Newt smile on his face.

It was child's play to Newt.

The basic argument was about the Middle East situation ... a combination of Iraq and the suicide pact (i.e. the "get out of war FREE" gift pack to al queda courtesy of liberal lunatics in Congress), along with the Iranian kidnappers (a.k.a. "Here we go again!").

So Colmes launches in with a softball so fat that Gingrich could not help but to launch it out of the park ... listing all the "bonuses" in the suicide pact ... equipment, training, help for hurt soldiers, and lions and tigers and bears, OH MY! There are a billion retorts to this, the easy one being "hell, alan ... congress can put money into all those programs without an asinine date for withdrawal"!!! Instead, however, Gingrich cut IMMEDIATELY to the chase ... "You don't think that sending a signal (to our enemies), with the Iranians showing every bit of contempt for the US and G.B., the democrats want to show a sign of weakness?"

Then Colmes takes a shot that could have knocked most folks off guard ... but Newt is not "most folks". He tries the ol' switcharoo ... bringing up a list of the x-generals that disagree with something or the other ... Newt totally fragged Colmes ... saying "wait-a-minute" ... you cannot find one single senior general that agrees that a 4 month political deadline for troop withdrawal (and of course he names all the key players).

It is not so much that Gingrich was able to articulate incredibly well ... heck, its Newt. What was utterly fascinating is how Newt just hit that B.S. switcharoo so hard and so far that Colmes had his ass handed to him. I was astounded when Colmes persisted and tossed up another one ... couldn't get Newt with a team, how 'bout himself: obviously not realizing how badly he was damaged ... by insisting Kissinger said there can only be a political solution ... again trying to associate two dis-associated facts to imply Kissinger supported pulling the troops.

Gingrich again bitch slapped Colmes ... so you are telling me Kissinger is asking for a 4 month deadline ... ? BLAMMO!

The only thing that saved Colmes from bleeding to death on this one was that it was Sean's turn to talk. Oh, baby ... that was so brutal it was hard to watch (just kidding, after all Colmes is liberal).

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Man-made Climate Change : The new McCarthyism

The "hits" on opponents by the Man-made Climate Change Nazis are getting lower, and more direct. If you *dare* oppose them ... you can lose your job (ala Olympia Snow, various Governors, et al), you are compared with Holocaust deniers, defined to be part of the "flat earth society", etc. The liberals have also pulled out and dusted off one of their favorite tricks, declaring themselves the victors while the fight is still on.

Higher thought ... how do you know that the lunatic leftists are losing the battle? Because they themselves still don't have the cajones to tell us what their (ala Kyoto) solution is. If they were being successful, particularly as successful as they claim to be ... then they would have no fear about telling America about the draconian and insane solution that they have in mind.

I could go on and on and cover the subjects that others already have ... how the world's most populous nations, India and China, are rapidly catching up in terms of personal use of resources, but conveniently excluded from any Kyoto conventions; how not even the Fat Drunk from Mass-a-nutcases could sign on to Algore's deranged plan; how any realistic look at what is going on totally debunks any notion that humans somehow are a major factor.

But I want to drive this in another direction ... one with great hope. I believe that what we are seeing here is a dramatic case of the ultimate demise of the looney left. No, not of the democrap party, it will simply evolve hopefully into a reasonably normal party again ... but of the lunatic leftist control of that party and much of our country (government). The reason for my hope is no less than McCarthism ... which is precisely what the liberals are playing on today.

I think the lunatic left thinks it has hit on the ultimate socialist/communist utopia in Global Warming ... it seemingly will *never* end; everything in weather real or imagined is blamed on global warming, even intense cold; you can never prove it; they can inordinately blame it on the US and tap into "white/Euro guilt"; and best of all to a liberal nutcase ... there is no amount of money that you can tax from the people that will ever cause it to change!

Think about that last statement ... for in it is the "new" social welfare, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, etc. plan all rolled into one ... there are no limits on how much tax money they will be able to spread to their pals to wield unlimited power over us. There is no limit to the amount of intrusion into your private affairs since *everything* anybody does is tied to their consumption of energy. There are built in limits to other social programs ... eventually we got pissed off at welfare slugs whose only goal in life was to collect a check for producing more welfare slugs. For this one, however, there are no limits.

The note about McCarthism, however, is a potential saving grace. The lunatics think that they have free reign to impose their radical ideals on people. After all ... this global warming stuff will cause us all to drown under 100's of feet of water while burning to death in the sun. And they are just gunning for their opponents the way McCarthy gunned for commies (funny the coincidences). So after awhile the American people will get sick of the rhetoric and demand fact, and the democraps will try to obscure the facts to no avail, because they cannot "hide" the weather.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Interview with Osama ... er ... Obama ... a picture of things to come

The islamic candidate ... in some interview with his wife ... gave us a good taste of what we should expect in the candidacy and post election (God forbid) of Osama. The question was rather stupid, but hey ... I mean he's running as a "black", right? So they *have* to compare him with the other media darling black guy (, right?) ... Colin Powell. So Colin's wife did not want him running around with a target on his back, what did Mrs. Islam think of this?

Oh, Osama's a black guy ... so he could just be randomly shot anytime, anyway.

I have not heard anybody comment on this. Nobody comments because the assertion that a black guy, even a fabulously wealthy and powerful black guy, is essentially just "open game" in this country ... is so ingrained that the wife of a US senator can throw that out there like she were talking about a color of a dress.

The whole situation is absurd. Higher thoughts here folks ... the question itself is stupid ... the only thing they (left wing liberal media) can focus on is Osama's color ... so-much-so that they HAVE to ask him something in line with Powell ... it is the only relevant thing. Then the response is so asinine ... like black congressmen are routinely picked off in the raging gun battles daily occuring on the streets of the exclusive neighborhood where Osama is building a new multi-million dollar home.

Either we are so far down the "white guilt" path that Shelby Steele describes, or else ... hell, I cannot even imagine the 'else' part of that statement.

So the higher thought here is to imagine (or perhaps better stated ...) or conjure up the nightmare of this bozo actually being president. EVERYTHING will be about black ... any criticism will be racism ... you will have a hard time describing dry grass because you would have to use the term 'brown'. I just cannot imagine what this is going to turn into.

What w0uld be more fascinating, however, would be the whiplash inducing shock of how the media turns from its kid-glove treatment of democrat competitors' screw-ups to sledgehammer attacks on republican efforts to engage al Queda's candidate in a debate. Hillary floats the idea of Osama's madras upbringing ... and we focus on THAT for a day ... a republican raises the issue and the night is over! Biden, who's candidacy was doomed even without his idiotic remarks ... ended his candidacy on day 1 by talking about Osama as being "surprisingly" clean, and well-spoken (guess he never heard islamic rap by Obama), is given a chance to explain himself and the story is over in 1 day. George Allen's entire senate campaign (loss thereof) was about him calling a spy for the opposition "macaka" ... whatever the heck that means ... could you imagine what will happen to the republican opposing the "clean" black guy?

I really don't think the American people will ever elect the communist from Ill-noise, even in a primary ... but I just cannot imagine how much you would have to gag if it even came close.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Losing everything

I am utterly fascinated at the complete collapse of George W Bush.

I am no longer able to understand anything about this war. Nothing. Well, OK ... by any historical measure ... we are kicking ass and taking names. I am talking about how deranged we are in this country.

I realize that we have the idiots in the democrap party and their media wing extension ranting every day about all the death and destruction going on. I just do not see how it is that the president and his "brilliant" advisors are so incompetent in dealing with the propaganda. Take the battle in ... oh, I am forgetting ... I think Najaf last week ... we took out hundreds of their thugs ... killed several hundred and busted a bunch more ... I believe the number was upwards of 500. We had two guys die in a crash. That would be a kill ratio of 100+ to one. Any jackass who argues that this is a "loss" is a total idiot ... now this is the higher point ... RIPE FOR HUMILIATION.

Watching Congress this week has also been just amazing. Watching these loser RINOs abandon ship like a bunch of worthless varmints ... who the hell is advising these guys? If we lose this war, they are going to get voted out of office TWICE as bad ... once by the kook libs who would never vote for them anyway, and a second time by the conservatives that despise their hanging our soldiers out to be annihilated. I just do not get it.

You look at the Katrina fiasco ... from beginning to end. Not detecting that the mayor and governor were total idiots ... for crying out loud, they are democrats ... incompetence should have been the working assumption. Again the message thing ... allowing the democrat media to paint a picture and point the blame at Bush without exposing the fact that they were lying through their teeth and DISTRACTING RESOURCES FROM WHERE THE WERE REALLY NEEDED.

You look at the border situation ... seriously ... talk about giving away the farm. Now there is this really weird nafta superhighway something or other ... apparently gives Mexicans a superhighway into our country. Woo Hoo! God knows we need that! Got all sorts of my fellow texans ... well ... OK, only the ones that know about it, which is AMAZINGLY low in number ... just freaking out.

However, the thing that pushed me over the top is the border guard situation. The two guys are in jail now, which amounts to a likely death sentence ... and their families are losing their homes, bankrupt by medical costs, etc. Think that one through ... can you imagine how bad their heads are spinning? I mean, even if you believe the situation that the jerk US Attorney painted ... do you think these guys could possibly have imagined this scenario in their heads the morning when they got up to go to work? Neither can I.

So where is my president ... law and order ... faithful to the servants of this nation who put their asses on the line every day under the most asinine set of constraints imaginable ... "make sure the ruthless bastard bad guys get off a good clean shot at you before you can defend yourself"? Where is that president? Um ... dunno ... check the back country at his sprawling ranch.

Bottom line ... at this point I have simply given up on Mr. Bush. I'm done. About the only thing that will buy some more time is a pardon of the agents. What will get me back is for him to just get angry, Clint Eastwood style :

Josey Wales: "Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is."

Republicans, preferably a leader ... have to get mad-dog mean. They have to point out how Democrat tactics are eerily similar to Al Queda ... how there is NO difference between how the democrats are , how an Al Queda party representative would be indistinguishable from a democrap , they have to illustrate Nancy and Hillary and Barbara and the rest of the idiots in their Burkhas, they have to illustrate the past indiscretions of fat, drunk, murdering Ted Kennedy, KKK Robert Byrd, etc.

Oh, that would be mean? Really? Well lets just look at how the Democrats acted over the last two years ... and then lets try to remember who got their asses kicked the last time around?

Next ... some Republican LEADER had better finally figure out that the news media in this country will DESTROY them, and formulate a plan for working around the problem.

yeah ... I cannot see it happening either. I think when asked about the problem ... could have been Cavuto or O'Reilly or somebody ... Bush was "shocked" that there was a suggestion that he actually take them on. Just like that idiot Clinton refused to take on the terrorists after they declared war on us, Bush and the RINOS refuse to take on the news media after they have gone on full attack ... only I didn't see any grandiose megaphone speeches on the rubble of the 9-11 style ask kicking that the elections of 2006 were.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Border agents going to jail for trying to bust a violent smuggler

border patrol agents going to jail

This is one of those stories where ... um ... I just cannot imagine the ... hmmm ... it is hard to pull together. So much so, in fact, that I just wonder if the portrayal I heard this morning is accurate. The guy is Mark Taylor ... filling in for Dennis Prager ... who along with US Rep Dana Rohrabacher (R - CA) talked about what happened to these guys ... a story so over the top that I would not be too surprised to find out much of what they said was not true.

Because if it is true ... I just don't know ... I do not get it ... I cannot imagine the circumstances under which all this could have happened.

Here is how they spelled it out ...
1) agents confront drug dealer ... after all this happened they find the truck the guy was in had 800 lbs of pot in it
2) at some point they shoot the guy in the butt after the guy beat up one of the agents and knelt as if position to shoot the agents ... guy manages to cross back into mexico and is gone. Note: agent only shot ONCE, but ultimately they did mess some of the reporting up after the fact.
3) turns out the smuggler is a friend of some other US border agent, this other border agent helps guide the drug smuggling criminal on how to manipulate the US system to nail his fellow agents
4) US attorney works with the drug smuggler to nail the US agents. This includes a free pass to go back and forth on the border, including getting busted for bringing in more drugs!!! Also includes all sorts of courtesies and medical care ... paid for by taxpayers, of course.
5) Several of the jury members who ultimately found the guards guilty complained they were pressured to come to their verdict.

BTW ... you could put a freaking gun to my head and I would sooner have my brains splattered then give these guys up ... so the jurors who were whining are a bunch of total asses. I promise you some of the other jurors (assuming these were the ones applying the pressure) would have gotten their heads smashed if my happy butt would have been in that room. Of course, I have a brain, which was obviously one of the disqualifying factors for jury members in this case ... so I could have never made this jury.

Higher thought ... if Bush does not give these guys pardons ... then exactly when the hell does he think the president SHOULD give a pardon? Even if these guys screwed up ... even if they never should have shot this bastard ... 10 years for shooting a drug smuggler in the middle of the commission of the crime, and the guy goes on to commit more crimes during the trial? I do not even think OTHER drug dealers get 10 years for shooting other drug dealers!!!

The longer Bush serves, the more he makes me absolutely ill.

Actions speak louder than words

Do you not want to absolutely PUKE every time a democrap lies about how they love, honor, cherish ... blah blah blah ... our soldiers? And do you not want to as readily regurge chow when they talk about how they want the US to win the war on terror?

Oh the dems really do support our troops and want us to win? OK ... let's see them prove it!

Because those dirtballs sure are good at tearing our soldiers down, with hope above hope that the blood of our soldiers stains Bush. And the sheer ugliness of the political battle is without precedent ... accusing the commander-in-chief during a hot fight of everything ranging from incompetence to war crimes.

So, let us watch as they enthusiastically cheer the attack on the Al Queda renegades in Somalia. Let us here them commend the Bush administration on a job well done, both in coordination and execution. Let us hear how they admit to being wrong about our inability to carry this war wherever and whenever we need to.

Uh - huh ... how many of you are holding your breath???

You know ... if you have any professional training in human interactions, heck they probably now teach it in high school or college ... you learn to complement FIRST, find the good things FIRST, before offering opportunities to improve (i.e. criticism). Buried in that method is the concept that by doing this you demonstrate a real desire to understand ... that you have taken the time to weigh and contemplate the matter. Democrats fail miserably in this realm, limiting their "complements" to generic and insignificant trivialities ... "we appreciate and honor their great sacrifices" (oh yeah? which one? duh, um ... ) ... and never ... and I mean never ... acknowledging ANY success without a much more negative caveat ... what Laura Ingraham calls the "butt monkey".

Oh ... sidenote about the new "stem cells" discovery ... amniotic fluid ...

I will bet anybody that the radical leftists will be besides themselves to demonstrate the "safe" stem cells extracted from the fluids are not as effective as those abstracted from mutalated babies. Bottom line is that the dead baby studies were all about producing a consumer market for dead baby parts ... and had nothing to do with research that will ever lead somewhere.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Way overdue : Comments on Supreme Court in the War on Terror

Way back when there was a ruling that the lefties applauded ... oooohhhh, big surprise there! It had to do with the Geneva conventions and terrorists and all that.

Remember? Sorry it took so long to reply ... like I said ... busy busy busy. However, I scribbled down some notes and was in the middle of my desk cleanup ... so here goes.

But I interrupt that thought for a "higher thought" ... as a conservative ... we have been brutalized (better stated ... allowed ourselves to be brutalized) by the liberal goofs and their media alliances. To wit ... most of our "leaders" ... ahem ... were the ones we could 'slip by' the democraps. Therefore ... we end up with these worthless chumps ... Frist, Hastert, McCain, et al ... while staunch conservatives ala Gingrich, Delay, etc. have been trashed. THAT is also why we have the ridiculous supreme court that we have today DESPITE THE FACT THAT REPUBLICANS HAVE SELECTED MOST OF THE MEMBERS.

As long as we continue to allow our enemies to pick our leaders, we will continue down this path. We (conservatives) need great leaders, but WE MUST BE DETERMINED TO STAND BEHIND THEM!

OK ... back to the original topic. This abomination of a ruling should never have happened ... the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction in the matter. There is a good reason for that ... the Court cannot rule in international / foreign affairs matters ... because in theory only one party in the matter is bound to abide by the court ... namely the US government. Terrorists and rouge dictators could give a hoot if THEY are on the losing side of a Supreme Court ruling (of course, the terrorists, like their allies the Democraps, are overjoyed when the Court rules in favor of terrorists).

However, there are two greater points here ... the Court rules that the US Government must grant priveledged status according to a treaty, despite the fact that the treaty specifically bans those combatants from having that status (terrorists are not protected specifically because they hide in and target civilians ... DUH ... they are terrorists!). Even more ridiculous is the fact that the US Government is being told to abide by a convention that is way too vague. If Congress were to ever pass a law this vague, it would be thrown out before the ink was dry.

The elephant in the living room, however, is that our enemies in this battle have no intent to ever abide by any conventions, regardless. This is exactly why we don't run international affairs in accordance with the "black and white" letter of the law in the Courts.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Nancy Pelosi : Millionaire in an apron?

I have acknowledged in the past that when somebody lies to me, I take it personally. I get angry ... *real* angry. It is an automatic response ... I do not have to think about it. In fact ... in some cases I end up having to apologize for this acute sensitivity, since sometimes the leftie I am arguing with is too steeped in their liberal swill to even know what they are saying is total bull. The reason for my anger is that I see somebody lying to me as calling me "stupid" ... like I am too stupid to know what is really going on. Admittedly it gets silly sometimes ... like when I see liberal goofs on various media broadcasts and take it personally / get angry.

But in the case of Nancy Pelosi ... you are dealing with a doofus who is so mindless in her arrogance, that you just have to shake your head.

In a part of her speech after being elected the very first female Speaker in the history of this country ... contemplate that for a moment, please ... this multimillionaire, child of priveledge, elitest swine actually made a comment about moving from the kitchen to Congress.

I was dumbfounded ... I mean ... this idiot had been planning for this moment for years, and that is the line she comes up with? It would be stupid if it were true! Yet it is a total smack in the face to us "little people" ... because we're so dumb that we would believe that Nancy Pelosi was the apron bound housewife prior to her stellar climb to the 3rd spot on the presidential roster.

Now, abstract yourself from this to the "higher thought" ... because it WAS a historical moment ... this lie will be embedded in that history forever! Nevermind that she totally blew a chance to do something substantial here ... to sieze an opportunity for greatness ... you would expect somebody this clueless to blow an opportunity like this. But to instead use the moment as an opportunity to try to create a delusion? I have to admit that as much as I despise these people, not even I thought she could be this stupid and arrogant.

It should just shake you to the core.

Now ... a bit of "self-flagellation" here ... an abstraction to the "higher thought" ... (would that be a "higher, higher"?) ... the thought is this : our side lost to these buffoons!

God! I wish we had Reagan back!

OK ... one more thing ... remember how the leftist media destroyed the first president Bush because THE PRESIDENT was not real familiar with grocery store scanners (like it is somehow something to be ashamed of that he was unfamiliar with modern retail store mechanics after the 12 years he was VP / President)?

Think that one through.